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Coronavirus19 16bs1: Protection from shedding 01: with shungite
Raw noble shungite [1] - polished normal shungite [2] - Shungite stones raw, ground, cubes, a ball, a pyramid [3]
-- list of healing methods with medical food against Corona19 - never vaccinate (list Link (German))
-- Corona19 heals with medical food, blood group nutrition, good sleep and sodium bicarbonate with apple cider vinegar (link (German))
-- preliminary illnesses heal with sodium bicarbonate (note bicarbonate)
May 17, 2020; MoSSad government of Merkel is DIRECTLY STEERED by Bill Gates and Melinda Gates - see the "agreement" from Feb. 2017 - LinkSwitzerland July22, 2021: Grant Agreement of the Gates Foundation with Swissmedic of Jan.24,2020:
May 17, 2020: MoSSad government of Switzerland is DIRECTLY STEERED by Bill Gates and Melinda Gates - see the "agreement" from Jan.22, 2021 - Link
see in Telegram: https://t.me/Impfschaden_Corona_Schweiz/15399 - pdf link
presented by von Michael Palomino (2021)
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1. Shungite basic data (Russian: Шунгит)
-- shungite is a black rock from Karelia [Russian: Zaonezhie - West Russia on the Finnish border], noble-shungite is almost only carbon [web01]
-- shungite was formed in the preKambrium, and according to some researchers may be up to 2 billion years old [web08]
-- shungite of Zaonezhskoye is nearly 2 billion years old and is very energy-containing [web07]
-- shungite is mined by hand in Russian mines [web03]
-- mining areas of shungite in Karielia are Zaoneschski, West-Karelia and East Karelia - in the southeast is the shungite deposit of Maksovskaya, and there are still the deposits of Zaschoginsky [web07]
-- shungite occurs in Karelia (Zaonezhie), in small quantities also in Kazakhstan [Web08]
-- at the earth's surface, shungite is converting into black earth mass [black Earth] [web08]
Carelia is mostly in the northwest of Russia at the Finnish border, and a little part of it is in Finland. There are many different languages, many forests, lakes, rivers, flatlands, three main towns, and agriculture. Main towns are all in Southern Carelia: Russian main town of Carelia is Petrozavodsk at the Onega Lake. Main town of Southern Finnish Carelia is Lappeenranta, and the main town of Northern Finnish Carelia is Joensuu. Russia occupied from Finland a big part of Carelia after 1940 and remained since 1945 like this [web10].
Name change
-- Previously, Shungite was referred to as slate stone, and the black color was causing negative associations [Web08]
-- Shunga is a village from Karelia (Zaonezhsky) region [web03], and the stone was renamed with the village's name of Shunga so it was called shungite [Web03]
-- In 1877, the geologist A.A. Inosttrantsev discovered the Shungite, when it had it's first name yet and renamed it shungite - then mining tunnels opened [web08]
-- "On the territory of the Karelian village of Shunga, rock resources were discovered for the first time. In honor of this settlement, the mineral received his name. At the end of the 19th century, in 1877, it was officially registered as the extreme member of a series of natural non-crystalline carbons." [web09]
Normal shungite (for jewelry, for protecting health) - noble shungite (for protecting and healing)
-- There is normal shungite which contains 40 to 70% carbon (99% of the shungite has got this quality) with slate-shaped shape, can be easily formed and polished [web03]
-- The normal shungite looks like coal, but does not color the hands nor provokes any dust, this is because of the Fullerene molecules [web07], C60 molecules like a football [web05]
-- There is the noble shungite, which contains 90 to 98% carbon (1% of the shungite occurrences) with typical shell-shaped chipping, with a maximum of effect and energy [web03]
Artistic-geometric objects are made of normal shungite [web03], made of gray, mats shungite [web07], and specially strong healing stones are made of noble shungite [web03] with 96-99% carbon content and glossy [web07].
-- Shungite is black, rarely also graphite gray or brown, which then costs more [web08
Raw noble shungite [1] - polished normal shungite [2] - Shungite stones raw, ground, cubes, a ball, a pyramid [3]
Where shungite layers can be found, there the people is healing - Karelia is a curing region
-- Since the antiquity, the shungite water is known to help for always looking young [web08]
-- Legends about healings with the shungite slate stone in Karelia always existed: it promotes healing, strengthens health, makes young and beautiful [web08]
-- Already in the Middle Ages, shungite was known as a healing stone, whole villages were built there where shungite was found [at that time it was called different] [web07]
-- The sources in shungite areas have shungite healing water, and the Tsar Peter I had reactivated a curing location, for wounded Russian soldiers and officers, in the resort "Marcial Waters" [web08]
-- Shungite comes from Karelia in West Russia [near the Finnish border], where a healing effect of the rock was detected 300 years ago. Tsar Peter the Great founded in the shungite deposits a curing zone Marzialnye Wody, whereby the rock was still called different at that time. In 1877, the rock in Shunga received his new name "Shungit". [web03]
"In 1877, the mineral with it's special effect got its name. In those times it was detected at the village of Shunga in Karelia and was called after that village. Russian professor for geology, Mr. Alexander Inostrancev, found the stone and defined it as a non-crystalline carbon, which is no hard coal. The origin of shungite formation is millions of years before. In the preKambrium, the earth's frowering time, in the seas developed lots of algae forests. Passing the millennia the dead plants were overlayed by stones and sediments provoking much pressure and change of temperatures. So by these geologic processes shungite was formed finally. Already 300 years ago shungite attracted Peter the Great. In those times the stone had another name yet. Peter the Great founded a curing location Marzialnye Wody on a shungite deposit." [web03]-- in the early 17th century, the healing effect of shungite was written down the first time - then in the 18th century under Tsar Peter I. The healing effect was mentioned again, he learned about antiseptic and powerful properties of the shungite water. Tsar Peter I ordered every soldier to have a shungite in his backpacks (called slate stone in those times). The shungite stone is disinfecting water, thus the soldiers could make drinking water themselves [Web06].
Shungite as a color additive and with filter effect
-- Shungite can be used as a pigment for colors [web01]
-- Shungite coal can replace activated carbon in filters for having thus a cleansing effect [web01]
Shungite conducts electricity - test your shungite if it's real
-- Shungite conducts electricity, can close circuits, so you can test whether the shungite is real, you can test it with each flashlight [web02]
-- Shungite conducts electricity, and is inflammable like normal coal and has highest heat overshore coefficient like bituminous coal [web07]
How is shungite healing? Positive charge and fullerenes
-- Shungite is always positively loaded, the field around the stone is always loaded positively, shungite can not have a negative load [web03]
-- This positive charge of shungite is transmitted to the humans [when the stone is in the hands during 2 minutes] [web03]
-- The fullerenes in the shungite stone are acting like an antioxidant, promoting cell regulation and slowing aging down [web03]
-- Fullerene are ball-like carbon molecules like a football (from C60 upwards) [web05]
-- Many of the useful effects of the shungite stone come from the fullerenes molecules [web07]
-- "Because of its high electron affinity, the C60 molecule is unique for the role as an electron acceptor and is therefore used almost exclusively in such components" [web05]
The effect of shungite: absorbs negative radiations - is harmonizing
-- is independent of it's shape, the jewelry with protecting effect can have any shape you want [web03]
-- A shungite cube absorbs rays of electrical devices [web03]
-- A shungite ball is harmonizing body and mind especially well [web03]
Shungite is cleaning and enriching water and earth
-- Shungite stones are intended to have antibacterial effect and are used for cleaning and mineralization of water, drinking water, rainwater and ponds, even for sterilization of water [sterilization of water also goes with UV rays of the sun day and night for free in plastic bottles 24 hours long - link] [web02]
-- Shungite in a pitcher of water is giving clean and lively water [web03]
-- Shungite stones enrich waters and floors with vital minerals, is a fertilizer and accelerates the plant growth [web02]
Shungite protects against radiation (the shungite cube)
-- Shungite protects against radiation (electromagnetic radiation, negative radiation) [web02]
-- Shungite absorbs the radiation of mobile masts, smartphones, microwaves, TV devices, laptops, computers, for example a shungite in cube shape next to a PC [web03]
-- Shungite stabilizes and harmonizes the own bio-field of humans and also the living space [web02], provokes higher concentration ability and higher working performance of people on the PC [web03]
-- Shungite is neutralizing the left-rotating torsional fields of electrical appliances so they are right-rotating and becoming harmless [Web02]
Shungite heals (the shungite ball)
-- The positive energies of shungite stones are transmitted especially well when the stone is in a spherical form, for meditating and relaxing [web03]
-- The positive energies of the shungite are transmitted to the owner: joy of life, vitality, strength [web02]
-- Shungite stimulates the renewal of the body's own cells, supports regeneration, brings a young look back [web03], is holding young [web02]
-- Shungite stimulates the first chakra (root chakra) [web02]
-- is harmonizing body and mind, is soothing, relaxing, is reducing fears, is harmonizing practice rooms, meditation rooms, office space [web03]
-- Shungite promotes deep and relaxing sleep [web03]
-- absorbs negative substances [web02]
-- gives useful elements [web02]
-- Shungite heals diseases, relieves pain [web02]
-- Shungite stones are used for relaxing massages [web02] [so the massage becomes a special healing massage]
-- Shungite stones can be put as a jewelry pendant, in bracelets, chains etc. and is stabilizing the personality, reducing fears, increasing courage and motivation [web03]
"The stone has got it's positive effect on humans probably because of the molecule of fulleren (carbon ball) which is not researched much yet. Indications are that it should bind radicals and should restructure water molecules." [web02]
Shungite strengthens positive energies (the shungite pyramid)
-- Shungite promotes good mood, concentration, motivation, projects, e.g. in the form of a pyramid [web03]
Shungite with other stones
-- Shungite reinforces the effect of other stones [web02]
-- So, shungite combines well with soapstone, amethyst, rainbow fluorite (fluorite), rose quartz, mountain crystal, tiger eye, carnelol, selenite [web02]
Shungite is "exceptional"
Shungite is rare, makes an exceptional impression [web02], is a decoration element as "noble jewelry" [web03]
2. Shungite details from Russia: The name question - other deposits in Canada and Gabon
-- Shungite put on the floor can neutralize geopathogenic zones [water veins]
-- Improvement of soil fertility
-- promotes harmony in the family
-- is one of Karelia's export products [Web04]
-- Geologist Mikhail Filippov is head of the laboratory for the formation of Shungite deposits: -- Carbon-efficient Shungite slate (Nigozero oil slide) with 1% carbon is used for the production of gravel -- artworks made of cheap shungite have no big healing power -- mining site is Zaonezhie, but not everything there is Shungite -- it gives a glossy shungite style, similar to anthracite coal, but shungite does not have the properties of anthracite -- a professor of the University of Petersburg, Mr. Alexander Inostrantvev, examined the shiny shungite species -- The similarity with anthracite is only external -- the carbon content is at both 96-99%, but the properties are very different -- Inostrantsev defined the shungite as "a new extreme member in the series of amorphous carbon," he named it "Shunga anthracite carbon", and is just very different than normal anthracite [web04]
-- In 1885, Inostrantsev made the suggestion for the designation of Shungite according to the location of Shunga, where it was found, and from then on the shiny variety was called "shungite" -- suddenly all varieties were called shungite, also the Nigozero slate, with which nothing heals -- an article in Canada of the Canadian researcher E. Chapman then described the following: In 1871, shiny anthracite found in Canada, the name was anthraxolite -- Mikhail Filippov said, the Shungite with 60 to 80% carbon (hard and shiny) should not be shungite, but anthraxolite -- Filippov is a Dr. in geology and mineralogy -- similar stones like shungite can be found in Gabon -- Karelia just has the biggest occurrence of shungite, and you do not have to dig deep for it [web04].
3. Further healing effects of shungite: shungite water, shungite paste, shungite gravel etc.
Install some shungite stones
-- Shungite set up in a room reduces nervous tension, eliminates headache, insomnia, increases life energy [web06]
-- Shungite acts shielding against harmful radiation, is weakening and slowing down bad reactions of certain electromagnetic frequencies - shungite is eliminating headache, is eliminating insomnia, is harmonizing the sleep [web06]
Massage with shungite stones
-- pebble stones of Shungite for massage of the lumbar spine, as well for respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal stuff, skeleton and joints, urinary system, skin, uterus and ovaries, cardiovascular stuff
-- Massage of the lumbar zone with shungite pebbles causes the reduction of osteochondrosis [too thick cartilage layers], of lumbosacral radiculopathy [damage of nerve ends with troubles of feelings or paralyzation], joint diseases [web06]
Foot massage with shungite stones
-- shungite gravel for foot massage
-- Foot massage on shungite gravel combines the healing effect of shungite with the foot reflexology massage, promotes the blood circulation of the organs and tissues and reduces rheumatism, joint ignitions, osteochondrosis [too thick cartilage layers], varicose veins, asthma, urinary throat, stress [web06]
Shungite foot massage [6]
Shungite paste heals
-- Shungite paste is reducing arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrose, arthritis
-- Shungite paste is reducing local pain [web06]
-- Shungite masks against skin diseases [web07]
Shungite paste (shungirit) [11]
Shungite water with healing effects: skin cleansing, rejuvenation, itching, trophic ulcers, osteomyelitis, allergies - inhalation: almond inflammation, stomatitis, periodontitis, respiratory ways
-- Shungite is the only rock that contains the fullerenes (spherical carbon molecules), the main source of healing ability
-- Shungite stones are cleaning the water and after some time in the water, the shungite water is a healing water with therapeutic and prophylactic properties: skin cleansing, rejuvenation, relieves itching, trophic ulcers, osteomyelitis, acts against allergies
-- You can always run the tap water passing a shungite filter, so there will always be shungite water [web06]
-- Shungite water inhaled and mouthwash with shungite water has an effect against: almond inflammation, stomatitis, periodontitis, prevention against respiratory infections [web06]
4. Further healing effects of Shungite
Shungite up to 64% carbon (matt and gray) and over 94% carbon (black and shiny)
-- Anyone who visits St. Petersburg, should also visit Karelia and take some shungite stones home -- Shungite absorbs negative radiation and activates positive energy -- shungite with over 94% carbon content is deep black and shining -- shungite to 64% carbon is matt and dark gray - everyday life: shungite in the water is a water cleaner -- shungite masks against skin diseases [web07]
Shungite in the industry
-- Shungite is a raw material in the industry, is used in metallurgy for the production of silicon carbide, phosphorus, non-stick paints, ferro alloys, cast iron, is in tires, colors and paints, in conductive colors and non-stick paste -- Shungite is used for underfloor heating, refractory coatings, special concrete classes against sparks, for plaster, for cladding material, for the production of antistatic crops, in road construction shungite is an addition to the frost-proof installation [web07]
Shungite water with properties making young the skin and all organs and hair
-- The healing effects are scientifically proved, rejuvenates -- Shungite is included in many cosmetics because it rejuvenates, so in creams, masks, lotions -- the cell metabolism is normalized, the lymphatic flow and the microcirculation of the blood are increased, the skin becomes fresh , skin rejuvenation -- shungite water acts careful on the whole body, used daily -- mouth wash with shungite water is healing the throat area and the nose area, is fostering the gums -- water purification: shungite in water cleanses the water of nitrates and pesticides -- when shungite water is taken then it accelerates the tissue regeneration, recovery and strengthening of damaged hair [web07]
-- Shungite has 1 strong energy -- shungite jewelry protects against negative energy, rejuvenates, is harmonizing relationships, but must always be worn [web07]
5. Further healing effects of shungite
-- Shungite from Russia is unique worldwide, the shungite is one of the strongest healing stones on the planet [web08]
Shungite is rejuvenating
-- The fullerene molecules in the shungite are antioxidant molecules that neutralize aggressive, free radicals, whereby the free radicals destroy the body cells, this process is stopped with shungite - shungite is included in many cosmetics and medical preparations - shungite normalizes the cell metabolism, old skin gets new life [web08]
-- there is healing paste with shungite and there are massage cushions with shungite [web08].
Shungite water production
-- Shungite cleans water, disinfects it and enriches it with healing properties [web08]
-- Shungite in the water cleanses the water of heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, radionuclides, some viruses and bacteria [web08]
-- Shungite filters are cleaning water and are adding healing properties with their minerals [web08]
Healings with shungite water: inflammation, respiratory tract, mouth, fatigue, asthma, allergies, skin diseases, poisoning, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, diabetes, anemia (anemia), immunodeficiency, blemishes, wound healing, burns, joints, stomach area
-- As a prevention, one can take shungite water every day which is promoting health [web08]
-- Shungite water reduces inflammations - people came to Karelia to shungite water sources and healed [web08]
-- Shungite disinfects, accelerates the healing of colds, helps with hypothermia (undercooling) for normalization [web08]
-- Shungite water can be gurgled and has an effect against angina, against paradontitis and other gum disease [web08]
-- Shungite water relieves pain, inflammation and is disinfecting, is balancing the fatigue syndrome, is healing a hangover [web08]
-- Shungite water serves for the healing of osteochondrois [too thick cartilage layers], asthma, allergies, skin diseases [web08]
-- Shungite water heals skin diseases, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, serious joint diseases, stomach diseases [web08 ]
-- Shungite water heals allergies, diabetes, anemia, immunodeficiency [web08]
-- Disinfection of colibacteria in the body, neutralization of heavy metals and nitrates [web08]
-- In Russia, shungite water heals traditionally joint diseases (arthritis, gout, rheumatism) [web08]
Shungite water: washings: strengthen hair strengthen and rejuvenate skin, blind blemishes
-- Washing hair with shungite water strengthens the roots, increases the shine and the smoothness
-- Washings with shungite water enhance the elasticity of the skin: against wrinkles, swellings, blemishes [skin problems like acne] [web08]
Shungite water: baths against complex skin diseases
-- Shungite baths heal complex diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis [web08]
The chemical analysis of shungite and shungite water
-- The analysis confirmed the healing properties against inflammation as well as the antimicrobial and disinfecting properties [web08]
-- the fullerene accelerate regeneration processes and rejuvenate the skin [web08]
Shungite water in the garden
-- shungite water for watering flowers is promoting the growth of the flowers [web08]
Make shungite water yourself
-- There are water filters with shungite [web08].
If you do not have a shungite water filter, you can prepare the shungite water with shungite stones:
-- clean 3 shungite stones rinsing thoroughly -- the first times in a jug with water the shungite water will be dim, you have to try some times until the shungite water will come out clear -- drinking, washing, gurgle -- you can use the shungite water half and then always refilling the jug again with normal water -- the shungite stones must be changed every 2-3 months [web08].
Make a shungite bath
Add to the bathtub water 3 liters of shungite water, this has an enormous rejuvenating effect and an improvement of the general condition (GC), energy channels are opened, it creates a sense of ease and calm, complex diseases are healing [web08].
Shungite paste is healing
-- Shungite paste is healing swellings and inflammations by improving microcirculation of blood and tissue supply [web08]
Shungite stones are healing: Massage with shungite stones against skin diseases, diabetes, liver affairs, gastrointestinal space, cardiovascular system, psychological disorders - shungite bag on the back - shungite foot massages
-- Massage with shungite stones (litotherapy) has healing effect in skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, liver affairs, gastrointestinal affairs, cardiovascular system, mental disorders
-- Shungite bags on the back heal back pain and sciatica problems, joint pain, osteochondrosis
-- Shungite foot massage on shungite stones improve the physical condition, severe diseases disappear, reduces joint pain, improves blood circulation, spine disorders, normalizes sleep and psychological condition [web08]
Shungite jewelry protects and heals with normal, gray shungite: Headache, insomnia, fatigue - against negative radiation: balls, cubes, pyramids
-- Even cheaper pieces of gray, matt shungite are collecting life energy and are defending against negative energy, protecting against black powers, relieving anxiety, giving calm, harmonizing relationships
-- Even the normal shungite in jewelry heals headaches, insomnia, chronic fatigue, has a reinforcing effect
-- Shungite installed the house and in the office may be in geometric forms: balls, cubes, pyramids, mascots, always protecting against electromagnetic waves of the electrical appliances [web08]
Shungite cushions and shungite bags against earth rays
Shungite protects against geopathogenic zones from the substrate with shungite pillows or shungite bags. In this way the damaging earth rays are shielded without disturbing the natural magnetic field of the earth [web08]:
"Highly active natural shungite carbon weakens the electromagnetic energy of the geopathogenic area qualitatively without disturbing the natural magnetic field of the earth." [web08]-- Cancer and leukemia is growing especially there where people is living in zones with negative earth radiation [web08]
-- Shungite is an element in black and white magic [web08]
Shungite in the construction business
-- Shungicite is a substitute for concrete
-- Shungite is finishing material in construction -- who needs black stone slabs, can use shungite plates -- shungite materials do not become weak, never tarnish [web08]
-- There is cleaner with shungite [web08]
6. Warnings
Warning: Lithoterapists warn that shungite should not be carried eternally, can disturb the renal function. People with deep blood pressure are supposed to use shungite only "carefully". [web08]
Warning: Woman healer Matterhorn from Switzerland said that stone traders had told her that shungite from Russia could eventually be contaminated with radiation by the frontier controls with X ray devices - has to be tested [web10].
Warning: Shungite water users have to clean their stones well again and again because algae could grow [web10].
7. 2021: Shungite against shedding of GENE vaccinated persons
Defense against Shedding - June 13, 2021: Bracelet with Schumann Frequency: strengthens the cells, like a "shield" - shungite
https://t.me/sheddingopferschweiz/4244 (continued)
What helps me and definitely reduces the effects [of the bad radiation of people with GENE vaccination] is a bracelet with the Schumann frequency which acts on my cells and installs a kind of protective shield. Unfortunately, it is necessary to search for it. I do not want to make product advertising here. Alternatively, shungite stone is also helpful. Sometimes I combine both, depending on how extensively the contacts are to be expected. I still notice reactions of my body, but these are onle a few and only very low.
Defense against shedding - June 15, 2021: Thuja Occidentalis and shungite
Geigerin says on Facebook:
Thuja Occidentalis and always have a shungite in your pocket.
8. Shungite: the list
Shungite and chakra
-- Shungite stimulates the first chakra (root chakra) [web02]
Shungite chemical analysis
-- The healing effects are scientifically proved [web07]
-- Shungite is the only rock containing the fullerenes (spherical carbon molecules), the main source of healing capacity [web06]
-- Shungite absorbs negative stuff and activates positive energy [web07]
The chemical analysis of shungite and shungite water
-- The analysis confirmed the healing properties against inflammation as well as the antimicrobial and disinfecting properties [web08]
-- The fullerenes accelerate regeneration processes and rejuvenate the skin [web08]
Deposits with shungite
-- Shungite can be found in Karelia in Western Russia (Zaonezhie) [web08]
-- Deposits of shungite in Karielia are Zaoneschski, West-Karelia and East Karelia - in the southeast is the shungite deposit of Maksovskaya, and there are still the deposits of Zaschoginsky [web07]
-- Shunga is a village from Zaonezhsky region in Karelia, named after the village of Shunga in the 19th century, previously the stone was called just gray slate stone [web03]
-- There is another deposit at Zaonezhie, but not everything there is shungite [web04]
-- Shungite also occurs in small quantities in Kazakhstan [web08]
-- Similar stones like shungite can be found in Gabon [web04], in Canada there is Anthraxolith [web04]
Different types of shungite
-- Shungite with over 94% carbon content is deep black and shining and very strong - shungite to 64% carbon is matt and grayish and less strong [web07]
-- Shungite is one of the strongest healing stones on the planet [web08] [thesis: for sensitive persons weak and cheap shungite is enough!]
The shiny shungite looks similar to anthracite
-- There is a shiny shungite class, similar to anthracite coal, but shungite does not have the properties of anthracite -- a professor of the University of Petersburg, Mr Alexander Inostrantv, examined the shiny shungite class -- the similarity with anthracite is only external -- The carbon content is both 96-99%, but the properties are very different -- Inostrantsev defined the shungite as "a new extreme member in the series of amorphous carbon," he called it "Shunga anthracite carbon", and is just completely different to normal anthracite [web04]
Shungit rejuvenates
-- Shungite rejuvenates [web07]
-- Shungite is included in many cosmetics and medical preparations [web08] because it rejuvenates, for example in creams, masks, lotions -- the cell metabolism is normalized, the lymphatic flow and the microcirculation of the blood are increased, the skin becomes fresh, skin rejuvenation [web07]
-- Shungite stimulates the renewal of the body's own cells, supports regeneration, brings young freshness back [web03], holds young [web02]
-- The fullerene molecules in the shungite are antioxidant molecules that neutralize the aggressive and free radicals who are destroying the body cells, this destructive process is stopped with shungite -- shungite normalizes the cell metabolism, old skin gets new life [web08]
Shungite is healing (the shungit ball)
-- A little shungite ball will harmonize especially body and mind well [web03] [put a round shungit in the pocket]
-- The positive energies of the shungite are transmitted particularly well in a spherical form, for meditating and relaxing [web03]
-- The positive energies of the shungite go to the owner about with the effects: more joy of life, vitality, strength [web02]
-- Shungite has a strong energy, harmonizes relationships, but must always be worn [web07]
[Tesis: sensitive people only need weak shungite and not every day].
Shungite heals as a jewelry
-- Artworks made of cheap shungite have no big healing power [web04] [thesis: cheap shungit is strong enough for sensitive people for healings!]
-- Shungite stones are formed in jewelry pendants, in bracelets, chains etc. Stabilize the personality, reduce fears, increase courage and motivation [web03]
-- Shungite heals diseases, relieves pain [web02]
-- Shungite eliminates headache, eliminates insomnia, harmonizes the sleep [Web06]
Shungite cleans water [but brush and wash the shungite stones regularly!]
-- Shungite cleans water, drinking water, rainwater, ponds, is sterilizing [web02]
-- Shungite in water revives the water [Web02]
-- Shungite in the water is a water purifier [Web07]
-- Water cleaning: Shungite in water cleanses the water of nitrates and pesticides [Web07]
Making shungite water
-- Pass normal water through a shungite filter, so you always have shungite water [web06]
-- Shungite filters clean water and add the mineral composition with healing properties to it [web08]
-- Shungite stones clean the water, disinfects it and enriches it with healing properties [web08]
-- Shungite stones in the water cleanse the water of heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, radionuclides, some viruses and bacteria [web08].
Drinking shungite water heals
-- Shungite water acts caring for the whole body, applied daily [Web07]
-- Shungite stones first clean the water and then add healing properties forming a healing waterwith therapeutic and prophylactic properties [Web06]
-- Shungite stones in water give minerals off and make healing water [web02]
-- Shungite water heals Russian soldiers [web08], tsar Peter I. was in shungite areas and founded there a health resort "Marzialnye Wody" [web03], Resort "Marcial Waters" [web08]
-- Shungite water rejuvenates, makes beautiful [Web08]
-- Shungite water causes: skin cleaning, rejuvenation, relieves itching, tropic ulcers, osteomyelitis, acts against allergies [web06]
-- Drinking shungite water accelerates the tissue regeneration [web07]
-- Drinking shungite water heals and strengthens damaged hair [web07]
Inhale shungite water or make a mouthwash
-- Shungite water inhaled and mouthwashs with shungite water have effect against: tonsillitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, prevention against respiratory infections [web06]
-- Mouthwash with shungite water is healing throat and nasal zone, is fostering the gum [web07]
-- Shungite water gurgled has an effect against angina, against periodontitis and other gum diseases [Web08]
Shungite water: washing: strengthening of the hair, rejuvenating the hair, skin blemishes go away
-- Washing hair with shungite water strengthens the hair roots, increases the shine and the suppleness of the hair [web08]
-- Washingt with shungite water increases the elasticity of the skin: against wrinkles, swellings, skin blemishes [acne] [web08]
Shungite water: Baths against complex skin diseases - the shungite bath
-- The bathtub fill it with water and add 3 liters of shungite water, this causes enormous rejuvenation and improvement of the general condition (GC), energy channels are opened, it creates a sense of ease and tranquility, and complex diseases are healing with it [web08].
-- Shungite baths heal complex diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis [web08]
Make shungite water yourself
-- You can run water through a water filter with shungite stones [web08]
People without shungite filter can produce shungite water with shungite stones:
-- rinse and clean 3 shungite stones well -- when they are put in a jug with water the first times, the shungite water comes out slung, do this until the shungite water comes out clear -- drink it, make washings with it, gurgle it -- use shungite water half and add normal water for refilling the jug -- shungite stones have to be changes all 2 to 3 months [web08].
Healings with shungite water: inflammation, respiratory tract, mouth, fatigue, asthma, allergies, skin diseases, poisoning, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, diabetes, anemia (anemia), immunodeficiency, blemishes, wound healing, burns, joints, stomach zone
-- take as a prevention shungite water every day and this holds you healthy [web08]
-- Shungite water reduces inflammation - people came to Karelia to the water sources in shungite zones, took the shungite water and healed [web08]
-- Shungite water disinfects, accelerates the healing of colds, helps with normalization after subcooling during cold weather [web08]
-- Shungite water relieves pain, inflammation and disinfects, is balancing fatigue syndrome, heals hangover [web08]
-- Shungite water for healing osteochondrose, asthma, allergies [web08]
-- Shungite water heals diabetes, anemia, immunodeficiency [web08]
-- Shungite water heals skin diseases, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, heavy joint diseases, gastric diseases [web08]
-- Disinfection of colibacteria in the body, neutralizes heavy metals and nitrates [web08]
-- Shungite water in Russia traditionally heals joint diseases (arthritis, gout, rheuma) [web08]
Shungite promotes sleep
-- Shungite promotes deep and relaxing sleep [Web03]
Shungite paste: masks and layers with shungite paste
-- There are healing pastes with shungite [web08]
-- Shungite paste relieves arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrose, arthritis [web06]
-- Shungite paste relieves local pain [web06]
-- Shungite masks are against skin diseases [web07]
-- Shungite paste relieves arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrose [web06]
-- Shungite paste relieves local pain [web06]
-- Shungite paste heals swelling and inflammation by improving microcirculation of blood and tissue care [Web08]
Shungite stabilizes and strengthens psychological, positive energies (the shungite pyramid)
-- is harmonizing body and mind, is soothing, relaxing, is reducing fears, is harmonizing practice rooms, meditation rooms, office space [web03]
-- Shungite promotes good mood, concentration, motivation, projects, e.g. in the form of a pyramid [web03]
-- gives useful elements into the air [web02]
-- promotes harmony in the family [web04]
Shungite in combination with other stones
-- Shungite reinforces the effect of other stones [web02]
-- That's why shungite combines well with soapstone, amethyst, rainbow fluorite (fluorite), rose quartz, mountain crystal, tiger eye, carnel, selenit [web02]
Install shungite stones
-- Shungite stones set up in a room reduce nervous tension, eliminate headache, insomnia, increase life energy [web06]
Massage with shungite stones
-- Shungite stones are used for relaxing massages [web02] [so the massage becomes a special healing massage]
-- Pebbles from shungite are used for massage of the lumbar spine, as well as against respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal stuff, skeleton and joints, urinary system, skin, uterus and ovaries, cardiovascular stuff [web06]
-- Massage of the lumbar zone with shungite stons causes the reduction of osteochondrosis [too thick cartilage layers], of lumbosacral radiculopathy [damage to nerve endings with disturbance of sensations or paralysis], joint diseases [web06]
-- There are massage pillows with shungite [web08]
-- There is stones massage (litotherapy) with shungite has healing effect in skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, liver affairs, gastrointestinal affaris, cardiovascular system, mental disorders [web08]
-- Shungite bags on the back heal the back pain and sciatica problems, joint pains, osteochondrosis [web08]
Foot massage with shungite stones
-- There is gravel from shungite for foot massage [web06] [thesis: or when you are sitting womewhere, you roll each foot over one shung stone]
-- Foot massage on shungite gravel combines the healing effect of shungite with the foot reflexology massage, promotes the blood circulation of the organs and tissues and reduces rheumatism, joint inflammations, osteochondrosis [too thick cartilagoing layers], varicose veins, asthma, urinary densis, stress [web06]
-- Shungite foot massage on shungite stones improves physical condition, severe diseases disappear, reduces joint pain, improves blood circulation, spine disorders, normalizes sleep and psychological condition [web08]
Shungite in the garden
-- Shungite water improves the soil fertility [web04]
-- Flowering water with shungite promotes the growth of flowers [web08]
Shungite against bad earth zones: Shungit neutralizes water veins
Shungite protects against geopathogenic zones from the ground when shungit pillows or shungit bags are put. In this way, harmful earth radiation is shielded without disturbing the natural magnetic field of the earth [web08]:
Quote (translation): "Highly active natural shungite carbon weakens the electromagnetic energy in the geopathogenic area qualitatively - without disturbing the natural magnetic field of the earth." [web08]-- Cancer and leukemia arise especially there where people is living in zones with negative earth radiation [web08].
Shungite protects against radiation (the shungit cube)
-- Shungite jewelry protects against negative energy [web07]
-- Shungit cube (dice) absorbs rays of electrical appliances [Web03]
-- absorbs negative substances [Web02]
-- Shungite protects against radiation (electromagnetic radiation, negative radiation) [web02]
-- Shungite acts shielding against harmful radiation, weakened and slowingly slimming reactions to certain electromagnetic frequencies [web06]
-- Shungite absorbs the radiation of mobile masts, smartphones, microwaves, TV appliances, laptops, computers, for example a shungite in cube shape next to a PC [web03]
-- Shungite stabilizes and harmonizes the own bio-field of humans and of living space [web02], increases the concentration and performance of people on the PC [web03]
[thesis: don't work too much with a shungite aside or you have bad sleep and you will be sleepy all the next day]
-- Shungite neutralizes the left-rotating torsional fields of electrical appliances and they become right-rotating and harmless [web02]
-- Even cheaper pieces of gray, matt shungite collect life energy and defend negative energy, protect against black powers, relieve fear, ray rest, harmonize relationships [webb08]
-- Also normal shungite installed in jewelry heals headache, insomnia, chronic fatigue, acts giving more strength [web08]
-- Shungite can be put in different forms in a house or office: balls, cubes, pyramid, mascot, they always protect against electromagnetic waves of the electrical appliances [web08]
Shungite in the industry
-- as a pigment for colors [Web01]
-- Shungite coal in filters has a cleaning effect [web01]
-- weak shungite with 1% carbon content is used for gravel (low-carbon shungite slate stone (Nigozero oil slate stone)) [web04]
-- Shungite is a raw material in the industry, is used in metallurgy for the production of silicon carbide, for teh production of phosphorus, of non-stick varnishes, ferro lollations, cast iron, is in tires, colors and paints, in conductive colors and non-stick pastes [web07]
-- Shungite is used for underfloor heating, refractory coatings, special concrete classes against sparks, for plaster, for cladding material, for the production of antistatic plastics, in road construction shungite is added as an addition to the frost-proof installation [web07]
-- Shungicide is a substitute for concrete [web08]
-- Shungite is refinement material in construction -- who needs black stone slabs, can use shungite slabs - Shungite matrials do not worse, never decompose [web08]
-- There is cleaner with shungite [web08]
Shungite in the magic
-- Shungite is element with black and white magic [web08]
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[web01] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shungite [web02] https://www.schungit-energiesteine.de/wirkung-von-schungit
[web03] https://schungit-welt.com/schungit-wirkung/
[web04] http://www.krc.karelia.ru/section.php?plang=r&id=1025
[web05] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fullerene
[web06] https://ssko.ru/advice/shungit-kak-lechebnyy-faktor/
[web07] https://charmtravel.ru/articles/shungit-v-karelii/
[web08] https://milady-24.ru/info/shungit.html
[web09] https://karelia.gold/blog/shungit/
[web10] https://www.owep.de/artikel/703-karelien-eine-oder-mehrere-regionen
Photo sources
[1] Raw shungite stones: https://piedraschacras7.com/piedra-hungit/
[2] Polished shungite stones: https://piedraschacras7.com/piedra-hungit/
[3] Shungite stones: raw, ground, cubes, ball, pyramid: https://poznani-magazin.cz/stritit-magicky-kamen--harmonizacnimi-Shopnostmi/
[4] Jewelry with shungite: https://poznani-magazin.cz/swasstit-magicky-kamen--harmonizacnimi-Shopnostmi/
[5] Shungite deposit in Karelia, Russia: http://www.krc.karelia.ru/section.php?plang=r&id=1025
[6] Shungite foot massage: https://samopoznanie.ru/articles/shungitovoe_ozero_massazhjor/
[7] Shungite mining tunnel in Shunga, Karelia, Russia: https://karelia.gold/blog/shungit/
[8] Noble shungite stones shinging: https://autogear.ru/article/403/69/shungitovaya-voda/
[9] Shungite water with glittering noble shungite stones: https://autogear.ru/article/403/69/shungitovaya-voda/
[10] Shungite water with shining nobel shungite: https://aquaful.ru/shungit-dlya-ochistki-vody-otzyvy.html
[11] Shungite paste (shungirit): https://www.argo-shop.com.ua/article-7064.html
[12] Shungite books in Russian: Google (search of July 20, 2021 in Russian)
[13] Shungite books in German: Google (search of July 20, 2021 in German)
[14] Photos from Carelia: google (photo search from July 21, 2021 in English: Carelia)
[15] Map of Carelia with Shunga: google maps, with supplements by Michael Palomino 2021
[16] Shunga, house: https://onrealt.ru/derevnya-shunga/kypit-dom/10586545
[17] Shunga, house at the lake: https://onrealt.ru/derevnya-shunga/kypit-dom/30598716
[18] Shunga, sign: https://onrealt.ru/derevnya-shunga/kypit-dom/18851135