-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen.
Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit
Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das
individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Personality of blood group 0: "type of personality
Blood group 0 is the first blood group of mankind, coming from
Africa (4 Strategien, p.25). Also the complete Arab population
down to Iraq is populated with blood group 0 (4 Strategien,
p.31). Blood group 0 is the hunter, rather a loner (4
Strategien, p.27). Blood group 0 does not know the diseases of
the latter civilizations yet and therefore blood group 0 is
very vulnerable for epidemics like plague, cholera or smallpox
(4 Strategien, p.28), because the viral strains are always
more complex and for the old immune system of blood group 0
they are dangerous (4 Strategien, p.278). According to other
indications blood group 0 is said not to be vulnerable to the
plague, see the "discussion" part at the end of the web
With blood group 0 these characters are dominant which
correspond to the hunter, so this is "type of personality A":
-- eager for good work (having success in hunting]
-- competition [against the animals]
-- exaggerated feeling of pressure of time [for hunting
animals and giving food for families]
-- flight from perishability [the actual day is important and
not the past]
-- humans of blood group 0 are always in a hurry
-- humans of blood group 0 often do two things at the same
-- humans of blood group 0 often mean that they have to work
also for others
-- humans of blood group 0 are fast thinkers and fast
speakers, and often they even don't speak too much
-- humans of blood group 0 are that concentrated that they
don't be aware of the environment any more
-- humans of blood group 0 are hardly interested in
"aesthetic" matters like arts, music or sunsets, this is rated
as not important for life (richtig leben, p.206).
At the other side this hunter type is resistant and is
assertive (4 Strategien, p.34).
Blood group 0: a remnant of
the manic-depressive kind of living: the "hunter"
Hunting needs aggressive tribal forces, and fight instinct and
flight instinct, and also rests are needed. The difference
between calm and hunting period was huge for sure, and the
manic-depressive kind of living - as it's called today by
"normal medicine" - was just the right thing for hunting for
surviving (richtig leben, p.67).
[Today this behavior is simply called "manic-depressive"
respectively also simply is called "aggressive"· because it's
not fitting with "civilization" any more. Here is one of the
main causes for wrong estimation of a big part of mankind in
the "civilized" countries].
Chemical procedures of manic-depressive kind of life of blood
group 0 are presented here:
illnesses according to blood groups.
Blood group 0: Imbalanced
nature has to be balanced intellectually
Psyche of blood group 0 is impulsive and claims for strong
excitements (richtig leben, p.210). Psyche of blood group 0 is
vulnerable for depressions and manic depression. First aim has
to be to reach a balance of the level of stress hormone:
-- by blood group nutrition
-- by sports
-- by the kind of living (richtig leben, p.209).
Persons of blood group 0 have to learn to manage their mental
imbalance so they will be capable to use their natural
leadership abilities. When this is not made, their life will
end in fury, frustration and aggression. Therefore humans of
blood group 0 need an anti stress management from childhood
on, a well defined plan for the day with breaks finding
distance to work. Eventually also diary and analysis are good
as an investigation for finding the cause for procedures which
are not wanted in life (richtig leben, p.207). Persons of
blood group 0 can develop great leadership abilities when they
are doing this analysis. Friends are useful and are not a
stress for blood group 0 but are the contrary: Persons of
blood group 0 are reducing stress talking with others (richtig
leben, p.208).
Dietary change in general: diet level 1 and 2
General dietary change as a prevention against chronic
diseases in the age is the "basic diet level 1" which
comprises the most important beneficial kinds of food, and
many neutral kinds of food.
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
<According to my experience some humans are going well with
the basic diet level 1 - that means, they are more ore less
eating the most important beneficial kinds of food and are
evading damaging kinds of food, and are eating much neutral
food as a general food complement.> (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
<Nach meiner Erfahrung kommen manche Menschen sehr gut
mit der grundlegenden Diätstufe eins zurecht - das heisst,
sie halten sich einigermassen an die wichtigsten
bekömmlichen und zu vermeidenden Nahrungsmittel und essen
viele neutrale Nahrungsmittel als allgemeine
Ernährungsergänzung.> (richtig leben, S.213)
When there are chronic diseases already, then a radical change
of diet has to be performed, "diet level 2":
Dr. D'Adamo tells us:
<Others need a harsh plan especially when they are
suffering with chronic diseases. Diet level two facilitates a
harsh election which is healing illnesses and is
reestablishing health. (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
"Andere brauchen einen strengeren Plan, besonders, wenn sie
an chronischen Krankheiten leiden. Die Diätstufe zwei
ermöglicht eine strengere Auswahl, die zur Überwindung von
Krankheiten und der Wiederherstellung des Wohlbefindens
beiträgt." (richtig leben, S.213)
Management of illnesses with children of blood group
Pregnant women of blood group
0 do not need any influenza vaccination
Pregnant women of blood group 0 do not need any influenza
vaccination. When the father is A or AB, then the fetus is
actually in danger when an influenza vaccination is given to
the mother, because the many anti A antibodies can attack the
fetus then.
D'Adamo indicates:
<Pregnant women with blood group 0 should not have any
influenza vaccination, above all when the father of the child
is of blood group A or AB. Influenza vaccination is leading to
a huge reproduction of Anti A antibodies, and this can attack
the fetus.> (richtig leben, p.204)
(orig. German:
"Schwangere mit der Blutgruppe 0 sollten keine Grippeimpfung
vornehmen lassen, vor allem, wenn der Vater des Kindes
Blutgruppe A oder AB hat. Die Grippeimpfung führt zu einer
starken Vermehrung der Anti-A-Antikörper, was den Fötus
angreifen kann." (richtig leben, S.204)
[Vaccination against influenza in general have no sense and
can be evaded completely by supporting the immune systems by
blood group nutrition and with an adapted moral conduct. Many
persons are dying BECAUSE of the influenza vaccination because
the vaccine is charging the immune system and is weakened by
this, above all with the elders].
Alimentation and education of
children of blood group 0 between 0 and 6 years
-- children of blood group 0 are little leaders in the
children's group. Corresponding to this the responsibilities
have to be trained so they will not fail their good path
-- one hour of sports per day has to be [type 0 is the most
sportive blood group]
-- cow's milk should be replaced by soya milk [because cow's
milk is blocking metabolism procedures of other food and is
provoking fatness with blood group 0]
-- wheat should be replaced by spelt [or by amaranth or soya
or another neutral grain etc., because wheat is wrong
proceeded in the body of blood group 0 and provokes fatness
with 0 humans up to diabetes]
-- when a child of blood group 0 gets a compliment, then the
child is absolutely happy and gives back this compliment
umpteen times (richtig leben, p.202)
-- outbreaks of anger should be learnt to manage with children
of blood group 0 analyzing the situations and seeing the
relativity of the matter and taking distance from it (richtig
leben, p.304).
Only few vaccinations with
children of blood group 0
Because the immune system of blood group 0 is hyper active,
vaccinations often are not necessary.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Be especially cautious when your child is of blood group 0
and a vaccination is recommended. Because of the hyperactive
immune system of the 0 type you should really think about if
there is a vaccination necessary and you should get
information how it is performed and which side effects are
possible.> (richtig leben, p.203)
(orig. German:
"Seien Sie besonders vorsichtig, wenn Ihr Kind die
Blutgruppe 0 hat und ihm eine Impfung empfohlen wird.
Aufgrund des hyperaktiven Immunsystems des 0-Typs sollten
Sie sorgfältig abwägen, ob eine Impfung notwendig ist, und
sich erkundigen, wie sie durchgeführt wird und welche
potentiellen Nebenwirkungen sie hat." (richtig leben, S.203)
With a polio vaccination children of blood group 0 should get
the weaker form, so this would be the oral vaccination.
<With polio vaccination you should elect an oral
vaccination for your child and not the injection which has a
stronger effect.> (richtig leben, p.304)
(orig. German:
"Bei einer Polio-Schutzimpfung sollten Sie für Ihr Kind die
Schluckimpfung wählen, nicht die stärker wirkende injizierte
Form." (richtig leben, S.203)
And after any vaccination can be side effects, and humans of
blood group 0 are vulnerable for them:
"After a vaccination you should be attentive for eventual side
effects like inflammations, joint pains and fever." (richtig
leben, p.203)
(orig. German:
"Nach einer Impfung sollten Sie aufmerksam auf eventuelle
Komplikationen achten, wie etwa eine Entzündung,
Gelenkschmerzen und Fieber." (richtig leben, S.203)
Blood group 0: evade
Paracetamol - natural medicine has a good effect!
Instead of Paracetamol (richtig leben, p.203) featherfew
(Tanacetum parthenium) is suggested which is won from
chrysanthemum. One can take 4 to 8 drops all 4 hours in a
Dr. D'Adamo describes it like this:
<Don't give to your child [of blood group 0] Paracetamol,
also when it is the most prescribed (richtig leben, p.203)
freely sold medicament. But apply featherfew (Tanacetum
parthenium) which is won from chrysanthemum. Dosage is 4 to 8
drops of a tincture mixed in a juice, all four hours.>
(richtig leben, p.204)
(orig. German:
"Geben Sie Ihrem Kind [der Blutgruppe 0] kein Paracetamol,
obwohl es das meistverordnete (richtig leben, S.203) frei
verkäufliche Medikament ist. Wenden Sie statt dessen das
pflanzliche Mittel Mutterkraut (Tanacetum parthenium) an,
das aus der Chrysantheme gewonnen wird. Dosierung: 4-8
Tropfen Tinktur, gemischt mit Saft, alle vier Stunden."
(richtig leben, S.204)
[The same thing counts probably also for adult people of blood
group 0, perhaps in a little higher dosage, one has to ask for
Children 6 to 12 years of
blood group 0 / elder children: get to know the connections
-- the young leaders of blood group 0 have to learn what is
personal responsibility, more than other children
-- children of blood group 0 have especially to learn group
mechanisms for not reaching wrong paths
-- bodily ambitious team sport is good for the child [because
hunting of former times of blood group 0 also was in groups]
-- there should also be an education about the dangers of
alcohol, tobacco and drugs [because blood group 0 is
especially in danger for this because of the imbalance by
thyroid hypofunction] (richtig leben, p.203).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
-- <Allow to your child to fulfill an own task in the
-- support his natural leading characters and stress teamwork
and group cohesiveness
-- encourage the child for bodily ambitious team sports
-- train your child about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and
drugs, and be a model for your child concerning the wanted
behavior. Think about that humans of blood group 0 have a
special tendency for addictive behavior [...]
-- teach your child in problem solving strategies as a way for
managing anger and frustrations." (richtig leben, p.203)
(orig. German:
-- "Erlauben Sie Ihrem Kind, eigenverantwortlich Aufgaben im
Haushalt zu übernehmen
-- fördern Sie seine natürlichen Führungseigenschaften und
betonen Sie Teamarbeit und Gruppenzusammenhalt
-- ermutigen Sie es zu körperlich anspruchsvollen
-- klären Sie Ihr Kind über die Gefahren von Alkohol, Tabak
und Drogen auf und seien Sie ihm selbst ein Vorbild für
wünschenswertes Verhalten. Denken Sie daran, dass Menschen
mit der Blutgruppe 0 besonders zu Suchtverhalten neigen
-- lehren Sie Ihr Kind Problemlösungsstrategien als einen
Weg, mit Wut und Frustration umzugehen" (richtig leben,
General disease management with blood group 0
Anemia: pernicious anemia with blood group 0
Pernicious anemia is provoked by a shortage of vitamin B12 in
the organism. By nature the gastrointestinal tract of blood
group 0 has got enough stomach acid and intrinsic factor for
admitting B12. But when damaging lectins are binding with the
mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, then the adaption of
vitamin B12 is blocked, and this is the main cause for
pernicious anemia with blood group 0 (4 Strategien,
Case of Carol, 35 years, blood group 0: healing of
pernicious anemia
Carol came with a pernicious anemia. What had happened?
Damaging lectins from damaging kinds of food hinder the
adaption of iron of her iron compounds which she had got from
"chemical medicine". Only with a blood group diet for blood
group 0 her gastrointestinal tract was liberated of the
damaging lectins so the adaption of iron was working well
again - and the pernicious anemia healed automatically (4
Strategien, p.292-293).
Winds and gases with blood group 0
Pineapple juice is regulating digestion eliminating winds and
gases (4 Strategien, p.85).
[One has to try it out personally. With blood group nutrition
winds and gases are massively reduced
-- by omitting vinegar
-- by omitting milk products
-- by omitting wheat products and corn products etc.
When winds and gases did not stop after all in my personal
case I had to detect that raw and cooked carrots are the main
cause for winds and gases. Everybody has to find out
Support for blood coagulation with blood group 0
Because of missing blood coagulation factors blood group 0 has
got a thin blood (richtig leben, p.266-267). With blood group
0 "sufficient quantities of different blood coagulation
factors" are missing. When there are operations or in other
situations humans of blood group 0 are loosing more blood than
other blood groups, and this eventually can have heavy
consequences, for example after births (4 Strategien, p.293).
Operations or births etc. can be prepared with kinds of food
which support blood coagulation. These are kinds of food
containing chlorophyll like green vegetables or chlorophyll as
a compound, above all when there had been troubles with blood
coagulation already, or when there had been a heart attack
already (4 Strategien, p.293).
Because of these conditions, wound healing should be always
supported, for example with
-- vitamin C
-- vitamin A (richtig leben, p.266-267)
-- much vitamin K before operations
-- eat many green vegetables, above all green cabbage,
spinach, rapini
-- take chlorophyll in fluent form (richtig leben, p.267).
One should eliminate:
acetylsalicylic acid, garlic compounds or ginkgo compounds,
because these have a blood thinning effect (richtig leben,
Contraceptive pills for women of blood group 0 are not so
recommendable because of their thin blood [?]:
Dr. D'Adamo says:
"Women with blood group 0 should not take the pill as a
contraceptive, because they already have a higher risk for
blood coagulation troubles." (richtig leben, p.267)
Acid reflux with blood group 0
Gastric juice consists of water, muriatic acid and enzymes
(richtig leben, p.87).
Acid reflux comes from an alimentation in general: There are
the wrong kinds of food in the stomach. [Probably the acid
stomach of blood group 0 is especially vulnerable for acid
reflux]. Acid balance of the stomach is disturbed in a
sensitive way by the wrong alimentation, and therefore gastric
acid is flowing back by the sensitive esophagus (richtig
leben, p.254):
-- muriatic acid is normally working in the stomach destroying
germs in the food and is protecting the intestine from
-- but in the other direction with acid reflux muriatic acid
is destroying esophagus step by step (richtig leben, p.87).
Humans of blood group 0 have always a high level of acid in
their stomach and with this they especially have a tendency
for acid reflux when the food is not according to the blood
group (richtig leben, p.254).
[When these people are not adopting with blood group
nutrition, so their esophagus is corroded completely and
holey, and the patient needs a new esophagus then, a big
Measures according to Dr. D'Adamo are:
-- eliminate coffee, chocolate, peppermint and black tea
(richtig leben, p.254)
-- reduce sugar and sweets
-- digestion before eating can be prepared with 5 to 15 drops
of gentian in a glass of water, half an hour before eating
-- stomach cells can be protected by ginger juice: a tee spoon
several times per day is reducing acid reflux
-- and never eat too much, but "try to stop eating before you
feel to be full" (richtig leben, p.255).
Case of Peter, 9 months old, blood group 0: healing of
strong acid reflux / vomiting by reflux
The baby was born with broken diaphragm and had been operated
two times. Diet assistants ordered grain puree with some mixed
fruits. The baby regularly was vomiting the whole food which
was defined by acid reflux. "Normal medicine" had even a third
operation in project with all negative consequences for the
life of the baby. And now the parents said NO and were going
to ask a natural doctor with blood group nutrition, Dr. Peter
D'Adamo. The measures for Peter were:
-- minimizing grain food, but some meat and vegetable food
-- after 3 days the baby only was vomiting 25% of the food,
and this could be supported after the main meal
-- and by the time vomiting is stopping completely (richtig
leben, p.179).
[Change to blood group
nutrition: not acid reflux any more
After a general change introducing blood group nutrition any
acid reflux should not occur any more. Personally (blood group
0) I had the experience that acid reflux was eliminated above
all after having eliminated vinegar, vinegar products, cow's
milk products and wheat products. At the same time biologic
beef, beneficial fish and goat cheese and beneficial salads
were integrated].
Allergies with blood group 0
-- eliminate wheat products from your food plan and replace
them by proteins
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<I could state that humans of type 0 with allergies have
normally an alimentation based on wheat. When wheat is
replaced by protein food, then also the allergies and
hyperactivity are essentially bettering.> (richtig leben,
(orig. German:
"Ich habe festgestellt, dass bei 0-Typen mit Allergien die
Ernährung in der Regel auf Weizen basiert. Wenn der Weizen
durch eiweissreiche Kost ersetzt wird, bessern sich die
Allergien und die Hyperaktivität ganz erheblich." (richtig
leben, S.212)
Case of Mary N., medium age,
blood group 0: healing of allergies and eczema
Mary N. comes with allergies and eczemas. Blood group diet is
introduced with the elimination of soya sauce which contains
wheat and other things, and regular fish consumption is
introduced. And this shows it's results:
-- allergies and eczema are
-- Mary does not need any medicaments any more (richtig leben,
Imbalance with blood group 0: thyroid endocrine
A diminished function of thyroid gland corresponds to Graves
disease or Basedow disease.
A subfunction of thyroid gland corresponds to Hashimoto
disease (richtig leben, p.268).
When there is wheat food with blood group 0, this provokes
endocrine disorder with thyroid of blood group 0. Type 0 has
most of these cases compared with the other blood groups
(richtig leben, p.268). Symptoms are fatigue, nervousness,
sensitivity to cold and to heat, weakness, hair changes,
taking weight or loosing weight (richtig leben, p.269).
When "normal medicine" is making a treatment, this provokes
heavy side effects. But blood group diet is balancing the
immune system and thyroid tissue is healed without any side
effect - which is also proved by laboratory tests (richtig
leben, p.269).
Thyroid subfunction
When carbohydrates are given to humans of blood group 0 after
edemas, to persons with adiposity and diabetes, so this can
cause thyroid subfunction (richtig leben, p.196).
Imbalance: compounds
balancing stress with blood group 0 for depression or
-- Rhodiola rosea [roseroot] and Rhodiola sp. [?] is reducing
stress causing activity of catecholamine in the heart and is
supporting constant contractions, is hindering troubles with
heart and lung functions in the high mountains (richtig leben,
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Rhodiola [with blood group 0] has got a stress reducing
effect and add to this can reduce significantly the
catecholamine activity in the heart which is caused by stress,
and can support a steady contractility. Rhodiola add to this
can hinder heart and lung function troubles when you are in
the high mountains.> (richtig leben, p.208)
(orig. German:
<Rhodiola wirkt [bei Blutgruppe 0] stressmindernd und
kann ausserdem in signifikanter Weise [durch] Stress
verursachte Katecholaminaktivität im Herzen herabsetzen und
eine stabile Kontraktilität fördern. Rhodiola kann ausserdem
Störungen von Herz- und Lungenfunktion verhindern, wenn Sie
im Hochgebirge sind.> (richtig leben, S.208)
-- Phytosterines: these are vegetable fats with adaptogene
biological effect (richtig leben, p.208): They hinder
imbalances in the immune system when there is stress, and they
are normalizing the stress level (richtig leben, p.209).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Phytosterines are vegetal agents describes in general as
vegetable "fats" being similar to cholesterol chemically, but
obviously they have an adaptogene biologic effect. They are
hindering imbalances (richtig leben, p.208) in the immune
system which are emerging with stress, and they contribute
normalizing the stress level.> (reichtig leben, p.209).
(orig. German:
<Phytosterine sind pflanzliche Stoffe, die im allgemeinen
als Pflanzen'fette' beschrieben werden und chemisch dem
Cholesterin sehr ähnlich sind, aber offenbar eine adaptogene
biologische Wirkung haben. Sie verhindern Unausgewogenheiten
(richtig leben, S.208) im Immunsystem, die bei Stress
entstehen, und tragen dazu bei, das Stressniveau zu
normalisieren.> (richtig leben, S.209)
-- vitamin B: is supporting a balanced stress reaction, above
all B1, pantethin [B5] and B6. With stress one should take a
multiple of the daily dosage (richtig leben, p.209).
Dr. D'Adamo says about it:
<Humans with blood group 0 in general need much vitamin B
supporting a balanced stress reaction. Especially important
are B1, pantethin [B5] and B6. When you are under stress, so
you take a multiple of the recommended daily dosage.>
(richtig leben, p.209)
(orig. German:
<Menschen mit der Blutgruppe 0 brauchen im allgemeinen
eine reichliche Menge von B-Vitaminen zur Förderung einer
ausgeglichenen Stressreaktion. Besonders wichtig sind dabei
B1, Pantethin [B5] und B6. Wenn Sie unter Stress stehen,
nehmen Sie ein Mehrfaches der empfohlenen Tagesdosis.>
(richtig leben, S.209)
-- lipoic acid: is balancing catecholamine metabolism, is
supporting stress reaction of type 0 (richtig leben, p.209).
Dr. D'Adamo says about it:
<Lipoic acid is important for catecholamine metabolism and
therefore is supporting stress reaction of type 0. The best
for a prevention against depression or against manic
depressive disease is to follow the recommendations for
nutrition, sports and lifestyle of blood group . Your aim has
to be that your level of stress hormones is balanced, above
all the one of the catecholamines. Add to this some food
supplements can support this process - or also can hinder
it.> (richtig leben, p.209)
(orig. German:
<Liponsäure ist wichtig für den Katecholamin-Stoffwechsel
und dadurch hilfreich für die Stressreaktion des 0-Typs. Das
Beste, was Sie zur Vorbeugung gegen Depression oder eine
manisch-depressive Erkrankung tun können, ist, sich an die
Empfehlungen für Ernährung, sportliche Betätigung und
Lebensweise für die Blutgruppe 0 zu halten. Ihr Ziel muss es
sein, Ihren Stresshormonspiegel auszugleichen, besonders den
der Katecholamine. Zusätzlich können einige
Nahrungsergänzungsstoffe diesen Prozess entweder fördern
oder behindern.> (richtig leben, S.209)
-- mood swings can be limited with blood group B with food
supplements by vitamin B and folic acid (richtig leben,
p.211), and depressions, hyperactivity or failing ability to
concentrate with blood group 0 an additional vitamin B12 and
folic acid can be a successful treatment (4 Strategien, p.99:
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Most humans do not react well on chemical antidepressive
pills with agents like fluoxetine and sertraline, when this
vitamin [B] is missing. Types of 0 suffering mood swings
should supplement their alimentation always with folic acid,
together with other vitamins of the B group.> (richtig
leben, p.211)
(orig. German:
<Bei den meisten Menschen wirken chemische Antidepressiva
mit den Wirkstoffen Fluoxetin und Sertralin nicht gut, wenn
ihnen dieses Vitamin [B] fehlt. 0-Typen, die an
Stimmungsschwankungen leiden, sollten immer Folsäure
ergänzen, zusammen mit anderen Vitaminen der B-Gruppe.>
(richtig leben, S.211)
-- elimination of depressions and enhancing concentration is
possible with blood group 0 by L tyrosine. These are amino
acids enhancing dopamine concentration in the brain (richtig
leben, p.210).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<When you are rising your level of amino acid L tyrosine,
then the dopamine concentration in the brain can rise.
According to an investigation soldiers getting a beverage rich
of tyrosine during a heavy maneuver could essentially solve
better any memorial task and orientation exercise than a
comparison group which got a beverage rich of carbohydrates.
This result suggests that tyrosine can balance and reduce the
effects of stress and fatigue with cognitive tests when three
is a psychosocial and bodily stress situation. According to my
experience L tyrosine is also a help for humans of type 0
suffering depressions.> (richtig leben, p.210)
(orig. German:
"Wenn Sie Ihren Spiegel der Aminosäure L-Tyrosin erhöhen,
kann das die Dopaminkonzentration im Gehirn steigern. Laut
einer Untersuchung schnitten Kadetten, die bei einem
anstrengenden Manöver ein tyrosinreiches Getränk bekamen,
bei Gedächtnisaufgaben und Orientierungsübungen wesentlich
besser ab als eine Vergleichsgruppe, die ein
kohlenhydratreiches Getränk bekam. Dieses Ergebnis legt
nahe, dass Tyrosin in einer von psychosozialem und
körperlichem Stress geprägten Situation die Auswirkungen von
Stress und Ermüdung bei kognitiven Aufgaben verringern kann.
Nach meiner Erfahrung kann L-Tyrosin auch für 0-Typen, die
an Depressionen leiden, hilfreich sein." (richtig leben,
-- 5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan) has a good effect with humans of
blood group 0. It's the pre-amplifier of serotonin and with
blood group 0 it's effect is against fatigue, ravenous hunger,
sleep difficulties, and exhaustion.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<This pre-amplifier of serotonin seems to have an
especially good effect with humans of type 0. When they are
depressed, have a ravenous hunger for carbohydrates, or when
they are suffering another thing, when sleep is not good or
when they suffer a general exhaustion, then 5-HTP can help -
can be alone or in connection with L tyrosine.> (richtig
leben, p.211)
(orig. German:
"Diese Vorstufe von Serotonin scheint bei 0-Typen besonders
gut anzuschlagen. Wenn Sie deprimiert sind, Heisshunger auf
Kohlenhydrate oder sonstiges haben, schlecht schlafen oder
sich allgemein schlapp fühlen, kann 5-HTP hilfreich sein -
entweder allein oder in Verbindung mit L-Tyrosin." (richtig
leben, S.211)
-- when there is an addiction for sugar, glutamine has a good
effect with blood group 0, this is an amino acid forming
neurotransmitter GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Glutamine is an amino acid with which is formed
neurotransmitter GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid). This can be
helpful above all for humans of type 0 when they are addicted
to sweets. One gram is solubilized in a glass of water, when
you need a carbohydrate.> (richtig leben, p.211)
(orig. German:
"Glutamin ist eine Aminosäure, aus der der Neurotransmitter
GABA (gamma-Aminobuttersäure) gebildet wird. Besonders
hilfreich kann es für 0-Typen mit einer Vorliebe für
Süssigkeiten sein. Lösen Sie ein Gramm in einem Glas Wasser
auf, wenn Sie ein Kohlenhydrat brauchen." (richtig leben,
Imbalance: hyperactivity ADS
/ ADHS with blood group 0
Hyperactivity consists of a high catecholamine level which is
provoked by stress (adrenaline and noradrenaline), because the
level of the reducing enzyme MAO is too low. Add to this there
is an imbalanced dopamine level. In situations of crises,
hyperactive humans of blood group 0 have the tendency to react
at once without thinking, they have an exaggerated
emotionality and hyperactivity, they are tending at the same
time to fast changes of mood, they are extroverted and at the
same time they want to control the whole world (richtig leben,
Measures are:
-- introduce an alimentation according to blood group 0
(proteins instead of carbohydrates, limit sugar consumption,
eliminate wheat, potatoes and corn)
-- develop sports, make team sports or sports alone with
swimming, bicycle, running, skipping rope
-- take vitamin B12 (400 microgram per day, is in beef, in
liver, in lamb, in poultry, in fish) and folic acid (is in
liver, in green leafy vegetables, in mushrooms, in peas, in
beans, in nuts)
-- develop an anti aggression strategy (richtig leben, p.212)
-- give a compliment when a child has done something well
-- put short term aims (richtig leben, p.213).
Depressions, hyperactivity or failing ability to concentrate
with blood group 0 can be treated by additional vitamin B12
and folic acid with much success (4 Strategien, p.99).
Continuous hyperactivity leads to depression [when the human
is an outsider], to Parkinson, to schizophrenia [when dopamine
level is constantly heightened] or to alcohol abuse, drug
abuse and medicament abuse (richtig leben, p.195).
Constant hyperactivity with "type of personality A" is leading
to heart diseases (richtig leben, p.195).
Imbalance: evade the following medicaments when you are
blood group 0
amber [hypericum
perforatum] cannot be used with blood group 0 because
of substances inhibiting MAO-B, and because of danger of
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<My patients with blood group 0 taking amber (Hypericum
perforatum) are complaining after one or two weeks that they
are getting into a lethargic mood, and they often report also
that they would have "wild dreams". There were some
discussions if amber is inhibiting MAO or not, but this debate
could only be because people did not know much about special
literature. The main substance helping against depression is
probably NOT inhibiting MAO, but other parts of the plant do
it for sure, above all flavonols and xantonderivates
[xantinderivates?]. These elements are especially inhibiting
MAO-B, the type of MAO which can be found in the thrombocytes.
This enzyme is already low with type 0, so amber can worsen
the situation yet. Add to this anti MAO effects of not
processed amber compounds can lower MAO in the thrombocytes,
so the problems of "type of personality A" (richtig leben,
p.209) are worsening: impulsivity and the demand for more
A hardly known effect of amber is also that dopamine beta
hydroxylase [DBH] can be inhibited. Alcoholic extracts
containing the whole plan and often being sold are much more
inhibiting dopamine beta hydroxylase than pure hypericin [red
part of amber]. Inhibition of dopamine beta hydroxylase can
have heavy consequences in the upper zone of dopamine cycle.
There is the danger that dopamine level is rising to a level
causing psychosis. (Remember that schizophrenia is going with
a high dopamine level).> (richtig leben, p.210)
(orig. German:
"Meine Patienten mit der Blutgruppe 0, die Johanniskraut
(Hypericum perforatum) einnehmen, klagen darüber, dass es
sie nach ein oder zwei Wochen letargisch macht, und häufig
berichten sie auch von 'wirren Träumen'. Zwar hat es
Diskussionen darüber gegeben, ob Johanniskraut ein
MAO-Hemmer ist oder nicht, aber diese Debatte verdankt sich
einer mangelhaften Kenntnis der verfügbaren Literatur. Der
hauptsächliche antidepressive Bestandteil von Johanniskraut
hemmt MAO wahrscheinlich nicht, aber andere Bestandteile der
Pflanze, vor allem die Flavonole und Xanthonderivate tun das
mit Sicherheit. Diese Komponenten hemmen ganz speziell
MAO-B, den Typus von MAO, der auf Thrombozyten zu finden
ist. Da dieses Enzym beim 0-Typ bereits niedrig ist, kann
Johanniskraut die Situation weiter verschlechtern. Ausserdem
können die anti-MAO-Wirkungen nichtbearbeiteter
Johanniskrautpräparate die MAO in Thrombozyten so stark
absenken, dass sich Probleme des 'Persönlichkeitstyps A'
(richtig leben, S.209) wie Impulsivität und das Verlangen
nach starken Reizen verschlimmern.
Eine wenig bekannte Wirkung von Johanniskraut ist zudem,
dass es die Dopamin-beta-hydroxylase [DBH] hemmen kann.
Alkoholische Extrakte, die die ganze Pflanze enthalten und
häufig verkauft werden, hemmen die Dopamin-beta-hydroxylase
viel stärker als reines Hypericin [roter Bestandteil im
Johanniskraut]. Die Hemmung der Dopamin-beta-hydroxylase
kann für einen 0-Typ im oberen Bereich des Dopaminzyklus
katastrophale Folgen haben. Es besteht die Gefahr, dass der
Dopaminspiegel auf eine Höhe steigt, die eine Psychose
auslöst. (Erinnern Sie sich, dass Schizophrenie mit einem
hohen Dopaminspiegel einhergeht)." (richtig leben, S.210)
kava root (kawa-kawa)
cannot be applied with blood group 0 [kava is a
pepper plant from Pacific region] because of inhibiting effect
of MAO in thrombocytes.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Evade please [when you are blood group 0] also extracts of
kava root which are less known, but they are always more
wanted. Kava was used as a ritual beverage by the island
populations of South Sea and is a vegetal calming agent
leading to relaxation and a good sleep. But kava extracts
being often sold can inhibit MAO in thrombocytes in a
considerable way.> (richtig leben, p.210)
(orig. German:
"Meiden Sie [wenn Sie Blutgruppe 0 haben] auch Extrakte aus
dem Kava-Kavawurzelstock, die weniger gut bekannt sind, aber
immer beliebter werden. Kava-Kava wurde von den
Südseeinsulanern lange als rituelles Getränk benutzt und ist
ein pflanzliches Beruhigungsmittel, das zur Entspannung
führt und schlaffördernd ist. Aber die Kava-Extrakte, die
oft verkauft werden, können die MAO in Thrombozyten
erheblich hemmen." (richtig leben, S.210)
Depression - hyperactivity -
failing ability to concentrate with blood group 0
Vitamin B12 and folic acid are hardly missing in a good
alimentation of blood group 0. These two factors are wanted
for the development of DNS. With depressions, hyperactivity or
failing ability to concentrate with blood group 0 an
additional vitamin B12 and folic acid can be a successful
treatment (4 Strategien, p.99). When alone wheat products are
substituted by proteins, this can have a big effect against
hyperactivity (richtig leben, p.212).
Rejecting sports with blood
group 0 and the consequences: slow metabolism - depression-
exhaustion - no sleep - inflammation illnesses - autoimmune
When humans of blood group 0 with stress are not doing sports,
so there will be an exhaustion by stress with a slowed
metabolism. Depressions, exhaustion, no sleep, up to a
vulnerability for inflammatory illnesses and autoimmune
diseases like for example arthritis and asthma, also
overweight is possible (4 Strategien, p.104).
Case of Camilla, young woman, blood group 0: healing of
asthma and chronic sinusitis
Camilla was coming complaining that she had no sense of taste
and of smell any more, and she only could breath by the mouth,
and all "normal medicine" did not help. The measures of blood
group medicine are:
-- eliminate wheat products
-- eliminate potatoes and potato products
-- eliminate soya products
-- eliminate Brussels sprouts.
Camilla is bettering, her senses are reactivated
automatically, asthma is going down, and Camilla does not need
any medicament any more (richtig leben, p.86).
Case of Paul N., 59 years,
blood group 0: asthma is going down, healing of snoring
Paul is coming with asthma and snoring. Measures are blood
group diet also omitting wheat containing soya sauce, but
integration of regular fish dishes, and there is happening the
-- blood pressure is falling immediately
-- within 7 days snoring is stopping
-- allergy against garden shrub Photinia is going (there were
marks on the skin when cutting it) (richtig leben, p.121)
-- asthma is going down but has not stopped completely when
the book was printed (richtig leben, p.121-122)
-- there is a better breathing and a better sleep, and
recovery is better after sleep (richtig leben, p.122).
[When breathing is better, also sleep is better because with
better breathing more oxygen is supplied to the body and all
organs are recovering better].
Overweight with blood group 0
Edema by carbohydrates
(liquid deposits in the tissue)
Blood group 0 cannot work well with carbohydrates, and this
provokes edemas and adiposity (richtig leben, p.196).
A big belly is harmful, but thick legs not so. Dr. D'Adamo
<Superfluous weight is most damaging - and is leading to
heavy metabolism problems -, when the fat is not at hips and
legs, but above all at the belly.> (richtig leben, p.262).
(orig. German:
"Überschüssiges Gewicht ist am schädlichsten - und führt am
häufigsten zu Stoffwechselproblemen -, wenn es nicht an
Hüften und Schenkeln, sondern vor allem am Bauch sitzt."
(richtig leben, S.262)
Prevention against
overweight: test for extra cellular water edema
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Put your finger firmly to your shinbone and hold the
pressure for 5 seconds. When muscles or fat are pressed, the
skin will come out again immediately. But when water is
between the cells, it will be shifted and the bump will not
fill so rapidly again. The more lasts the depression, the more
water is in the tissue, and this means that you have
superfluous water in your body.> (richtig leben, p.262)
(orig. German:
"Drücken Sie ihren Finger fest auf Ihr Schienbein und halten
Sie den Druck fünf Sekunden lang. Wenn Sie mit dem Finger
auf Muskeln oder Fett drücken, wird die Haut sofort wieder
herausschnellen. Ist jedoch Wasser zwischen den Zellen, wird
es seitlich verschoben und die Delle wird sich nicht sofort
wieder füllen. Je länger die Vertiefung bleibt, desto mehr
Wasser ist im Gewebe, und das bedeutet, dass Sie
überschüssiges Wasser im Körper haben." (richtig leben,
Prevention against
overweight: measurement of waist and hips
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Here is a fast test investigating your fat distribution:
Stay upright before a mirror where you can see yourself
completely. Take a measuring tape and measure your hip and
then your bottom. Part now the measured hip by the measured
bottom length. A healthy relation is with women 0.7 to 0.75,
with men it's about 0.8 to 0.9 (richtig leben, p.262).
(orig. German:
"Hier ist ein schneller Test für die Feststellung Ihrer
Fettverteilung: Stellen Sie sich aufrecht vor einen Spiegel,
in dem Sie sich ganz sehen können. Nehmen Sie ein Massband
und messen den Umfang Ihrer Taille an der schmalsten Stelle.
Dann messen Sie den Umfang ihres Gesässes an der breitesten
Stelle. Teilen Sie jetzt Ihren Taillenumfang durch Ihren
Hüftumfang. Ein gesundes Verhältnis liegt bei Frauen
zwischen 0,70 bis 0,75. Bei Männern liegt ein gesundes
Verhältnis bei 0,80 bis 0,90 (richtig leben, S.262).
Overweight or underweight with blood group 0: food for
weight control of blood group 0
Table: negative food supporting gaining
weight with blood group 0, examples
is inhibiting thyroid
Beans: kidney beans
are infringing the
proceeding of calories
Cabbage: Brussels
is inhibiting thyroid
hormone |
Cabbage: leaves of
rocket salad
are inhibiting
thyroid hormone |
Cabbage: white
is inhibiting thyroid
hormone |
provoke that the
muscle tissue is alkaline [normally it is always a
little bit sour with blood group 0]
is disturbing insulin
production, is slowing down metabolism, is
supporting diabetes
Wheat gluten
is disturbing insulin
production, is slowing down metabolism
4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.74)
Milk products [cow's
mostly cannot be
proceeded well by the organism of blood group 0.
4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.77) |
Table: positive food for blood group 0,
supporting loss of weight: examples
is supporting the
capacity of metabolism
Meat, red (meager bio
meat n little portions, maximum 170 g per day)
is supporting the
capacity of metabolism (p.74,75)
Fish |
contains iodine, is
enhancing the production of thyroid hormone
Iodized salt
contains iodine, is
enhancing the production of thyroid hormone |
Cabbage: kail
is supporting the
capacity of metabolism |
Kombu algas
Kombu algas with
iodine are regulating metabolism (thyroid gland)
with humans of blood group 0 and can be a good
healing agent for loosing weight in case of
overweight (4 Strategien, p.86).
source for vitamin B,
is supporting the capacity of metabolism
contains iodine, is
rising the production of thyroid hormone
is supporting the
capacity of metabolism |
4 Blutgruppen - 4 Strategien, p.74) |
Pineapple juice
is supporting weight
reduction (4 Strategien, p.85)
Blood group 0: evade "fast
food" because of the damaging wheat for blood group 0
Dr. D'Adamo says:
"Evade fast food restaurants. It's practically impossible to
buy there something without wheat." (richtig leben, p.203)
(orig. German:
"Meiden Sie Fast Food-Restaurants. Es ist fast unmöglich,
dort etwas ohne Weizen zu bekommen." (richtig leben, S.203)
[Add to this fast food restaurants sell a huge quantity of fat
meat of inferior quality[.
Overweight together with more risks: "syndrome X" up
to diabetes with blood group 0
When there is much overweight, there will come more diseases
with it. This combination is called by "normal medicine" as
"syndrome X" (richtig leben, p.112).
Syndrome X consists of:
-- insulin resistance
-- high level of blood sugar
-- high levels of triglycerides
-- high level of LDL cholesterol (lipoproteins of low density)
-- low level of HDL cholesterol (lipoproteins of high density)
-- high blood pressure
-- adiposity (above all the belly) (richtig leben, p.112).
Another web site describes it like this:
Syndrome X comes when there is adiposity and lack of movement.
Syndrome X consists of:
-- adiposity above all at the belly
-- high levels of triglycerides
-- low levels of HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol
-- high blood pressure
-- high lasting blood sugar levels
(seen in 2006)
Syndrome X is provoked with blood group 0 by the
incompatibility of carbohydrates in the grain. Many damaging
grain products are provoking an adiposity up to a syndrome X.
High triglyceride levels and insulin resistances are a high
danger for diabetes and heart diseases (richtig leben, p.260).
Non-secretors have a higher risk (richtig leben, p.196).
When the supply of carbohydrates is continued with blood group
0 there can not only be edema and adiposity, but also higher
levels of triglyceride, and this higher level of triglyceride
is supporting insulin resistance causing diabetes. When
metabolism is in a balanced state, there will be only a little
risk for diabetes (richtig leben, p.196).
"Paunch": "apple form" is a
warning for the blood groups 0 and B
Humans of blood groups 0 and B are taking weight above all in
the belly zone where it's going especially fast.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<A classical signal of insulin resistance with the blood
groups 0 and B is the "apple figure" with a characteristic big
belly. Now one has to know: Fat cells are distributing fat
into the blood. But: Fat cells in the belly zone are
distributing more easily fat into the blood than fat cells
from other parts of the body. [...] Distribution of fat from
the belly zone is beginning within 3 to 4 hours after a meal.
Other fat cells from other parts of the boy are distributing
fat only many hours later. This early distribution of fat is
indicated by risen levels for triglycerides and free fatty
acids. Free fatty acids themselves are provoking insulin
resistances, and risen levels of triglycerides are coordinated
with low levels for HDL (the "good" cholesterol). In the
meantime it's rated for sure that the overproduction of
insulin - as a result of the insulin resistance syndrome - is
provoking a risen VLDL level (this is the "bad" cholesterol).
Persons "in form of a pear" storing their fat in the hips and
thighs have not the same risks for their health.> (richtig
leben, p.118)
(orig. German:
"Ein klassisches Zeichen von Insulinresistenz bei den
Blutgruppen 0 und B ist die "apfelförmige Figur" mit dem
charakteristischen grossen Umfang in der Körpermitte.
Fettzellen im Bauchraum schütten Fett leichter ins Blut aus
als ihre Schwesterzellen an anderen Körperteilen. [...] Die
Ausschüttung von Fett aus dem Bauchraum beginnt innerhalb
von drei bis vier Stunden nach einer Mahlzeit. Bei anderen
Fettzellen geschieht das erst viele Stunden später. Diese
frühe Ausschüttung wird durch erhöhte Werte für Triglyceride
und freie Fettsäuren angezeigt. Freie Fettsäuren wiederum
verursachen Insulinresistenz, und erhöhte Triglyceridwerte
gehen einher mit einem niedrigen HDL-Wert (dem 'guten'
Cholesterin). Es gilt inzwischen als gesichert, dass die
Überproduktion von Insulin als Resultat des
Insulinresistenz-Syndroms den VLDL-Wert (das ist das 'sehr
böse' Cholesterin) ansteigen lässt. [...]
'Birnenförmige' Menschen zum Beispiel, die Fett in den
Hüften und Oberschenkeln speichern, haben nicht dieselben
Gesundheitsrisiken." (richtig leben, S.118)
Healing of Syndrome X with
blood group 0: eliminate:
-- eliminate all damaging grains: "Lectins of many sorts of
grains have [with blood group 0] the effect that they have
influence on the insulin, and then insulin is not working well
any more splitting the fats" (richtig leben, p.260). Above all
wheat has to be eliminated with blood group 0 (richtig leben,
p.261). When the focus of nutrition is with the wrong sorts of
grains, then adiposity is coming with blood group 0 almost "by
itself" (richtig leben, p.260)
-- all damaging sorts of breads have to be eliminated, also
damaging beans and pulses (richtig leben, p.261)
-- lectins which are copying the behavior or insulin and are
supporting insulin resistance have to be eliminated: wheat,
corn, potatoes, some beans (richtig leben, p.263). These fat
cell receptors have an effect with blood group 0 similar to
insulin (richtig leben, p.263-264)
<When they [the lectins copying the behavior of insulin]
are binding to receptors, they are sending a signal to the fat
cells to stop the burning of fat, and instead of this the
signal is saying to store the superfluous calories in form of
(orig. German:
"Wenn sie [die Lektine, die Insulin nachahmen] sich an die
Rezeptoren binden, senden sie Ihren Fettzellen ein Signal,
die Verbrennung von Fett einzustellen und statt dessen
überschüssige Kalorien als Fett zu speichern."
Therefore the lectins are copying the behavior of insulin, and
then the share of fat in the body is rising and the share of
muscles in the body is sinking (richtig leben, p.264).
Prevention against Syndrome X
with blood group 0
-- keep your metabolism with an optimum by blood group
nutrition and by some moderate sports
-- supply your body with animal proteins
-- omit wheat products, but introduce sweet potato, winter
squash, roots of vegetables, vegetable (richtig leben, p.261)
-- leave out wheat, corn, boiled potatoes and damaging beans
because these lectins of this food are imitating the behavior
of insulin with blood group 0, and the effect is an insulin
resistance so more insulin has to be injected (richtig leben,
-- metabolism should be measured with a bio electric impedance
(richtig leben, p.261)
-- superfluous water in the body can be stated by a self test
at the shin bone (richtig leben, p.262).
Diabetes type 2 (fat diabetes) with blood group 0
Diabetes type 1 and 2 can be well healed with a blood group
diet. Blood groups A and B are vulnerable for type 1 (youth
diabetes caused because of a malfunction of pancreas not
producing enough insulin any more). Blood group 0 is
vulnerable for type 2 diabetes when there is adiposity when
the tissue is becoming insensitive: "The tissue is reacting
too insensitive to the hormone [insulin]." (4 Strategien,
Blood group 0 has the highest illness rate with diabetes by
adiposity (type 2) because of the wrong food with milk
products [cow's milk], wheat products and corn products, and
shortage of movement. After blood group 0 is following blood
group A. 0 and A have the tendency for adiposity when the food
plan is against their blood group, with high cholesterol
levels and with a high blood pressure (4 Strategien, p.311).
Healing of diabetes type 2 provoked by adiposity
With persons of blood group 0 a healing is well possible with
blood group nutrition and with sports and with vitamin B
compounds of high quality which has to be coordinated with a
medical assistance. Eventually insulin has to be balanced
again then. At the end the patients are healthy and do not
need any insulin treatment any more.
Case of Jack J., medium age, blood group 0: healing of
adiposity with high sugar level and more things
jack is 196 cm tall and lives with a weight of 154 kg and has
high blood sugar levels (richtig leben, p.113), has a weakened
left heart axis, has a light angina, has allergies and has a
chronic arthritis (richtig leben, p.114). Blood group diet has
got it's effect then:
-- his head becomes clear, his mental capacity is rising
-- he is loosing weight
-- within 3 to 4 months he gets his full performance and drive
-- then blood group sport is introduced according to blood
group 0
-- then follows the complete weight reduction to a sportive
stature of 108 kg (richtig leben, p.113)
-- the weakened left heart axis and the angina are
disappearing by themselves
-- allergies are disappearing by themselves
-- ans also chronic arthritis is disappearing (richtig leben,
Case of a commander of "US" Marine, 47 years old, blood
group 0: diabetes is reduced
After three months of blood group nutrition
-- cholesterol levels go down from 300 to 188
-- additional insulin supply can be reduced from 30 unities to
20 unities
-- within 10 weeks there is a loss of weight of 4.5 kg
(richtig leben, p.124)
-- insulin injections can be reduced from 4 to 2 per day
(richtig leben, p.124-125).
Caffeine pretending low blood sugar level - symptoms
of low blood sugar
For blood group 0 counts in general that one should evade
stimulant beverages like coffee, because caffeine is
activating the sympathetic nervous system leading to a higher
adrenaline distribution, and this again is pretending low
blood sugar level with symptoms like sweating (richtig leben,
p.265), shivering, pounding of the heart, feeling of hunger,
unrest and fear (richtig leben, p.266).
When the brain will be undersupplied with glucose, then the
following symptoms may be possible: visual defects, weakness,
unclear language, dizziness and concentration difficulties
(richtig leben, p.266).
One can optimize metabolism with the corresponding food for
blood group 0, and there are the supplements with bladder
wrack, kombu algas and kelp (richtig leben, p.266).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Many humans are using stimulants for loosing weight, but
this idea is counterproductive with blood group 0. Stimulants
often contain a form of caffeine. Many facts are indicating
that even little quantities of caffeine are able to activate
the sympathetic nervous system of type 0 which leads to a
higher adrenaline distribution. This procedure pretends a low
blood sugar level, whereas the blood sugar levels are not at
all low. The primary symptoms for these "low blood sugar
levels" - caused by sympathicus and catecholamines - are
seating, shivering, pounding of the heart, feeling of hunger,
unrest and fear.
More possible symptoms are caused by an undersupply of the
brain with glucose provoking troubles with the eyes, weakness,
unclear language, dizziness and concentration difficulties.
You can balance your metabolism to an optimum introducing
blood group diet of type 0 and add to this taking supplements
of bladder wrack, kombu algas or kelp.> (richtig leben,
(orig. German:
"Viele Menschen benutzen Stimulantien, um abzunehmen, aber
dieser Ansatz ist bei 0-Typen kontraproduktiv. Stimulantien
enthalten häufig eine Form von Koffein. Es spricht vieles
dafür, dass selbst kleine Mengen von Koffein das
sympathische Nervensystem des 0-Typs aktivieren können, was
zu einer höheren Adrenalinausschüttung führt. Diese täuscht
eine Unterzuckerung vor, obwohl Ihre Blutzuckerwerte
tatsächlich gar nicht zu niedrig sind. Zu den
Primärsymptomen dieser von Sympathikus und Katecholaminen
ausgelösten Unterzuckerung gehören Schwitzen (richtig leben,
S.265), Zittern, Herzklopfen, Hungergefühl, Unruhe und
Weitere möglicherweise auftretende Symptome sind durch eine
ungenügende Versorgung des Gehirns mit Glukose verursacht,
die zu Sehstörungen, Schwäche, undeutlicher Sprache,
Schwindel und Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten führen kann.
Sie können Ihren Stoffwechsel zu optimaler Funktion anregen,
wenn Sie zusätzlich zur 0-Typ-Diät als Nahrungsergänzung
Blasentang und Kombualgen oder Kelp nehmen." (richtig leben,
Alcoholism and ravenous appetite for carbohydrates
are caused by a low serotonin level. A trial with 5-HTP
(hydroxythryptophan) or with tyrosine or with glutamine
between the meals can balance the serotonin level so the
greedy feelings can be better managed (richtig leben, p.266).
Ravenous appetite with women is also possible when estrogen
level is low. One or two maca capsules [vitalizing powder of
South "American" jungle] can normalize estrogen level then
(richtig leben, p.266).
Digestion diseases with blood group 0
Constipation with blood group 0
Constipation is a warning for an imbalance in the
gastrointestinal tract. Causes are
-- too less fibers
-- too less liquids, above all water and juices
-- too less sports (4 Strategien, p.312).
Laxatives have no sense [because constipation is always
repeating when there is no change of food]. For getting rid of
a constipation, blood group 0 does
wheat bran because wheat is not proceeded by blood group 0,
but blood group 0 needs against a constipation the right
fruits and vegetables, and a butyrate compound is needed
instead of wheat bran (4 Strategien, p.313). [Butyrates are
salts of butyric acid], butyrate rich with fat acids (4
Strategien, p.315).
[Well, now one can estimate how many people of blood group 0
are treating their constipation in a wrong way with wheat bran
- but they mean this would be good for them and this would be
an "alternative" solution. But constipation does not go away
with wheat bran taken by blood group 0...]
[Natural measures against constipation with blood
group 0
I can say by my own experience how it works make moving a
stomach of blood group 0:
-- make a salad, and salad sauce only should be olive oil and
lemon juice
-- or eat figs or dried figs
-- also walnuts are a good supplement hindering any
[Olive oil mixed with lemon juice could work with all blood
groups as a measure against constipation because olive oil is
beneficial for all blood groups and lemon juice at least is
neutral for all blood groups].
Morbus Crohn (inflammatory intestine disease) and
colitis with blood group 0
Morbus Crohn (inflammatory intestine disease by irritation of
the gastrointestinal tract) has - according to the blood group
- different origins. Blood group 0 has a tendency for "a
variation of colitis with ulcers, probably because of the thin
blood with a tendency to more bleeding". Blood groups A, B,
and AB with less tendency for bleeding have more the tendency
for an "irritable bowel" (4 Strategien, p.313).
When blood group diet is introduced the symptoms are always
going down - with all blood groups (4 Strategien, p.313).
Healing of Morbus Crohn (inflammatory intestine
disease) with blood group 0
Healing: add to the alimentation plan:
-- eat much fibers (soluble and not soluble)
-- soluble fibers are for example larch gum with
arabinogalactan, is at the same time reinforcing the immune
system, is enhancing short-chained aliphatic acids like for
example butyric acid in the intestine, is reducing the level
of ammoniac in the intestine (richtig leben, p.258)
-- not soluble fibers are for example flax seed: Let them
swell over night and take them the next morning then (richtig
leben, p.258)
-- also pro biotic food of blood group 0 can be taken (richtig
leben, p.258)
-- kombu algas or kelp can be taken blocking damaging lectins,
above all with non-secretors of blood group 0 (richtig leben,
-- there is also a peptide of whitefish "Seacure" [no
misspelling] (richtig leben, p.260)
-- and also ghee (cleared butter) can be taken, a good source
for butyric acid (richtig leben, p.260).
Healing: eliminate from the alimentation plan:
-- wheat is "pure toxic" because wheat lectins provoke more
inflammations at the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract (4
Strategien, p.278)
-- and the following stabilizers in food have to be evaded:
Carrageen [thickening agent E407], ghatti [E419?] and gum of
acacia (richtig leben, p.258)
-- evade lectins which are bound in amino sugars: wheat germs
(richtig leben, p.259).
Healing of colitis (inflammation of the colon) with
blood group 0
For the healing there was eliminated:
Wheat had to go: Wheat is "pure toxic" for blood group 0
because the wheat lectins provoke mire inflammations at the
mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract (4 Strategien, p.278).
Healing of irritable bowel (failure of colon by
nervous overcharge) with blood group 0
For the healing there was eliminated:
Wheat had to go: Wheat is "pure toxic" for blood group 0
because the wheat lectins provoke mire inflammations at the
mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract (4 Strategien, p.278).
Case of Virginia, 26 years old, blood group 0: healing
of chronic intestine troubles with an irritable bowel
Virginia thought that she would be healthy living as a
vegetarian. She got an irritable bowel with continuing
changing troubles with constipation and diarrhea, and add to
this there was a light anemia. "Normal medicine" treated
Virginia with treatments for 27,000 dollars and all was for
nothing. But the treatment is very simple:
Add to the food plan:
-- meager biologic meat of the authorized sorts according to
blood group 0
-- fish is added according to the authorized sorts according
to blood group 0
and wheat products are eliminated from the food plan (4
Strategien, p.314).
Within 8 weeks Virginia was healed by 90%, and anemia has gone
completely (4 Strategien, p.315).
Case of Yehuda, 50 years old, blood group 0: healing
of Morbus Crohn
Yehuda had already several operations because of Morbus Crohn.
"Normal medicine" cut some parts of the intestine, and there
is even one more operation in project. But the treatment is
very simple:
-- blood group 0 cannot proceed wheat, so all wheat products
are eliminated
-- but added to the food plan are meager meat, vegetables and
bread without wheat
-- and licorice extract and butyrate rich of fat acids are
added (4 Strategien, p.315).
Yehuda is following well this blood group diet, and Morbus
Crohn was healing and he is living without any symptoms today.
Operation was not needed any more (4 Strategien, p.315).
Case of Robin, woman, 52
years old, blood group 0: healing of chronic intestine
After giving birth to her child Robin was changing her
alimentation to a vegetarian one "with much grain, beans and
vegetables". She had had the idea that this would be healthy.
But she developed a colitis and "normal medicine" was only
selling pills and therapies and side effects without any
healing (richtig leben, p103).
Only after 16 years of suffering - and "normal medicine" had
an operation in project to cut a part of her intestine - Robin
was trying out blood group diet. Colitis is going in a
relatively short time. "Normal medicine" has got a profit by
Robin for 16 years, and for 16 years she had not thought that
alimentation could be the cause for her eternal stomach and
intestine troubles (richtig leben, p.104).
Food intoxication: salmonellae
Weak immune systems are more vulnerable for food intoxications
than strong and active immune systems. Salmonellae
intoxication is very often with blood group A and AB and
healing is going slowly. But blood groups 0 and B are less
vulnerable and healings are going faster (4 Strategien,
Gastric ulcer - gastritis (inflammation of mucosa of
intestine) - duodenitis (inflammation of duodenal) with
blood group 0
Gastric ulcers with blood group 0
Blood group 0 has much acid in it's stomach, and therefore is
suffering the doubled quantity of gastric ulcers than other
blood groups (richtig leben, p.255), whereas above all
non-secretors are victims of this (richtig leben, p.256; 4
Strategien, p.317). Gastric ulcers are often emerging in the
sour stomachs of blood group 0 and B, when the alimentation is
not adapted according to the blood group (4 Strategien,
p.316-317). Bleedings and breakouts mostly are with blood
group 0 without difference between secretors and non-secretors
(4 Strategien, p.317).
Gastric ulcers diseases with blood group 0 and B are coming
when there is too much stomach acid in the sour stomach,
especially with blood group 0 when there is too much
liberation of pepsinogen after the meals (richtig leben,
p.195). So, the stomachs of blood group 0
-- have a high level of stomach acid
-- have an enzyme pepsinogen provoking ulcers
-- and add to this blood group 0 is attracting a bacterium
which is provoking ulcers, called "Helicobacter pylori". This
bacteria is docking to the stomach mucosa when the stomach of
blood group 0 is weak, and then it is penetrating the stomach
wall [and then is beginning it's bad work] (4 Strategien,
Meat can be digested very well in these sour stomachs, but
when there is too much stomach acid there will be illnesses.
Non-secretors have a higher risk (richtig leben, p.195).
When there is a gastric ulcer there will be pains all over the
body, together with sickness, vomiting and loss of appetite.
Bleeding stomach ulcers provoke black faces like bitumen
(richtig leben, p.255).
The cause for a gastric ulcer is the bacteria "Helicobacter
pylori" which likes to be in sour stomachs with much stomach
acid. At the same time it's creating spots with a low acid
level (richtig leben, p.255). Helicobacter pylori is producing
an an adherence molecule similar to a lectin, and this
adherence molecule "facilitates the adherence to the cells of
the stomach wall and at the wall of the duodenal. This
adherence is facilitated by cells which have 0 type antigens."
(richtig leben, p.256)
(orig. German:
Helicobacter pylori stellt ein lektinähnliches
Adhäsionsmolekül her, "das sein Anhaften an den Zellen der
Magenwand und an der Zwölffingerdarmwand ermöglicht. Dieses
Anhaften wird durch Zellen begünstigt, die 0-Typ-Antigene
haben." (richtig leben, S.256)
Prevention and healing of
stomach ulcers with blood group 0
Healing of stomach ulcers can being performed by 90% with anti
microbial substances (e.g. antibiotics) and with medicaments
inhibiting acids (richtig leben, p.256).
Blood group 0 has also many natural possibilities to prevent
and to heal stomach ulcers:
-- black cherry juice made of "blackhearts" is very alkaline
and therefore is very appropriate for stomachs of blood group
0 (4 Strategien, p.85) [with preventive effect against stomach
ulcers being created of sour states of stomachs]
-- in the breast milk there is an inhibitor of fucose sugar
and can provoke that the bacteria Helicobacter pylori is
"dying by hunger" (4 Strategien, p.317-318)
-- bladder fucus can be taken (Fucus vesiculosis) because
bladder fucus is imitating the sugar which Helicobacter pylori
likes so much with blood group 0, and therefore Helicobacter
pylori will be "dying by hunger" (richtig leben, p.256), this
is good as a prevention (4 Strategien, p.318). Add to this
sugars of bladder fucus (fucose sugars, fucoidines) have an
anti inflammatory effect because the sugars are blocking
series of mediators (complements) (richtig leben, p.256)
-- also seaweed "Ascophyllum nodosum" can be taken, has an
effect like bladder fucus, with 6 to 8% fucose sugar /
-- also seaweed "Laminaria" can be taken, has got an effect
like bladder fucus, with 5 to 20% fucose sugar / fucoidine
(richtig leben, p.256).
One should use freshly dried plants. Tinctures of seaweed
contain only little or no fucose at all and - corresponding to
fucose sugar - are without value (richtig leben, p.257).
-- bismuth has effect against Helicobacter pylori and is
healing ulcers. Compounds can be bought in pharmacies. When
there is a sensitivity to dyes then bismuth should not be
taken (richtig leben, p.257)
-- berberine is inhibiting much the growth of Helicobacter
pylori and can be found in
oo goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
oo Chinese goldthread (Hydrastis canadensis)
oo Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium)
oo barberry (richtig leben, p.257).
There are series of more components how prevention or healing
of stomach ulcers can work in a natural way:
-- pro biotic bacteria are enhancing the resistance against
stomach ulcers: bifido or lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus
bifidus, Bacillus breve, Bacillus infantis) [but there is a
question why with blood group 0 lactic acid bacteria should
work because milk products normally are only having a negative
effect with blood group 0]
There are also spices for healing of the stomach mucosa:
-- marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) as a tee or capsule
-- bark of slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) is appropriate above all
for non-secretors
-- Sho-saiko-to (Chinese medicine) is inhibiting secretion of
stomach acid, is protecting stomach mucosa also during a big
-- thyme, oregano, rosemary have a slight inhibiting effect
against inflammations by antioxidants and are supporting
resistance against bacteria (for example against Helicobacter
pylori) and against micro organisms (for example Candida)
(richtig leben, p, 257)
-- ginger root has antioxidants inhibiting inflammations for
stomach peristalsis
-- cloves with eugenol have an effect inhibiting inflammations
and against ulcers
-- neem (Azardirachta indica) from India is an adaptogene and
"can have an effect against stomach ulcers provoked by stress
when it's working like a buffer." (richtig leben, p.258)
(orig. German:
Azardirachta Indica (Neem) aus Indien, ein Adaptogen, "kann
als Puffer der Bildung von stressverursachten
Magengeschwüren entgegenwirken." (richtig leben, S.258)
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
against stomach ulcers
is "having effect at least in 4 fields":
-- against stomach ulcers [above all with blood group 0]
-- against herpes virus as an anti viral agent
-- against chronic fatigue [above all with blood group 0 and
-- against hypoglycemia [falling blood sugar level after meals
with blood group B] (4 Strategien, p.177).
As a chewable tablets "DGL" (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) and
as licorice tee it can be taken without any danger. Other
compounds should be taken only with medical assistance. Too
high dosage can provoke sodium deposits provoking hither blood
pressure. In this case licorice is working like a poison (4
Strategien, p.177).
Case of Peter, 34 years, blood group 0: healing of stomach
Since his childhood Peter was suffering stomach ulcers, and
"normal medicine" had no idea how to heal him. Well, Peter
mostly was eating the damaging food for blood group 0 with
damaging wheat products. Simple measures could heal his
stomach ulcers, so:
-- wheat was eliminated and blood group diet was introduced
-- bladder fucus compounds were introduced
-- a combined compound of licorice and bismuth was introduced
(4 Strategien, p.318).
Withing 6 weeks Peter's stomach was really bettered, and after
1 1/4 years Peter is liberated from all stomach ulcers (4
Strategien, p.318).
Gastritis (inflammation of stomach mucosa) with blood
group 0 is rare
Gastritis is precisely the contrary to a stomach ulcer and is
emerging in connection with a shortage of stomach acid in the
stomach. Therefore there is almost no gastritis in the
stomachs of the blood groups 0 and B (4 Strategien,
Kidney, bile ducts and liver with blood group 0
Kidney infection pyelonephritis
is emerging above all with blood group B, above all with
non-secretors (4 Strategien, p.331).
Liver diseases - little alcoholism and liver cirrhosis
with blood group 0
Heavy liver diseases are emerging above all with blood group A
and B, mostly non-secretors (4 Strategien, p.333).
Non-secretors are especially vulnerable for alcoholism (4
Strategien, p.331).
More liver damages can emerge by
-- infections
-- allergies
-- troubles with metabolism
-- jaundice as a symptom of a hepatitis (4 Strategien, p.332).
Liver cirrhosis is not only a consequence of alcoholism, but
"can [also] be caused by infections and by a variety of liver
diseases and bile duct diseases." (4 Strategien, p.332).
Blood group A has most cases of liver cirrhosis, then follows
B and AB, and blood group 0 has least cases of liver
cirrhosis. The same counts for gall stones, for bile duct
diseases and for jaundice. Blood group A is especially
vulnerable for tropic liver infections, less 0 and AB (4
Strategien, p.333).
Cardiovascular diseases with blood group 0
When persons of blood group 0 are eating too much
carbohydrates, so this can cause edemas, adiposity and
diabetes, and also heart diseases. When metabolism is in a
balanced state, then there is only a little risk for heart
diseases (richtig leben, p.196).
An alimentation rich of carbohydrates can also support a
development of a Syndrome X which can also lead to heart
diseases (richtig leben, p.196).
Blood group 0 is hardly affected by heart disease because of a
high level of the enzyme phosphatase, because phosphatase is
responsible for the procedure and for the absorption of
nutrition fats in the intestine. Therefore the cholesterol
level with blood group 0 is mostly within the normal range (4
Strategien, p.295).
High blood pressure
High blood pressure can be the precursor for a heart attack or
for a stroke. Normal is 120 to 80, for people under 40 years
140 to 90, for people over 40 160 to 95. Risk factors are
smoking, diabetes, women after menopause, overweight, and much
stress. Blood groups A and AB should especially take care
because they suffer the majority of cardiovascular diseases.
Blood group 0 is least affected of it. High blood pressure is
treated by blood group nutrition and blood group sports (4
Strategien, p.299).
Heart diseases: stroke
According to Dr. D'Adamo the cases of heart attacks or strokes
with blood group 0 are under the medium level (4 Strategien,
p.296). The thin blood of blood group 0 has a low tendency for
forming deposits in the arteries. When there should be heart
attacks or strokes, so people of blood group 0 have a much
higher survival chance because of the thin blood, which people
of blood groups A and AB do not have. This higher survival
rate for people of type 0 counts above all for men between 50
and 59 (4 Strategien, p.294).
But the "thinner blood" of blood group 0 is favoring another
kind of stroke: When the blood is not coagulating enough
(because several coagulation factors are missing in blood of
type 0) - so there is well possible a stroke by brain bleeding
(richtig leben, p.196).
Blood clots are not so often with blood group 0 but more with
other blood groups. But blood clots can also be caused by vein
inflammations (richtig leben, p.267).
Support heart stability
"Normal medicine" normally forbids meat consumption when there
is an illness with cholesterol. And this tactic is just the
wrong tactic for blood group 0. Hunter organism of blood group
0 needs meat for a balanced life. Loosing weight and heart
stability are reached with blood group 0
omitting meat, but
-- corn products
-- wheat products
-- cow's milk products (4 Strategien, p.296).
Oils for heart and arteries with blood group 0
Linseed oil and olive oil are supporting the heart and
arteries and are lowering eventually also the cholesterol
levels in the blood (4 Strategien, p.78).
Supplements for heart and
arteries with blood group 0
Persons of blood group 0 can take the following supplements
with a healthy effect for their heart, above all
non-secretors: garnitin, whitethorn, magnesium, pantetine
(active vitamin B5), CoQ10 (con-enzyme Q10) (richtig leben,
Case of Wilma, 52 years old,
chief secretary, blood group 0: healing of high cholesterol
Wilma has a cholesterol level of over 350 (normal are 200 to
220), and has passed a balloon catheter treatment already
("angioplasty") (4 Strategien, p.295), and "normal medicine"
wants her to take the "medicament" Mevacor for life. As a
chief secretary she has hardly any movement during her working
day (4 Strategien, p.297), and as a traditional Lebanese woman
she is eating much olive oil, fish and grains, After a change
of her food plan according to the blood group nutrition of
type 0 with some meager red meat (p.296), with a supplement
for wheat, and with a whitethorn extract (cardiovascular
tonic) and little dosages of niacin (a vitamin B for lowering
cholesterol levels) and with some walking against lack of
moving Wilma is feeling so well as never before after some
weeks. After 6 months her cholesterol level is with 187 where
her level is stabilizing (4 Strategien, p.297).
Case of John, masculine, 23, college diploma, blood group 0
with cholesterol and and and
John is coming with a high cholesterol level, with a high
triglyceride level, with a high sugar level, and there is a
"tradition" of heart attacks in his family. "Normal medicine"
means that medicaments would be useless with this
predisposition and a heart attack would only be a question of
time. hear specialists had prescribes a vegetarian food plan
and John is not feeling better with it but some more worse.
With Dr. D'Adamo the change is coming then: blood group
nutrition for blood group 0 is bettering all levels withing
three months, and after 5 months all levels are within the
normal range. Going on with blood group nutrition and with
some sports there will be never any heart attack, despite of
all family cases (4 Strategien, p.298).
Colds and influenza with blood group 0
For influenza virus blood groups 0 and B are more vulnerable
than for A and AB. Measures with colds and influenza with
blood group 0 are:
-- sufficient relaxation and movement
-- evade stress
-- stop bad habits which provoke stress
-- enhance the share of vitamin C in the food
-- take little dosages of Echinacea which can protect or
mitigate the course of illness, so say some doctors (4
Strategien, p.325)
-- air humidity in flats can be enhanced against dry throat
and nose
-- gargle with salt water when there is a throat ache
-- tee with 50% Indian saffron (curcuma) and sage, gargle it
several times per day
-- when nose is running or blocked an anti histaminicum can be
taken "damping the reaction of the mucosa to the infectioning
virus provoking that the nose is free again", but take care:
antihistamine of Ephedra group are dangerous and can provoke
high blood pressure, sleep troubles and complications with
prostate problems (4 Strategien, p.326).
Cold and influenza are virus illnesses. Antibiotics only have
an effect against bacteria. So,
antibiotics will not have
any effect against cold and influenza (4 Strategien,
Sinusitis with blood group 0
Blood groups 0 and B are vulnerable for sinusitis and are
often suffering chronically this disease. Antibiotics have
only a short effect because sinusitis will come back. The
reason for a sinusitis is a swelling of the mucosa of sinus (4
Strategien, p.328).
When blood groups A and AB are developing a sinusitis, then
mostly nutrition is the cause which is provoking more mucus,
so there is too much mucus and this is the base for the
infection (4 Strategien, p.329).
Measures for a healing are:
-- blood groups A and AB have to follow blood group nutrition,
and then sinusitis is mostly going by itself already
-- as an addition the herb Collinsonia can be applied with
which the swellings are going down until a complete healing is
coming - can also be applied with swellings in the
-- therefore in the extreme case blood group nutrition and
Collinsonia are used, and no antibacterial "medicament" is
needed any more (4 Strategien, p.328).
Collinsonia is not dangerous and can be bought as a tincture
in health shops. Can be taken 20 to 25 drops in a glass of
warm water (4 Strategien, p.329).
Bronchitis and pneumonia with blood group 0
Humans of blood group A and AB have more often bronchial
infections than 0 and B. Blood group 0 is less vulnerable
because it's nature does not have much mucus production, and
therefore the base for bacteria is not big (4 Strategien,
A dangerous combination is according to statistics a child of
blood group A with a mother of blood group A and a father of
blood group 0. These children are dying more often by a
bronchial pneumonia than others.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<There seems to be that type A children with a 0 father and
an A mother often are dying already by a bronchopneumonia. One
can admit that during the birth there is a sensibilization
between the type A baby and the anti A antibodies of the
mother, and therefore the defense of the baby is weakened
against pneumococci bacteria.> (4 Strategien, p.323).
(orig. German:
"So hat es beispielsweise den Anschein, dass Typ-A-Kinder
mit einem 0-Vater und einer A-Mutter häufiger bereits im
Kleinkindalter an Bronchopneumonie sterben. Man nimmt an,
dass es während der Geburt zur Sensibilisierung zwischen dem
Typ-A-Säugling und den Anti-A-Antikörpern der Mutter kommt,
wodurch die Abwehrkraft des Säuglings gegen die
Pneumokokkenbakterien geschwächt wird." (4 Strategien,
Sarcoidosis (inflammatory disease of lung and tissue) more
often appears with blood group A than with 0, above all rhesus
negative (4 Strategien, p.330).
Fungal infections with blood group 0: Candidiasis by
Candida albicans with blood group 0
[When the immune system is weakened, Candida albicans is
provoking fungal infection in the gastrointestinal tract, in
the mouth etc.].
"Normal medicine" is operating with "Candida diets" with a
high protein share and with prohibitions of grains, but these
measures are weakening the immune system of A and AB more than
are reinforcing it, because a renunciation on leaven is no
protection from Candida infections for the blood groups A and
AB (4 Strategien, p.324). Antibiotics only are having effect
for a short time because the infections are coming again (4
Strategien, p.323).
Candida albicans can be found more with blood group 0 than
with other blood groups, and most frequently it is with non
secretors (richtig leben, p.267).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
"In general according to my experience persons with blood
group 0 are more vulnerable for Candida than persons of other
blood groups, whereas the vulnerability with non-secretors of
blood group 0 is the highest." (richtig leben, p.267)
(orig. German:
"Im allgemeinen sind nach meiner Erfahrung Menschen mit der
Blutgruppe 0 empfänglicher für Candida als die mit anderen
Blutgruppen, wobei die Anfälligkeit bei Nicht-Sekretoren der
Blutgruppe 0 am grössten ist." (richtig leben, S.267)
Blood group 0 develops more often than others "a
hypersensitivity similar to allergies to Candidiasis
organisms." (4 Strategien, p.323), above all when there is a
high share of grains in the food plan (4 Strategien, p.324).
But all in all blood group 0 can get rid of these Candida
infections fast, faster than blood groups A and AB (4
Strategien, p.323).
-- integrate olive oil in the food plan of type 0 (richtig
leben, p.268). [Olive oil is beneficial for
blood groups].
-- root of stinging nettle is agglutinating Candida albicans
-- take pro biotic bacteria: Lactobacillus acidophilus,
Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus casei
-- support the defense system and expel Candida with it by
taking thyme, oregano, rosemary, kombu algas, seaweed kelp,
seaweed bladder fucus (richtig leben, p.268).
Autoimmune diseases with blood group 0: The tendency
for inflammations with blood group 0
When persons are eating big quantities of damaging grain
lectins, they are promoting an over reaction of the immune
system (richtig leben, p.271).
Humans of blood group 0 are building their blood group antigen
with fucose sugar, and therefore they have the tendency for
more inflammatory diseases than other blood groups (richtig
leben, p.270).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Because of fucose sugar which is forming it's blood group
antigen, blood group 0 has got the tendency for being
vulnerable for more inflammatory diseases than other blood
groups. Fucose sugar serves to the molecules (similar to
lectins) called selectine as adhesion molecule. This adhesion
permits to white blood cells to leave easily the blood stream
and to reach easily zones of inflammations. Perhaps blood
group 0 has got a little bit more the tendency for
inflammations because there is a lower cortisol level in
general, because cortisol is a hormone reducing inflammations
basically.> (richtig leben, p.270)
(orig. German:
"Die Blutgruppe 0 neigt aufgrund des Fucose-Zuckers, der
sein Blutgruppen-Antigen bildet, zu einem grösseren Spektrum
von entzündlichen Krankheiten als andere Blutgruppen.
Fucose-Zucker dienen lektinähnlichen Molekülen namens
Selectinen als Adhäsionsmoleküle. Diese Adhäsion ermöglicht
es weissen Blutkörperchen, leicht aus dem Blutstrom in
Entzündungsgebiete zu wandern. Die Blutgruppe 0 ist
vielleicht auch deshalb ein wenig anfälliger für
Entzündungen, weil sie einen niedrigeren basalen
Cortisolspiegel hat, denn Cortisol ist im Grunde ein
entzündungshemmendes Hormon." (richtig leben, S.270)
Elder persons of blood group 0 have the tendency to form an
osteoarthritis (chronic inflammation of bones and joints), and
women are more affected than men (richtig leben, p.272).
Chronic joint pains with blood group 0
Manganese is in wholegrain grain and in pulses, and therefore
manganese is missing in the blood group nutrition of type 0.
Manganese compounds are healing chronic joint pains with blood
group 0. But they should be taken only under medical
assistance, because when there is taken too much then there
can be a danger of a manganese intoxication (4 Strategien,
Prevention or mitigation of
inflammations (osteoarthritis) with persons of blood group 0
-- always reduce wheat and milk [cow's milk] products (richtig
leben, p.272)
-- mitigation of inflammation is performing Jamaican root
-- a balancing effect for inflammatory and immune processes is
Astralargus from China
-- thyme, oregano and rosemary "have a slight inflammation
reducing effect" and are strong antioxidants
-- ginger root has a mitigating effect against inflammations
and ulcers, and is an antioxidant
-- cloves with eugenol have an effect reducing inflammations
and ulcers
-- curcumina from curcuma sorts is a chemical protection agent
above all for non-secretors (richtig leben, p.272).
Chronic fatigue syndrome CFS with blood group 0
(subfunction of the liver)
According to D'Adamo CFS is a subfunction of the liver, and is
only secondarily an autoimmune disease:
<Also when CFS is emerging in the shape of a virus or of an
autoimmune disease, the basic cause for it is probably a
troubled metabolism of the liver [...] Liver is not capable to
decontaminate chemical substances.> (4 Strategien, p.287)
(orig. German:
"Auch wenn CFS in Gestalt eines Virus oder einer
Autoimmunerkrankung auftritt, ist die Grundursache
wahrscheinlich ein gestörter Leberstoffwechsel [...] Die
Leber ist unfähig, chemische Stoffe zu entgiften." (4
Strategien, S.287)
Symptoms are:
-- above all a terrific exhaustion
-- and there are pains in the muscles and legs and arms, and
there is a stubborn throat inflammation, there are digestion
problems, and there are allergies.
Therefore there are immunologic effects and organic
dysfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract at the same time.
That's why the illness will be more a liver disease with
effects also on the "muscle skeleton apparatus" (4 Strategien,
orig. German: "muskuloskelettalen Apparat" (4
Strategien, S.287).
Some medical doctors don't take earnest chronic fatigue
syndrome (CFS) and to not diagnose it, but they consider it as
a personal imagination, or other medical doctors are even
worsening the illness with their pills of "normal medicine" (4
Strategien, p.290).
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) with blood group 0
Big successes against chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were
registered with licorice and potassium. Licorice has got a
very positive effect with liver (4 Strategien, p.287).
Applying licorice and potassium should be under medical
supervision (4 Strategien, p.288). And then there are positive
things happening:
-- bile ducts are working well and are detoxifying the body
-- bile ducts can protect the body better from chemical damage
and are proceeding a "pre discharge of the liver" (4
Strategien, p.287)
(orig. German: "Vorentlastung der Leber" (4
Strategien, S.287)
-- licorice and potassium have a positive effect concerning
adrenalin level and sugar levels
-- the general energy and the general feeling of life becomes
better and better
-- and then a sports program should be performed according to
blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.288).
How had it been? Yes: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is not
taken earnest but even worsened by medical doctors from
"chemical medicine", for example in the
Case of Joan, woman, 55 years, dentist, blood group 0:
healing of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Joan comes to the office of Dr. Peter D'Adamo
-- with chronic fatigue / Epstein-Barr
-- and with arthritis
-- and with torturing winds and gases
-- and with a diarrhea without end
-- and she was weakened and had no courage any more.
Well, the treatment for all this was a simple blood group
nutrition and some vitamin and mineral compounds. But even
after a sandwich [damaging wheat] or with some ice cream
[damaging cow's milk] can provoke more arthritis attacks (4
Strategien, p.290).
Diseases of urinary ways with blood group 0
Blood groups A and 0 are not very affected by diseases of
their urinary ways (bladder inflammation, cystitis etc.). But
blood group B and AB are very vulnerable for bladder
infections (cystitis) (4 Strategien, p.330), because most
bacteria provoking infections in the urinary ways have
characters similar to the cells of blood group B, and the
bodies of B and AB do not produce antibodies against them, for
-- E. coli
-- pseudomonas
-- klebsiella (4 Strategien, p.331).
Healing is going on according to Dr. D'Adamo's recommendation
with a mixed juice of pineapple and cranberry juice, 1 or 2
glasses per day (4 Strategien, p.331).
Epidemics with blood group 0
Tuberculosis (TB) with blood group 0
Blood group 0 is the most vulnerable for lung TB. Blood group
A is most vulnerable for the other forms of TB. Above all
rhesus negative is affected. With AIDS and with homeless
persons TB is spreading again over the whole world. Bad
hygienic conditions and chronic diseases [by wrong nutrition
against the blood group] are weakening the immune system and
are giving TB agents a base (4 Strategien, p.330).
Cholera with blood group 0
0 is vulnerable, A is resistant (4 Strategien, p.324).
Plague, typhus, smallpox: blood group is especially
Blood groups A, B and AB are all less vulnerable to epidemics
than blood group 0 which is the eldest blood group and is not
prepared to fight epidemics [which were developing in the
first big town of Asia with blood group A]. That counts for
plague, typhus, and smallpox (4 Strategien, p.327).
With typhus there is a special vulnerability for persons of
type 0 rhesus negative (4 Strategien, p.327).
Natives have almost 100% blood group 0, and since 1492 in
"America" they were confronted with blood group A from Europe,
and a big part of the natives of type 0 was killed by
smallpox, because their immune system of type 0 was not
educated for it (4 Strategien, p.327).
Mosquitos and malaria
Mosquitos of Central Europe seem to be very attracted by blood
group A and AB. Anopheles mosquito transmitting the malaria
agent seems to prefer blood group 0 and B especially (4
Strategien, p.327).
Parasites with blood group 0
Blood group 0 is not so vulnerable for parasites [because of
the high level of gastric acid which they don't like]. So,
parasites love more the gastrointestinal tract of the blood
groups A and AB [because there is hardly any gastric acid]. As
a prevention during trips against contaminated water one can
take berberis or charcoal tablets (4 Strategien, p.329).
Parasites: worms with blood group A, B, and AB, none
for 0
Worms often have characteristics of the blood groups A and B.
So, blood groups A and B are vulnerable for worms, especially
blood group AB. [So, blood group 0 is not very vulnerable for
worm parasites] (4 Strategien, p.330).
Diseases of the nervous system with blood group 0
Polio is going most with blood group B
Polio is a virus infection of the nervous system with
paralyzations during childhood and youth. Polio is most going
with blood group B (4 Strategien, p.328).
Viral meningitis is most with blood group 0
Viral meningitis is an infection of the nervous system with
symptoms of fatigue, high fever and stiffening of neck
muscles. Blood group 0 is affected most by it, probably
because their immune system of blood group 0 is not so
resistant against infections (4 Strategien, p.328).
Skin diseases with blood group 0
Contact eczema (dermatitis)
and psoriasis
According to Dr. D'Adamo contact eczema (dermatitis) and
psoriasis) are "normally caused by chemicals in the blood
causing allergene reactions" (4 Strategien, p.335). But also a
wrong nutrition against the blood group is possible. Blood
group 0 is vulnerable for psoriasis when the nutrition has got
a too high share of grain and milk products [cow's milk] (4
Strategien, p.336).
Case of Mariel, 66 years old,
blood group 0: healing of psoriasis
The body of Mariel is covered by 70% with psoriasis, and the
food consists mostly of milk products [cow's milk], wheat
products, corn, sugar, fat food, nuts and bananas, and this is
a catastrophe for blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.336). "Normal
medicine" did never help because there had never been any
coordination with the blood group. So, the measures of Dr.
D'Adamo were the following:
-- introduce blood group nutrition according to blood group 0,
without raw meat and without nuts
-- and that's all.
Within 5 months the psoriasis is going back to 20%, within 6
months this psoriasis
has gone completely (4
Strategien, p.337).
Case of Beverly B., young
woman, blood group 0: healing of chronic eczema on the jaw
Because of a heavy illness [probably it was a gastrointestinal
inflammation] to introduce blood group nutrition, and add to
-- she is eliminating from her food plan alfalfa which was
element of her medicaments (in chlorophyll capsules)
-- and she is also eliminating aloe which is in digestion
Within 4 weeks after beginning with blood group nutrition and
medicamentation according to her blood group this chronic
eczema at her inner side of her jaw has almost completely
disappeared. This is a comfortable "side effect" of the whole
healing process (richtig leben, p.85).
PMS (premenstrual syndrome) with blood group 0
Case of Patty, 45 years,
blood group 0: healing of PMS, arthritis, high blood
pressure and anemia at the same time
Patty comes to Dr. D'Adamo with a heavy PMS with strong
bleedings, with arthritis, and with a high blood pressure
(hypertension) (4 Strategien, p.343), and add to this there is
also an anemia. She is nourishing herself as a vegetarian, and
this is for blood group 0 just the wrong diet. The measures
-- introduce blood group sport according to blood group 0
-- introduce blood group nutrition according to blood group 0
with a high share of animal protein
-- and there are also some vegetal compounds.
After two months Patty is completely healthy and without any
trouble (4 Strategien, p.344).
[The pills of "normal medicine" were all for nothing...]
There is a contradiction to
Dr. D'Adamo: indications about a low vulnerability for
plague with blood group 0, and high vulnerability for blood
group A
There was the following meaning (from
indicating that blood group A would be more vulnerable for the
plague than blood group 0. This indication contradicts the
indications of Dr. D'Adamo:
<I just found your web site when I wanted to find out
something about blood groups. Then it was striking that with
the topic "Treatment of diseases with blood group A" (with the
indication of "type of personality of blood group A is "type
of personality C") there is the claim (citation): "Blood group
0 does not know the diseases of the later civilization and
therefore is vulnerable for plague, cholera and smallpox (4
Strategien, p.28), because viral strains are always getting
more complex and are dangerous for the immune system of blood
group 0 (4 Strategien, p.278) and "When the first big town
were developed in Asia, the humans had to stay through the
first great epidemics. Therefore blood group A is less
vulnerable for plague, cholera and smallpox (4 Strategien,
This justification is "inappropriate", and also some of these
facts are wrong. I don't know which book is this information
of, but it's wrong. It's definitively proved that just blood
group A is especially vulnerable for smallpox, and blood group
0 and B just not. This was confirmed to me also from other
sides. Below are more citations of other web sites (and the
sources). But first there is a biological explanation:
There was investigated that smallpox viruses are having
antigen A on their surface. Blood group B and 0 have just no
antigen A on their antibodies. A only has antibodies against
antigen B. Persons of blood group A resp. 0 can "switch on"
their immune defense immediately, because they detect the
intruder and are having an antidote against it. But blood
group A NOT. Blood group A does not detect the pathogen
immediately but have to form their antibodies first. That's
why they are longer having smallpox and it's heavy with a
first contact with smallpox virus.>
Here are the citations of other web sites about the high
plague vulnerability of blood group A:
<Certain blood groups are more vulnerable for certain
pathogens than others because they have specific antibodies or
anti genes. For smallpox especially people of blood group A is
vulnerable, but blood group 0 for the plague, and 0 is also
affected by bacterias provoking stomach ulcers many times.
Persons with blood group A are statistically more vulnerable
for some kinds of cancer like breast cancer and heart
<Blood group A would be very vulnerable for smallpox. In
former times there were more humans with blood group 0 killed
by plague. Today 0 has especially more stomach ulcers. Blood
group A has a vulnerability for different kinds of cancer and
for heart attacks. Asthma can be observed above all with
persons of blood group B. The causes are not cleared for
<According to Dr. D'Adamo also different illnesses are
concentrated with some blood groups. Blood group A is said to
be more vulnerable for smallpox, humans of blood group B for
asthma, and humans of blood group 0 with more stomach
(orig. German:
< Ich bin eben auf Ihre Seite gestoßen, als ich etwas
über Blutgruppen raussuchen wollte. Da ist mir aufgefallen,
dass sie beim Thema "Krankheitsbehandlung bei Blutgruppe A"
("Die Persönlichkeit von Blutgruppe A: "Persönlichkeitstyp
C"") behaupten: (Zitat:) "Blutgruppe 0 kennt die Krankheiten
der späteren Zivilisationen nicht und ist deswegen sehr
anfällig für Pest, Cholera und Pocken (4 Strategien, S.28),
denn die Virusstämme werden immer komplexer und sind für das
alte Immunsystem der Blutgruppe 0 gefährlich (4 Strategien,
S.278)." und "Als sich in Asien die ersten grossen
Städte entwickelten, mussten die Menschen die ersten grossen
Krankheiten. Blutgruppe A ist somit weniger anfällig für
Pest, Cholera und Pocken (4 Strategien, S.28)."
Nicht nur das die Begründung ganz schön "hinkt", stimmen
auch einige Ihrer Tatsachen nicht. Ich weiß nicht aus was
für einem Buch Sie das haben, aber es ist falsch. Es ist
definitiv bewiesen, dass gerade die Blutgruppe A besonders
anfällig für Pocken ist und die Blutgruppen 0 und B eben
nicht. Dieses wird mir auch noch von vielen anderen Seiten
bestätigt. Unten habe ich einige Zitate anderer Seiten (und
deren Internetseite) eingefügt. Aber erstmal die biologische
Man hat festgestellt, dass Pockenviren auf ihrer Oberfläche
das Antigen A tragen. Blutgruppen von B und 0 haben bereits
schon von Anfang an Antikörper gegen dieses Antigen A. A
eben nicht. A hat nur Antikörper gegen das Antigen B.
Personen mit der Blutgruppe B bzw. 0 können also gleich ihre
Immunabwehr "einschalten", da diese den Eindringling
erkennen und schon ein Mittel dagegen haben. Blutgruppe A
eben nicht. Diese erkennen den Erreger nicht sofort und
müssen dann erst noch Antikörper bilden. Deshalb erkranken
sie länger und schwerer beim Erstkontakt mit dem
Die Zitate anderer Webseiten zur hohen Pestanfälligkeit von
Blutgruppe A:
"Bestimmte Blutgruppen sind anfälliger für bestimmte
Krankheitserreger als andere, da sie jeweils spezifische
Antikörper und Antigene haben. Für Pocken sind daher
besonders Menschen mit Blutgruppe A anfällig, während Träger
der Blutgruppe 0 früher besonders der Pest zum Opfer fielen
und heute von den Magengeschwüre verursachenden Bakterien
besonders betroffen sind. Menschen mit Blutgruppe A sind
statistisch anfälliger für verschiedene Krebsarten wie
Brustkrebs und Herzinfarkte."
"Die Blutgruppe A sei in etwa sehr für Pocken anfällig. In
früheren Zeiten fielen vermehrt Menschen mit der Blutgruppe
0 der Pest zum Opfer; heute werden gehäuft Magengeschwüre
bei Personen mit dieser Blutgruppe festgestellt. Die
Blutgruppe A zeigt häufige Anfälligkeiten für verschiedene
Krebsarten und für Herzinfarkte. Asthma ist vor allem bei
Personen mit der Blutgruppe B zu beobachten. Die Ursachen
dafür sind ungeklärt."
"Auch verschiedene Krankheiten kommen laut Peter Adamo bei
manchen Blutgruppen häufiger vor, als bei anderen. Menschen
der Blutgruppe A sollen demnach anfälliger für die Pocken
sein, Menschen der Blutgruppe B von Asthma und bei Menschen
der Blutgruppe O sollen sich Magengeschwüre häufen."
There is a simple explanation for this error: error of copying
by a journalist.