Metabolism proceedings with blood group 0
Very sour stomach - bad blood coagulation - sour muscle tissue - thyroid gland with hypofunction
The stomach of the hunter man with blood group 0 has especially much stomach acid and is well digesting meat. Alkaline fruits and vegetables are balancing the stomach acid. Sour food is very damaging for this sour stomach of blood group 0 provoking stomach ulcers, for example any vinegar.
Blood of blood group 0 is especially thin and is not coagulating well because some coagulation factors are missing. Therefore food promoting blood coagulation is very good for type 0.
Muscle tissue of blood group 0 is always a little bit sour which is promoting the proceeding of fats. Therefore humans of blood group 0 have a very good bodily performance.
Thyroid gland of persons of blood group 0 is a central problem because of it's hypofunction. There has to be taken food containing iodine for balancing this hypofunction: e.g. seafood.
Blood group 0 in general is not compatible with sour vinegar, not either with all vinegar products, and all cow's milk and wheat products are not well proceeded by the organism of type 0 provoking negative consequences like adiposity and diabetes. Add to this these kinds of negative food are inhibiting the proceeding of other food. Therefore almost all cow's milk products and completely all wheat products have to be eliminated from the foot plan of type 0. Take spelt bread!
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)
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-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 blood groups - 4 strategies (4 Blutgruppen. 4 Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil; Piper 2001)
-- Peter D'Adamo: Live right 4 your type (4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben, Piper 2002)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 blood groups. Lexicon (4 Blutgruppen. Das Lexikon für ein gesundes Leben; Piper 2005)
It was used the German version, so the source indications are indicating the German version.
General proceedings of metabolism
Ketosis: The body is processing proteins and fats into ketone bodies for keeping up the glucose level. But according to the blood group the preconditions for a perfect ketosis are different (4 Strategien, p.71).
When there is a good health, negative food is allowed in little quantities (4 Strategien, p.89).
Secretor status
Secretor status within a blood group is important to know. 80% of blood group members are secretors with antigens in the bodily liquids (saliva, mucus, sperm etc.), 20% are non-secretors with antigens only in the blood (richtig leben, p.213, 404).
Blood group of secretors can be determined in the blood AND in the bodily liquids (saliva, mucus, sperm), the blood group of non-secretors ONLY can be determined only in the blood (4 Strategien, p.404).
[Difference of secretors and non-secretors concerns about 40% of the important differentiations of food]. Food can be proceeded fully or not respectively can have a positive or a negative effect (richtig leben, p.213)].
[Laboratories in Europe don't offer this simple test for antibodies in the saliva until today, so one has to order this test in the "USA" (2006)].
General metabolism characteristics with blood group 0
Metabolism is lazy: Persons of blood group 0 "normally have a lazy metabolism" (4 Strategien, p.98-99).
Dr. D'Adamo:
"This is a remnant of efforts of their ancestors in times when the food was not so available, and this was a method for having reserves of energy." (4 Strategien, p.99)
(orig. German:
"Dies ist ein Überbleibsel der Bemühungen ihrer Vorfahren, in Zeiten, da die Nahrung nicht ohne weiteres verfügbar war, Energiereserven anzulegen." (4 Strategien, S.99)
Bad blood coagulation: Blood group 0 has thinner blood than all other blood groups because there are missing some blood coagulation factors (4 Strategien, p.82). But thinner blood is not protecting from blood clots (4 Strategien, p.273) because blood clots can also be provoked by vein inflammations. But all in all blood clots are not so often with blood group 0 as with other blood groups (richtig leben, p.267).
And there is a little difference also withing blood group 0, because non-secretors of blood group 0 have a higher level of coagulation factors than secretors. Therefore the secretors of blood group 0 have the weakest blood coagulation (richtig leben, p.28).
Dr. D'Adamo:
<Type 0 has the weakest concentration of coagulation factors and therefore has got the tendency for more bleedings. And the secretor's level of coagulation factors is very low. Therefore the secretors of blood group 0 have the higher risk for uncontrolled bleedings than non-secretors of this group.> (richtig leben, p.28)
(orig. German:
<Der 0-Typ weist die geringste Konzentration von Gerinnungsfaktoren auf und neigt deshalb eher zu Blutungen. Und Sekretoren haben gleichfalls sehr niedrige Spiegel an Gerinnungsfaktoren. Bei Sekretoren der Blutgruppe 0 besteht deshalb ein höheres Risiko für unkontrollierte Blutungen als bei Non-Sekretoren dieser Blutgruppe.> (richtig leben, S.28)
Stomach very sour: The stomach of persons of blood group 0 has a high level of stomach acid (4 Strategien, p.79):
Dr. D'Adamo:
<The digestion tract of type 0 has got a high level of acid and needs balancing alkaline food to reduce ulcers and irritations of the gastric mucosa.> (4 Strategien, p.79)
(orig. German:
"Der Verdauungstrakt des 0-Typs hat einen hohen Säuregrad und benötigt zur Verringerung von Geschwüren und Reizungen der Magenschleimhaut den Ausgleich durch Alkaline." (4 Strategien, p.79)
[Hunter persons needed a sour stomach for the digestion of meat, and hunters also were eating alkaline wild fruits and roots which were lowering the acid levels regularly].
When there is no supply of balancing food in form of alkaline fruits and vegetables, then the sour stomach of persons of blood group 0 is favoring stomach ulcers (4 Strategien, p.79).
Gastrointestinal tract of group 0 is made for meat digestion: Blood group 0 has not only a very sour stomach, but in the intestine the alkaline enzyme phosphatase is secreted that
<among others is favoring the splitting of animal proteins and fats (richtig leben, p.100-101). New investigations show clearly that in the intestine of type 0 - and in a little range also with type B - high concentrations of alkaline phosphatase can be proved in the intestine, and these concentrations of alkaline phosphatase are protecting the members of type 0 from the damaging consequences of the meat meals with much protein.> (richtig leben, p.101)
(orig. German.
das <u.a. die Aufspaltung von tierischen Proteinen und Fetten [...] begünstigt (richtig leben, S.100-111). Neueren Untersuchungen zufolge sind beim 0-Typ - und in geringerem Mass auch beim B-Typ - hohe Konzentrationen von alkalischer Phosphatase im Darm eindeutig nachweisbar, und diese schützen die Betroffenen vor den schädlichen Auswirkungen einer proteinreichen Kost.> (richtig leben, S.101)
-- is favoring proceeding of fats
-- is - according to informations - favoring the absorption of calcium.
Therefore it's possible that blood group 0 [and in a certain range also blood group B] - with the easy absorption of calcium - is suffering less bone ruptures than the blood groups A and AB (richtig leben, p.101).
Fats are well proceeded with phosphatase and therefore the cholesterol levels are low with blood group 0, and there is only a little danger for heart attacks (richtig leben, p.119).
Food which is rich of [animal] proteins is even having a good effect for blood group 0 and is enhancing the level of alkaline phosphatase in the intestine. Without food rich of proteins there will be hardly any alkaline phosphatase. With protein food blood group 0 - as also blood group B - can lower their cholesterol levels (richtig leben, p.120).
When "medical doctors" claim that a vegan lifestyle would be a prevention against osteoporosis [loss of bones], then this statement is proved to be wrong. The factors for osteoporosis have to be searched in the characteristics of blood groups (richtig leben, p.101). A vegetarian lifestyle is a big risk for blood group 0 [as also for blood group B] (richtig leben, p.101-102).
Gastro-intestinal system often is ill: Blood group 0 has more colon troubles than other blood groups (4 Strategien, p.78).
Muscle tissue sourly: When muscle tissue is a little sour, then the persons of blood group 0 will have their best performance because in this sour environment the fat is burnt in the most efficient way (4 Strategien, p.79).
Muscle tissue of humans of blood group 0 which is a little bit sour is the most ideal case. For persons of blood group 0 it's an ideal case "when the muscle tissue is in the state of a light metabolic acidity." (4 Strategien, p.73)
Thyroid gland with a hypofunction: Persons of blood group 0 often have a hypofunction of their thyroid gland, and this can provoke symptoms eventually: taking weight, water deposits in the body (edema), reduced muscles, exhaustion (4 Strategien, p.73).
Ketosis with blood group 0 (hunter)
will be supported by
-- protein food (4 Strategien, p.71)
will be damaged (blockage) by
-- gluten in wheat (4 Strategien, p.72).
Blood group 0: the remnant of manic depressive lifestyle: the "hunter"
Hunting needs aggressive tribes for fight and flight, and rests. The difference between calm rests and hunting times during the hunting was tremendous for sure (richtig leben, p.67).
[Today there is simply the meaning that such a behavior would be "manic-depressive" respectively "aggressive", because it would not match into the today's "civilization". Here is one of the main causes for a misjudgment of a big part of the population in the "civilized" countries].
Metabolism according to different food with blood group 0
Meat with blood group 0
People of blood group 0 has an efficient digestion of meat because their stomach has got a high content of stomach acid. For hunting people this was a question of life (4 Strategien, p.75).
Meat is very well proceeded in the gastro-intestinal tract of blood group 0, because stomach acid level is high, and by the alkaline enzyme phosphatase in the intestine which "is favoring the proceeding of animal proteins and fats." (richtig leben, p.100-101)
(orig. German:
das "die Aufspaltung von tierischen Proteinen und Fetten [...] begünstigt." (richtig leben, S.100-101)
After meals with much fat and proteins the phosphatase level is regularly rising in bodies of blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.101).
Therefore also red meat is no problem for blood group 0. "Normal medicine" claims that red meat would be responsible "for a high level of cholesterol, for heart diseases and for osteoporosis", but "normal medicine" [is only "normal"] and is forgetting to make a difference between the blood groups, and is not considering alkaline phosphatase (richtig leben, p.100).
Beef / bacon / ham with blood group 0
have to be omitted: "have the effect of bad blood reaction; contain a substance which can provoke more vulnerability for diseases." (Lexicon, p.706)
Fish and seafood with blood group 0
Fish with blood group 0
Fish with omega 3 fatty acids is lowering lipids and blood fat levels with people from blood group 0, and fish is a prevention against cardiovascular diseases (4 Strategien, p.75).
Seafood with blood group 0
Seafood is a good iodine source for humans of blood group 0 to regulate it's thyroid gland (4 Strategien, p.75).
Sour stomach of blood group 0: fruits and vegetables are balancing the acids in the stomach
An overacidification in the stomach of blood group 0 has to be omitted because an overacidification is attacking the gastric mucosa and is provoking stomach ulcers. Therefore alkaline fruits and vegetables are positive and useful for the stomach of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.75).
[Hunters and collectors in former times always have eaten fruits and berries balancing their alimentation].
Grain in general with blood group 0
Grain in general is not well proceeded in the body of blood group 0 and is deposited in form of fat and provokes an increase in weight (richtig leben, p.233).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<Grain and starch agents are a weak spot of blood group 0. All types of 0 are worse with corn, wheat, sorghum, barley and with all their side products (sweeteners etc.). These normal grains of today are provoking a considerable amount of fat deposits in the bodies of type 0." (richtig leben, p.233)
(orig. German:
"Getreide und Stärkemittel sind die Achillesferse der Blutgruppe 0. Alle 0-Typen gedeihen schlecht bei Mais, Weizen, Sorghumhirse, Gerste und vielen ihrer Nebenprodukte (Süssmittel usw.). Diese sehr gebräuchlichen Getreide steigern bei 0-Typen in erheblichem Masse das Körperfett." (richtig leben, S.233)
Damaging wheat, wheat semolina and corn with blood group 0
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<Gluten (vegetal protein) is the mostly existing lectin in wheat and in other kinds of grains, is connecting itself with the intestine mucosa of the intestine and is provoking in the bodies of some persons - above all with persons of blood group 0 - inflammations and painful irritations.> (4 Strategien, p.46)
(orig. German:
"Gluten (Klebereiweiss), das in Weizen und anderen Getreidearten am häufigsten vorkommende Lektin, verbindet sich mit der Schleimhaut des Dünndarms und ruft bei manchen Menschen - insbesondere bei Menschen der Blutgruppe 0 - Entzündungen und schmerzhafte Reizungen hervor." (4 Strategien, S.46)
Gluten lectins are almost all in the seed coat (4 Strategien, p.80-81). Gluten of wheat is working in bodies of blood group 0 in the manner of just the contrary to ketosis: gluten lectins are inhibiting the insulin metabolism and are disturbing the efficient proceeding of calories (4 Strategien, p.72):
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"When you eat gluten [when you are of blood group 0], then this is as if you would give the wrong gasoline to your car." (4 Strategien, p.72-73)
(orig. German:
"Gluten [als Mensch der Blutgruppe 0] zu essen ist so, als wenn man das falsche Benzin tankt." (4 Strategien, S.72-73)
Persons of blood group 0 develop a defense reaction against wheat lectins, in the blood and in the digestion tract, and with this also the metabolism of other food is disturbed. Wheat nutrition is slowly proceeded then, but not completely, but is deposited in form of fat (4 Strategien, p.80).
Wheat in bodies of blood group 0 is provoking a big gain in weight. The same effect, but less, has corn. Diets for persons of blood group 0 against overweight are for nothing when the patients are going on eating wheat and corn (4 Strategien, p.73).
The substance "agglutinin" in whole grain wheat can worsen inflammations in bodies of blood group 0, above all with non-secretors, and above all with male non-secretors.
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"The agglutinin in whole grain wheat can also worsen inflammations. This counts especially for non-secretors and even more for male non-secretors." (richtig leben, p.233)
(orig. German:
<Das Agglutinin in Vollkornweizen kann auch Entzündungen verschlimmern. Das gilt in besonderem Masse für Nicht-Sekretoren und noch mehr für männliche Nicht-Sekretoren.> (richtig leben, S.233)
Other grain than wheat with blood group 0
Eating wheat-free breads is neutral (4 Strategien, p.80), mixed breads with a share of wheat have to be OMITTED (4 Strategien, p.80,81).
[Blood group 0 is the eldest blood group, and with type 0 go the eldest grains like spelt bread (secretors) or amaranth bread (secretors and non-secretors). Eating these old grains provokes also that other proceedings of other food is not hindered].
Essen Bread is of germed wheat grain where the gluten lectins (almost all in the skin of the grain) have been eliminated by the germinating process. That's why an Essen Bread is neutral for blood group 0 instead it is of wheat (4 Strategien, p.80-81).
Corn lectins are disturbing insulin production and are provoking diabetes and adiposity. When there are cases of diabetes in a family corn has to be eliminated from the food plan immediately and with this more cases of diabetes are omitted (4 Strategien, p.82). [Therefore in such cases evade corn bread and all other corn products like pop corn etc.].
Cow's milk products with blood group 0
Defense system of blood group 0 is producing antibodies against cow's milk products fighting "the invasion of this kind of food into the organism" (4 Strategien, p.77).
(orig. German:
um "das Eindringen dieses Lebensmittels in den Organismus" zu bekämpfen (4 Strategien, S.77).
Now it is like this: Africans often have an absolute incompatibility of lactose (milk sugar). Whites of blood group 0 are suffering with milk consumption, but it is not incompatible. People not taking milk products can take calcium compounds balancing the missing calcium of the cow's milk products (4 Strategien, p.77). And there are some kind of foods also containing much calcium for blood group 0: broccoli and sardines (4 Strategien, p.100).
Oils with blood group 0
Unsaturated oils with a rich share of fatty acids are the best for blood group 0. Secretors are not proceeding oils as well as non-secretors (richtig leben, p.246).
Linseed oil and olive oil are supporting the heart and the arteries, and eventually are lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood (4 Strategien, p.78).
Olive oil - according to www.paracelsus.de - is a magic agent also against stomach ulcers which are a main disease of blood group 0, and olive oil together with lemon juice is a perfect remedy against constipation which is emerging when the alimentation is against the blood group:
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<Olive oil of high quality can be emulsified especially well because of it's composition and therefore can be proceeded easily in the human stomach. It's proceeded in the human body almost completely. Olive oil is also an excellent agent for stimulating bile fluid flowing. To all persons with stomach problems olive oil is especially suggested. Studies with patients with stomach and intestine ulcers show us that by olive oil consumption the ulcers were reduced by up to 30%, and with even 55% a scarring could be seen. Patients having an constipation will see that olive oil is a moderate laxative and is a magic agent for it. Creating this remedy against constipation one is mixing one table spoon of olive oil with some lemon juice and takes it before sleeping or in the morning on an empty stomach.>
(orig. German:
<Hochwertiges Olivenöl ist aufgrund seiner Zusammensetzung besonders leicht emulgierbar und dadurch auch von der menschlichen Verdauung leicht aufzuspalten. Es wird vom Körper fast vollständig ausgenutzt. Olivenöl ist ebenso ein hervorragendes Mittel zur Anregung des Gallenflusses. Allen Personen mit Magenproblemen ist es besonders zu empfehlen. Wie Studien mit Patienten mit Magen- und Darmgeschwüren zeigten, gingen durch den Konsum von Olivenöl die Geschwüre um bis zu 30 Prozent zurück, und bei gar 55 Prozent erfolgte eine Vernarbung. Bei Patienten, die unter Obstipation [Verstopfung] leiden, kann ein Versuch mit Olivenöl als mildes Abführmittel oft wahre Wunder wirken. Dazu wird 1 Esslöffel Olivenöl pur oder mit etwas Zitronensaft gemischt abends vor dem Zubettgehen oder morgens auf nüchternen Magen eingenommen.>
(from: Olive oil as a natural medicine (orig. German: Olivenöl als Naturheilmittel): http://www.paracelsus.de/frames.html?/specials/tips/tip_27.html)
Nuts with blood group 0
-- beneficial for blood group 0 are only pumpkin seeds and walnuts for the intake of vegetal proteins
-- nuts contain much fat, and persons of blood group 0 should only eat nuts when there are no weight problems
-- nuts should be chewed well
-- nut puree is better digestible, for example when there are colon troubles (4 Strategien, p.78).
When persons are with an adiposity then nuts are not suitable (4 Strategien, p.78).
Vegetables with blood group 0
Vegetables in the gastro-intestinal tract are reducing polyamines in general. But there are vegetables with reactive and damaging lectins (richtig leben, p.236).
Vegetables with much vitamin K are supporting blood coagulation, so eat these vegetables, because persons of blood group 0 are depending on vitamin K. Green vegetable and leafy vegetable: green cabbage (kale), collard greens, romaine (cos lettuce), broccoli, spinach (4 Strategien, p.82).
Kinds of cabbage are inhibiting thyroid gland function which is already weak, so eliminate them: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, rocket salad [rucola] (4 Strategien, p.82).
Alfalfa with blood group 0
Alfalfa is irritating the gastro-intestinal tract with blood group 0 and can even enforce the problem of overacidification yet (4 Strategien, p.82).
Mushrooms: shiitake mushroom with blood group 0
These shiitake contain moldy agents which can provoke allergic reactions with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82).
Olives: fermented olives with blood group 0
Fermented olives contain moldy agents which can provoke allergic reactions with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82).
Nightshade vegetables with blood group 0 (aubergine, potato, tomato etc.)
Nightshade vegetables with blood group 0 provoke arthritic diseases because their lectins are forming deposits in the tissue and in the joints (4 Strategien, p.82). Tomatoes do not make problems with blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82):
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<Evade [persons of type A and B] tomatoes because their lectins are having a damaging effect to the gastro-intestinal tract of type A [and B]. They [the tomatoes] are panhemagglutinating food. This means that their lectins are agglutinating the blood of any blood type. But type 0 is producing no antibodies against tomatoes and therefore tomatoes may be eaten by persons of blood group 0, as also by persons of type AB. But they [tomatoes] are very damaging for persons of type A and B.> (4 Strategien, p.118).
(orig. German:
"Meiden Sie [Menschen der Blutgruppe A und B] Tomaten, da deren Lektine auf den Verdauungstrakt des A-Typs [und B-Typs] überaus gesundheitsschädlich wirken. Sie [die Tomaten] gehören zu den so genannten panhämagglutinierenden Lebensmitteln, das heisst, ihre Lektine verklumpen das Blut jedes Bluttyps. 0-Typen produzieren jedoch keine Antikörper gegen Tomaten und dürfen sie somit essen, wie auch AB-Typen. Sehr schädlich sind sie [die Tomaten] aber für A- und B-Typen." (4 Strategien, S.118)
Beans and pulses with blood group 0
Beans and pulses as above all lentils and kidney beans provoke fatigue with persons of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.73).
The explanation of Dr. D'Adamo:
<Certain beans and pulses - above all lentils and kidney beans - contain lectins which are forming deposits in the muscle tissue provoking that the muscle tissue [which normally is a little bit sour with blood group 0] is more alkaline and has got 'less energy'. Sports will be not so easy then.> (4 Strategien, p.73)
(orig. German:
"Bestimmte Bohnen und Hülsenfrüchte, insbesondere Linsen und Kidneybohnen, enthalten Lektine, die sich im Muskelgewebe einlagern, wodurch es eher basisch und weniger 'energiegeladen' reagiert. Sportliche Betätigungen fallen auf diese Weise schwerer." (4 Strategien, S.73)
Bodily performance is going back then (4 Strategien, p.79) and the metabolism is reduced so the calories are proceeded less fast.
Dr. D'Adamo is indicating this general rule for blood group o that their muscle tissue must be always a little bit sour:
<Type 0 are slimmer when the muscle tissue is a little bit acid metabolically (metabolic overacidification). In this state one is proceeding calories in a faster way.> (4 Strategien, p.73)
(orig. German:
"0-Typen sind schlanker, wenn sich das Muskelgewebe im Zustand einer leichten metabolischen Azidität (Stoffwechselübersäuerung) befindet. In diesem Zustand braucht man Kalorien rascher auf." (4 Strategien, S.73)
Certain beans have a contrary effect [are lowering the gastro acid level with blood group 0]. Therefore these beans can be taken against stomach ulcers when there are no weight problems at the same time (4 Strategien, p.79):
<There are only some few beneficial beans for blood group 0 [...] being [here] the exception [...] these are adzuki bean, field pea, and pinto bean [...] they even support the enforcement of the gastro-intestinal tract and are supporting the healing of ulcers - and type 0 has [when there is no blood group nutrition] much of them because of his high stomach acid level.> (4 Strategien, p.79)
(orig. German:
"Die wenigen sehr bekömmlichen Bohnen [...] bilden [hier] die Ausnahme [...] Adzukibohnen, Augenbohnen und Pintobohnen [...] fördern sogar die Stärkung des Verdauungstrakts und fördern die Heilung von Geschwürbildungen - unter denen der 0-Typ wegen seines hohen Magensäurespiegels leidet." (4 Strategien, S.79)
Wheat, corn, boiled potato and damaging beans should be omitted by persons of blood group 0 because the lectins of these kinds of food are copying the behavior of insulin with blood group 0, and therefore these kinds of food are provoking that the body thinks that there would be enough insulin already [pancreas!]. So, there will be a resistance against insulin, and therefore supplement insulin has to be injected (richtig leben, p.263-264).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<Wheat, corn, potatoes and some sorts of beans contain lectins (richtig leben p.264) which have an effect like insulin to the fat cell receptors (richtig leben, p.264-265). When they [the lectins] are binding to the receptors, then they send a signal to their fat cells to stop burning of fat, and to deposit the superfluous calories in form of fat. When you are eating food in big quantities which is damaging your blood group by copying the behavior of insulin, so this will have the effect that the share of fat in your body will rise, and the share of active tissue [muscles] will be reduced.> (4 Strategien, p.264)
(orig. German:
"Weizen, Mais, Kartoffeln und manche Sorten von Bohnen enthalten Lektine, die auf die Fettzellenrezeptoren (richtig leben, S.264) des 0-Typs insulinähnliche Wirkungen haben. Wenn sie [die Lektine] sich an die Rezeptoren binden, senden sie Ihren Fettzellen ein Signal, die Verbrennung von Fett einzustellen und statt essen überschüssige Kalorien als Fett zu speichern. Wenn Sie in grossen Mengen Insulin nachahmende Lektine zu sich nehmen, die nicht zu Ihrer Blutgruppe passen, dann hat das die Wirkung, den Fettanteil im Körper zu steigern und das aktive Gewebe zu vermindern." (4 Strategien, S.264)
Fruits with blood group 0
Positive fruits for blood group 0
Plums and figs: "Blue fruits" like plums, dried plums and figs have a positive effect on the organism of blood group 0 "because red, blue and violet fruits are more reacting in an alkaline way normally" [balancing the sour stomach of blood group 0].
(orig. German:
"weil rote, blaue und violette Früchte in der Regel im Verdauungstrakt eher basisch reagieren".
Add to this these "blue fruits" are without moldy agents (4 Strategien, p.84).
Cherries (black cherries) are very alkaline and are balancing the sour stomach of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).
Grapefruit is allowed for blood group 0 in little quantities because after the digestion process grapefruit has alkaline characteristics (4 Strategien, p.84).
Berries are no problem with the exception of blackberries (4 Strategien, p.84).
Damaging fruits for blood group 0
Melons: Melons are alkaline, but they contain moldy agents (4 Strategien, p.84) which can provoke allergic reactions with persons of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.82). Persons of blood group 0 should eat melons only sometimes, and above all melons with moldy agents should be evaded: cantaloupe [Cucumis melo cantalupensis] and honeydew melon [Cucumis melo] (4 Strategien, p.84).
Oranges, mandarins, strawberries: fruits with a high acid level have to be omitted completely by persons of blood group 0: oranges, mandarins, strawberries (4 Strategien, p.84). Add to this these three fruits are building acids (richtig leben, p.217). [Well, this will be really too much acid in the sour stomach of type 0, and acid reflux or ulcers will come etc.].
Blackberries: Blackberries contain a lectin making digestion of blood group 0 more difficult (4 Strategien, p.84).
Coco nut products: Coco nut products provoke with blood group 0 sensitive reactions and have to be evaded (4 Strategien, p.84).
Juices of blood group 0
For an overacidified stomach of blood group 0 alkaline juices are very suitable. Pineapple juice is very positive for blood group 0 evading edemas and winds and gases, and provokes loosing weight. Add to this black cherry juice is strongly alkaline and therefore is very suitable for the stomach of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.85).
Strongly sugar containing juices like apple juice and cider have to be omitted by type 0. Juices with some cane sugar are suitable. Sour juices like orange juice have to be omitted [too sour for the sour stomach of type 0] (4 Strategien, p.85).
Herbs and spices with blood group 0
In general blood group 0 should not use many spices (4 Strategien, p.87).
Certain herbs can enforce the digestion and immune system according to the blood group. In the case of blood group 0 these are for example
-- spices on the base of kombu algas rich of iodine for the regulation of the thyroid gland (4 Strategien, p.86)
-- iodine salt, but only in little quantities (4 Strategien, p.86)
-- kombu algas themselves:
oo have an alkaline effect against gastro-intestinal ulcers-- parsley and warming spices like curry and cayenne pepper have an effect on the gastro-intestinal tract of persons of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.86).
oo fucose in kombu algas is protecting mucosa of gastro-intestinal tract, so any bacteria can hardly install themselves there for causing stomach ulcers
oo kombu algas with their iodine are also regulating the metabolism of persons of blood group 0 (weak thyroid gland) and can be a good agent against overweight (4 Strategien, p.86).
Honey and sugar are not damaging to persons of blood group 0, but little quantities are more positive (4 Strategien, p.86) [because too much sugar is always provoking a weak immune system and diseases will come - with EVERY blood group].
Good and healthy for blood group 0 is also garlic (4 Strategien, p.87), neutral is mustard and Worcester sauce (4 Strategien, p.87).
Spices and flavorings with blood group 0
Spices often have a disinfecting effect in the gastro-intestinal tract (richtig leben, p.248).
Damaging spices and flavorings with blood group 0
-- black and white pepper is irritating the gastro-intestinal tract (4 Strategien, p.86)
-- vinegar is irritating the gastro-intestinal tract (4 Strategien, p.86)
-- sweeteners are irritating the gastro-intestinal tract (4 Strategien, p.86)
-- corn syrup is not beneficial for blood group 0 as corn not either is (4 Strategien, p.86)
-- sorts of rubber are eventually enforcing the effect of lectins (richtig leben, p.248)
-- blue-green algae have an agglutinating lectin (richtig leben, p.248).
Irritating herbs which additionally are also thinning the blood are very dangerous for blood group 0 because it's blood is already the most fluent of all blood groups. These dangerous herbs for type 0 are:
-- alfalfa
-- aloe
-- cocklebur
-- Maize silk (Maydis stigma) (4Strategien, p.88).
Teas with blood group 0
Blood group 0 with it's overactive digestion system and it's hyper active immune system needs calming teas (4 Strategien, p.87), calming herbal teas (4 Strategien, p.396). Such calming teas are for blood group 0
-- peppermint tea
-- rosehip tea
-- sarsaparilla (spice from the root of sarsaparilla) (4 Strategien, p.87).
Drinks with blood group 0
Persons of blood group 0 are very active persons and therefore drinks are mostly having a negative effect for them. Only water and teas are rated beneficial. Beer should be taken only in limited quantities because hop is supporting gaining weight. Wine should also be taken only in little quantities, and never daily (4 Strategien, p.88).
Coffee has to be eliminated from the beverage plan because:
Coffee provokes a higher stomach acid level and therefore is damaging the stomach of blood group 0 which already is very sour (4 Strategien, p,88,89). Caffeine is activating the sympathetic nervous system and is provoking a higher secretion of adrenaline which is pretending a low level of glucose [with the hyperactive blood group 0] provoking the symptoms of sweating (richtig leben, p.25), shivering, heart palpitations, feeling of hunger, unrest and fear (richtig leben, p.266).
At the same time have to be omitted: black tea, alcoholic beverages, Cola and all other sweet lemonades (4 Strategies, p.89).
Green tea is well permitted as a substitute for coffee (4 Strategien, p.88,89). For the whole blood group 0 green tea is beneficial because it contains polyphenols which are blocking the production of damaging polyamines (richtig leben, p.252).
Nutrient supplements with blood group 0
Nutrient supplements are added to the dishes of blood group 0
-- optimizing metabolism
-- enhancing blood coagulation
-- preventing inflammations
-- as a supplement for the function of the thyroid gland (4 Strategien, p.98).
Blood group 0 does not need additional compounds of vitamins and minerals because these are enough in the basic food already [meats, fruits, and vegetables], for example vitamin C and iron (4 Strategien, p.98).
Negative nutrient supplements have to be omitted in any case (4 Strategien, p.98).
Vitamin B compound with blood group 0 accelerating the lazy metabolism of blood group 0
Best vitamin B food for blood group 0
Meat, liver, kidney, fish, nuts, positive leafy vegetables (green cabbage / kale, spinach, chard / silver beet) and fruits (4 Strategien, p.99).
Humans of blood group 0 "generally have a lazy metabolism" (4 Strategien, p.98-99). With additional vitamin B one can accelerate this lazy metabolism of blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.98-99), because: concentrated vitamin B is condensing the lazy metabolism blood group 0 has from it's birth on (4 Strategien, p.99).
Vitamin B12 and folic acid [one more vitamin B] are hardly missed in a good nutrition according to blood group 0. These two factors are very important for the development of DNS. When there are emerging depression, hyper activity or failing concentration ability with blood group 0, an additional vitamin B12 and folic acid can be a good treatment (4 Strategien, p.99).
Risk with vitamin B compounds
Vitamin B compounds can be dangerous for blood group 0 because of their fillers, binders, eventually there are also damaging hops or wheat germs in them (4 Strategien, p.99).
Vitamin K supporting blood coagulation of thin blood of blood group 0
Vitamin K compounds cannot be suggested [because they have a unilateral effect]. But people of type 0 should take food containing vitamin K [as a tonic for their blood]. This vitamin K food for type 0's blood are:
-- liver
-- egg yolk
-- positive leafy vegetables (green cabbage (kale), spinach, silverbeet) (4 Strategien, p.99).
Calcium food instead of cow's milk products: sardines, broccoli
Calcium is not only in cow's milk products which are not allowed for blood group 0, but calcium is above all also in sardines and in broccoli which are both beneficial for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.100).
Iodine food for hypofunction of thyroid gland
Iodine food are above all fish (above all sea fish), kombu algas, and in little quantities also iodine salt (4 Strategien, p.100).
Licorice compounds
Licorice compounds can be bought in form of powder or sweets (licorice root, Glycyrrhiza glabra DGL). Licorice is healing the mucosa of the intestine and is protecting the stomach from stomach acid (4 Strategien, p.101).
Compounds of bladder wrack
Bladder wrack contains iodine and much fucose sugar, the basic sugar of the 0 antigen. Add to this fucose is protecting the mucosa in the gastro-intestinal tract, above all against the ulcer bacteria H. pylori: fucose of bladder wrack is coagulating the contact places of H. pylori,and therefore this bacteria cannot install itself at the intestine wall (4 Strategien, p.101).
With blood group 0 bladder wrack has a weight reducing effect (4 Strategien, p.101).
When the thyroid gland is not stable, bladder wrack is a recommendable remedy (4 Strategien, p.102).
Add to this fucose of bladder wrack is probably also accelerating the lazy metabolism of blood group 0. With other blood groups bladder wrack has not this effect (4 Strategien, p.102).
Vitamin A compounds are negative for blood group 0 because they are thinning the blood
Vitamin A compounds are thinning the blood of blood group 0 - which is thin already, and therefore vitamin a compounds are negative for blood group 0. Therefore vitamin A can be taken only by the food in this case (4 Strategien, p.102).
Vitamin E is also negative for blood group 0 because of making blood coagulation complicate
Vitamin E is making blood coagulation more complicate with blood group 0. Therefore also vitamin E can only be taken by the food in this case (4 Strategien, p.102).
Best vitamin E food for blood group 0 are
-- vegetal plants,
-- liver,
-- nuts, and
-- the suggested leafy vegetables (4 Strategien, p.103).
Pro biotic bacteria
Pro biotic bacteria with blood group 0 are enhancing the resistance against stomach ulcers. These bacteria are bifido or lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus bifidus, Bacillus breve, Bacillus infantis) (richtig leben, p.257).
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Photo sources
-- stomach with stomach acid: http://www.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/22/0,1872,2047638,00.html
-- bleeding wound: http://www.labbe.de/zzzebra/index.asp?themaid=670&titelid=4886
-- muscle tissue of a shoulder: http://www.krankenhaus-bobingen.de/chirurgie/schwerpunkte/unfall/schulter/anatomie.htm
-- thyroid gland: http://www.forum-schilddruese.de/
-- vinegar, damaging for blood group 0: http://stores.najos.com/Categories.bok?category=Grocery
-- wheat products, damaging for blood group 0: http://www.muehlenchemie.de/deutsch/know-how/index.html
-- cow's milk products, damaging for blood group 0: http://www.lgl.bayern.de/lebensmittel/warencodes/milch.htm