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Coronavirus19 13t: Plandemic + population reduction: The mass murder is prepared by criminal pandemics + gene vaccinations 01: "USA" 01
presented by Michael Palomino (2021)
Jesse Ventura reports on Fusion Centers since 2001, defamations, concentration camps, piles of coffins, a bill H.R.645 since 2002 - Plandemic since 2007 - "USA"=10 prison districts since 2010 (2010)
Georgia: coffins, coffin stack zoom 02 [8] - Catherine Bleish in a demo for Ron Paul [11] - Crest of the Homeland Security of the "USA" [12]
Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones [14] - Map of the "USA" with 10 prison districts [1] - Concentration camps in the "USA" 2010 [2] - Legislative decision on the construction of concentration camps No. H.R.645 (Jan22, 2002) [3]
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Jesse Ventura's 2010 report predicts what has happened since 2020 with Corona19 terrorism:
-- a plandemic was invented, mass panic was provoked
-- concentration camps are prepared
-- 100,000 coffins are prepared.
The chronology since 2001 (WWIII)
-- since 2001: Fusion Centers are installed for spying everything and combining any data without control with defamations without end in the "USA" (BUSH)
-- since Jan.22, 2002: There is the bill H.R.645 to build up concentration camps in the "USA" (BUSH)
-- since 2007: There is the Plandemic project by Homeland Security with criminal flues and criminal vaccinations (BUSH)
-- since Jan.11, 2010, Obama gave out the Executive Order for converting the "USA" into 10 large prison areas with a "Council of Governors" (OBAMA)
The film by Jesse Ventura was broadcast on truTV in 2010 and has been censored and suppressed by the Mossad mass media ever since. The truTV website:
Video principle topics: Espionage by the "Fusion Centers" since 2001: EVERYTHING is spied on and profiles are created - 2002: bill HR645 for building concentrations camps as a precondition for martial law - Plandemic project of 2007 - piles of coffins for 4 corpses per coffin - Executive Order 2010: Convert "USA" into 10 prison districts
Video Minutes Jesse Ventura part 1: Fusion Centers since 2001 - espionage victim Catherine Bleish - De-Fuse movement - political enemies or protest demonstrators are defined as "terrorists"
Video: Jesse Ventura predicts in 2010: Espionage with Fusion Centers - Martial Law - pandemic - FEMA camps (14'57'')
Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jtNwxgZXASXa/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - upload at June 28, 2021
Video: Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS part 1 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV (14'57'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6vsKMaSG1s - YouTube channel: Nezello - upload on Jan. 6, 2011
How the "USA" will look in the future:
Map of the "USA" with 10 prison districts [1] - Concentration camps in the "USA" 2010 [2] - Legislative decision on the construction of concentration camps No. H.R.645 (Jan22, 2002) [3]
Jesse Ventura, portrait [4]
Jesse Ventura shows in his video:
-- Coffin storage in Madison (Georgia) (2'27 ''), there are 100,000 coffins prepared (2'33 '') to get rid of any people (2'40 ''), in the whole country (2'46 ' ').
Shield: Morgan County, Public Security Sector [5] - Georgia: coffins, coffin stacks [6] - Georgia: coffins, coffin stacks, zoom 01 [7]
Georgia: coffins, coffin stacks, zoom 02 [8]
Defamation victim Catherine Bleish: The campaign leader for Ron Paul is listed as "dangerous" and is constantly being spied on
-- The project is to transform the "USA" into a police state (2'52 ''), the victim of this strategy is, for example, Catherine Bleish from Missouri (3'10 ''), she is a victim of the criminal Obama administration (government profiling victim) (3'14 ''), she was a Member of Congress for the state of Missouri (3'50 ''), she worked with Ron Paul (3'53 ''), but she was put on a watchlist and spied on (4 ' 4 ''). Catherine Bleish led a campaign for Ron Paul as a presidential candidate [in 2008] (4'13 ''), and now she is on a list as a threat to the state [as an enemy of the state], so there must be something wrong with this (4'19 '').
-- the constitution of the "USA" prohibits such persecution (4'22 '').
The "Fusion Centers" are espionage centers without any law: They spy like maniacs on EVERYTHING and EVERY agency is allowed to have spied data
-- Catherine Bleish mentions "Fusion Centers" (4'32 '').
-- After September 11, 2001, so-called "Fusion Centers" were installed in all cities of the "USA" (4'43 ''). There commands (command centers) are installed that spy on information and combine it [in their own way] (4'47 ''). So they collect data from all [criminal] secret services, police stations, government agencies, NASA, the security ministry "Homeland Security" etc., always with the pretext of serving as a precaution against terrorism (4'54 ''). First this could be believed, so all political groups were categorized, profiles were created, lifestyle was categorized (5'27 '').
Coat of arms of the Homeland Security of the "USA" [12] - terror police with an aggressive Rottweiler dog [13]
-- these Fusion Centers have police authority and can define and prosecute anyone and everyone as an enemy, so: school groups, student groups, church groups etc. (5'50 '') - but these are NOT terrorists at all (!) (5'53 '').
[So, the Fusion Centers are well payed MANIACS for espionage - they are the new terrorists].
-- Catherine Bleish struggled to know why she was on a list of public enemies (to figure out) (6'3 ''). And when she wanted to find this out in Homeland Security, the guards were not very polite (6'11 ''): The criminal guards chased a police dog against her (6'20 ''). Catherine Bleish had only requested a file inspection ("record request") and was kicked out (6'27 ''). That was at the "Homeland Security" (6'35 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: That is a standard: If the government claims to want to protect you, then you will lose your freedom (6'41 '').
-- The police can dissolve any meeting under martial law, be it politically, be it a group of children (6'50 ''), so it is better to keep your freedom and not be spied on and blocked by a pretended security guard (7'1 '').
The Fusion Centers have been terrorizing the "USA" since 2001 and define all thinking people as "terrorists" and "conspiracy theorists"
-- since 2001 72 Fusion Centers have been set up in the "USA", for espionage of ALL people (7'20 ''). There the different data from the CIA, the FBI, the state police and the local police are combined (7'29 '').
Daniel Kucan (from resistance: De-Fuse): The main thing is that the data collections shall not become too large (7'33 '').
Jesse Ventura + Catherine Bleish: But the Fusion Centers define simple protest groups as "terrorists" and "conspiracy theorists" (7'41 '').
June Sarpong (from De-Fuse): According to Ken Sunsteen, the "conspiracy theorists" should all be banned (7'49 '').
Jesse Ventura: Obviously, these Fusion Centers are about much more than just control (7'54 '').
FBI spy Mike German reports: The Fusion Centers combine data WITHOUT guidelines and WITHOUT control, but have police force
FBI employee Mike German infiltrated certain groups before 2001, but after September 11, 2001 there were so many lies that he quit the FBI (8'24 '') and concentrated on the "Fusion Centers" (8'29 '').
-- Mike German: These Fusion Centers have NO guidelines and work without being monitored (8'35 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: NO guidelines, NO oversight (8'39 '')
-- Mike German: These fusion centers collect data that has nothing to do with crime, and there is really a problem there (8'52 ''). In some programs extreme views are expressed (8'59 '').
-- Ventura: So here people play "god", what is an "extreme view" and what is not? (9'4 '')
-- Mike German: If you read the police files, everything is defined as a "violent threat" just to carry out police operations (9'20 '').
-- So with the pretext of "security" all possible data is collected and then terrorism is carried out (9'28 '').
Concentration camp (police state prison camp)
-- The concentration camps in the "USA" are officially called "residential centers", but have fences all around to prevent an escape (9'48 '') - this is a nightmare that is being prepared ( 10'48 '')
-- Mike German: Until 2007 there were 42 Fusion Centers, now [in 2010] there are 72 Fusion Centers, so they are growing fast (10'56 '')
-- Mike German: Unfortunately there seems to be a story between police activity and secret service activity (11'2 ''), always defining political groups as a target and destroying them with police terror, everything is kept secret (11'9 '').
-- Jesse Ventura asks: Who is in charge of all of this? - Mike German: That is the best question, and the answer is: Nobody (11'16 '').
[Here are some possible criminals organizing and financing this: Mossad! Rothschild! Committee of 300 with Luzifer!]
-- Jesse Ventura: Then it all seems to me prepared to commit an abuse (11'21 '').
-- Mike German: Absolutely (11'22 ''). There are violent commands, there is no information for the public, there is no monitoring body (11'31 ''), and the public has no access (11'34 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: That sounds like a recipe to be able to cause a disaster (11'37 '').
Austin (Texas): Operation De-Fuse is spying on the Fusion Centers - indications from John Bush with visits to Fusion Centers
-- John was a member of a "Fusion Center Watch Dogs" infiltration group to monitor the Fusion Centers (11'54 ") called "Operation De-Fuse" (12'1"). The leader of the infiltration group is John Bush (12'4 '').
-- John Bush claims that "Operation De-Fuse" is there to train activists for the republic to present the growing danger of the "Fusion Centers" (12'18 '')
-- John Bush: Anyone who questions the state is classified as a "violent threat" (12'29 '').
-- Mike German: These Fusion Centers specialize in tracking political groups that have their own values (12'43 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: This is political persecution, you can be inprisoned by the police for anyone and anything (12'51 ''):
-- because of things you've bought
-- because of books that one has read (12'55 '')
-- because of friendships to certain people or memberships to certain groups (12'57 '').
-- Mike German: Other reasons to stalk people are
-- people who just take pictures
-- people who just make a video (13'10 '')
-- people who make diagrams (13'12 '')
-- people who are measurements something
-- people who have extreme views (13'14 '').
-- Mike German: First the espionage program was planned as a program for justice support: program with directed law inforcement (13'22 ''). So they first had a legal education (13'24 ''), but now they are a public program with video presentation (13'27 ''), so there, for example, planes are invented that fly to the WTC, and then it is claimed: You can prevent that by denouncing your neighbors (13'36 '').
"Suspiceous activity" - Fusion Centers create profiles
-- Question: How were the visits to the Fusion Centers?
-- John Bush: In the Fusion Center of Ohio there was an encounter with four gigantic, armed guards (13'49 '')
-- John Bush: The Fusion Center in Arizona was really very strange (13'58''). One woman informed us that they were organizing protests and their names were included in the database (14'8 '')
-- John Bush: I asked her, if I were to organize a protest demonstration, whether they would then include my name in the database (14'14 ''). The woman said clearly: "Yes" (14'15 '') - although a protest demonstration is a legal activity according to the 1st Amendment (14'19 '').
Conclusion: The criminal Fusion Centers are cancelling the constitution and are installing a DICTATURESHIP.
-- Mike German: The Fusion Centers collect data and then set behavior patterns and profiles, and then they apply it for their customers (14'29 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: With that, everything is dead what the "USA" used to be (14'32 '')
-- Mike German: Exactly, many people then shy away from politics because they think they don't want to be spied on (14'39 ''), because otherwise they could be called a "terrorist", so someone could simply call and denounce whole groups as "terrorists" (14'44 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: They create a profile of everyone and everything (14'47 ''), and that's really like Big Brother (14'50 '').
The next step: military dictatorship
-- Ventura: I knew what would come next, but hoped that I would be wrong (14'54 ''):
Video part 2: Espionage by the "Fusion Centers" since 2001: EVERYTHING is spied on and profiles are created - as a requirement for martial law - Fusion Center + FEMA camps = total terror - Installation of concentration camps (cc) by Halliburton (Helliburton) - camp management by Homeland Security - Execution Order for 10 prison areas (2010) - camps in Las Vegas, Texas, near Los Angeles
Video: Jesse Ventura 2010 part 2: concentration camps in the "USA" are prepared (14'49'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZRPmaavA9wB9/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - installed at July 5, 2021
Video: Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS part 2 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV (14'49'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1bftc4gHQY - YouTube channel: Nezello - installed at Jan.6, 2011
The next step will be a military dictatorship
-- Ventura: I knew what would be the next step, but I hoped I would be wrong (9 ''):
-- Mike German: These entanglements worry us very much (13 '').
-- Ventura: I experienced martial law in the Philippines (17 ''). The military occupy entire villages and cities and trample on basic rights (23 ''). The Fusion Centers help to find the victims (27 '').
The big fusion centers
-- Mike German: There are some big Fusion Centers (they have a number of big ones): One of the big ones is the Fusion Center in Colorado (40 '').
-- Ventura: One can see it on the google satellite map (44 '').
The Fusion Center of Colorado ("USA") in 2010 [22] - view from above in 2010 [23] - the red facade in 2010 [24]Concentration camps (cc) are prepared
-- there are concentration camps prepared for you and your family (1'8 '') being called "Residential Center", for example: the "T. Don Hutto Residential Center" (1'14 '').
Taylor in Texas: The Don Hutto concentration camp in 2010 (officially called "residential center") [25] - the official sign in 2010 [26]
-- Ventura stands in front of an entrance of such a concentration camp: "Well, I've never seen a residential center with locked security doors and double barbed wire (1'18").
-- Speaker: And something worse comes later (1'22 ''). Ventura: "What the hell is this?" (1'26 '')
Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones detecing something: "What the hell is this?" [82]
The Colorado Fusion Center
-- Ventura is [in his black Ford Mustang] on the way from Denver to the Fusion Center of Colorado ("Colorado Fusion Center") (1'37 '') - so this is a monster ("Monster Fusion Center") (1 '42' ')
-- the governor speaks freely about the espionage and persecution of innocent "Americans" with surveillance cameras (1'48 '').
-- the next step will reveal something unbelievable (1'54 ''): Here are "American" concentration camps (ccs) (1'59 '') "for you and your family" (2'2 ' ')
Details on the criminal Colorado Fusion Center
-- Speaker: Ventura reaches the Fusion Center in Colorado, it looks so inconspicuous ("doesn't look like much") (2'6 ''), but "but this is Homeland Security's crown jewel" (2'10 '')
-- 55 different secret services are using this place as their control center for espionage, and against protest demonstrations, even against normal delegates ("even ordinary delegates") - all this terror violates the National Democratic Convention of 2008 (2'23 '').
-- the spokesman for the Fusion Center in Colorado is Mr. Lance Clem (Homeland Security Spokesman) (2'41 '')
-- Lance Clem: A Fusion Center "is putting together pieces of information" (2'46 '')
The Fusion Center of Colorado: Spokesman Lance Clem in 2010: Lance Clem: A Fusion Center "is putting together pieces of information" [28]
[this is espionage and programming for artificial intelligence]
-- Lance Clem: "Fusion center means that they take together all kinds of information" (2'52 '')
-- Ventura: Secret service information ("intelligence") (2'54 '')
-- Lance Clem: Can be secret service information, can also be other information ("may or may not be intelligence") (2'56 '')
-- Ventura: It seems to me as if they also have the right to commit abuse with all of this: "It also appears to me to be very right for abuse" (2'59 ''). So this composite information can really easily be used AGAINST "American" citizens (3'6 '').
-- Lance Clem exclaims: "We don't watch people. We do watch trans." (3'11'')
-- Ventura: "But are there trans people?" (3'12'')
-- Lance Clem: "Not necessarily, but it could be." (3'14 '')
-- Ventura: "It could be." (3'16 '')
The Missouri Fusion Center
-- Ventura: "We had an occasion to study the fusion center of Missouri. - Aha - And it came out that they were focusing on people who had Ron Paul stickers on their cars." (3'26'').
-- Lance Clem: "Right") (3'26'')
-- Ventura asks: "Now, isn't that going above and beond? You call it duty? (3'30 '') - It even showed up conspiracy theorists." (3'33 '')
-- Lance Clem: "Yep." (3'34 '')
-- Ventura: That's how I get there [on the list]. Would I then also be under surveillance by a Fusion Center? (3'38 '') Because I believe in things that others don't? (3'40 '')
(orig.: "That puts me in there. Would I be under observation by a Fusion Center?" (3'38'') Because of my beliefs that I don't always believe?" (3'41'')
-- Lance Clem: "Hopefully not" (3'43 '')
-- Ventura: Hopefully? (3'43 '')
-- Lance Clem: "Hopefully not" (3'44 '').
What Fusion Centers do
Ventura comments:
-- first they say they just put data together ("they just fuse information") (3'48 '')
-- then he says "he HOPES that they are not watching me" (3'50 '')
Ventura concludes:
-- Ventura: "I think all hope is lost" (3'55 ''), these people seem out of control ("these guys sound out of control") (3'57 '')
The criminal Fuse Centers mainly follow Afro-"Americans", the situation in Israel, and everyone with political slogans on their cars
Daniel Kucan reads something to Mr. Clem:
-- Daniel Kucan: There is a document from Missouri and a document from Virginia (4'1 ''), there it is clearly stated: Special target are Afro-"Americans" (4'3 ''),
-- Clem: Yes.
Police state with bully police in batman uniform and motorcycle helmet [31] - Documents: FusionCenters specifically pursue African Americans [32]
-- Daniel Kucan: People who are against the State of Israel (4'6 '')
-- Clem: Yes.
-- Daniel Kucan: So that's really worrying that people are only on the watchlist because of a political slogan on their car (4'11 '').
-- Clem: "Sure, of course it is." (4'13 '')
-- Speaker: "This man is not even bothering to deny it." (4'16 '')
-- Daniel Kucan: "That's really dicy?" (4'17 '')
-- Clem: "Well, it is dicy." (4'18 '')
-- Ventura: Are the Fusion Centers connected or do they act independently (seperately)? (4'28 '')
-- Clem: So this one acts independently, "the government does not manage this, these operations". (4'32 '')
-- Ventura: Do they oversee them? (4'35 '')
-- Clem: "No, they don't." (4'36 '').
-- Ventura: That was the most terrifying discovery we made here (4'42 ''). Nobody is monitored (nobody is at the radar) (4'44 ''). "These fusion centers are running wild." (4'47 '')
Terrorist state "USA": Here are 4 Fusion Centers of the "USA" from 72 - they spy what they want and with this, they also destroy what they want [33]
Fusion Center = prison organizers = future concentration camp (cc) organizers
Alex Jones, conspiracy expert [34]
-- Alex Jones: These Fusion Centers are not only espionage centers to control the population, they also organize the concentration camps that are scattered all over the nation (5'44 '').
-- Ventura: Concentration camps? So I knew it was going to be a longer story, I wanted to see it myself (5'52 ''). Alex showed me a federal prison in Texas in the open field (5'55 ''). Wasn't that supposed to be just a prison? (5'58 '')
-- Alex Jones: It [this federal prison in Texas] is also destined to be a center for civil disobedience (6'1 ''), and there are 11,000 acres of land around - that are under the control of the Department of Defense ( 6'7 '').
-- Ventura: So there is more room for the expansion of the prison than what we are currently seeing here (that are we seing right here) (6'11 '').
-- Alex Jones: Yes, this is one of the bigger complexes in the "USA" to suppress people in the big cities, in case of unrest because of financial collapse, or because of starting a war, or because of starting a revolution (6'24 '')
-- Ventura: It seems like they are waiting to put us ALL behind bars (6'27 '').
Attack on a police car with the number 666 [35] - The police state is standing there with police shields with the code 199 [36]
-- Alex Jones: They built such open air prisons all over the country, the prisons are designed for whole families (6'38 ''), similar to the concentration camps of the Nazi era (6'40 '').
-- Speaker: There comes a young person who got too close to the truth (6'45 '').
-- Speaker: Later Jesse Ventura can question the congressman who is behind these concentration camps (6'54 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: You really mean that such camps don't exist in "America"? (6'58 '')
-- "No, there aren't." (6'59 '')
-- Speaker: This is Jesse Ventura's investigation into a police state conspiracy based on terror response bases called Fusion Centers (7'15 '').
-- Speaker: So the case is so far that one now has to take countermeasures (7'22 '').
Conspiracy expert Alex Jones: The Fusion Centers run a network of concentration camps
-- Speaker: The conspiracy expert Alex Jones warned many governors that the command is actually going out from the Fusion Centers to run a network with concentration camps (7'33 ''). If martial law is proclaimed, these concentration camps are to be activated (7'36 '').
-- Alex Jones: We know that they plan to present a forward story, so these Fusion Centers are supposed to be directed against illegal aliens or immigrants without documents (7'45 '').
-- Alex Jones: But then these concentration camps were built ALL OVER "America" and set up for whole families, similar to the concentration camps of the Nazi era (7'52 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: There were also Japanese in concentration camps during WWII (7'57 '').
-- Alex Jones: Exactly (7'58 '').
[And there were the Rhine Meadow camps from 1945 and 1946 in the "US" zone of Germany for killing 1 million German soldiers].
The government plans to repeal the constitution in order to establish a dictatorship - arresting everyone defined as a "national threat"
-- Jesse Ventura: This government planned to repeal the constitution, declaring martial law and arresting anyone who was considered a "national danger" (8'9 ''). That is documented. This procedure is called Rex84 (8'12 ''). It started with the signature of Ronald Reagan [in 1984] (8'16 ''), by General Oliver North (8'18 '').
-- General North swore a sanctimonious oath on a fantasy god (8'21 '').
"Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of United States citizens deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the president declared a National Emergency. The plan was first revealed in detail in a major daily newspaper by reporter Alfonso Chardy in the July 5, 1987 edition of the Miami Herald." Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84)
Executive Orders against the Constitution: Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy etc. - historian Stewart Rhodes
-- Jesse Ventura: June [Sarpong, investigative officer] was in Las Vegas with a constitutional expert Stewart Rhodes (8'27 ''). There came out that up to Barack Obama, the population's rights were always restricted, just like that, if they want it (8'35 '').
-- Stewart Rhodes: It's very simple: You just organize a few riots, and as a reaction they can always restrict your rights (8'47 '').
-- June Sarpong: So these are just a few of many? (8'51 '')
-- Stewart Rhodes: Sure. There was Lincoln with a civil war (8'56 ''). There were embargoes, there were blockades (8'58 ''). He himself took every opportunity (9'2''). The same thing with Roosevelt: He put all the Japanese in concentration camps, even though they were "American" citizens, that is, 1000s of them were interned for years (9'16 ''). Another date is from Kennedy in the Cold War (9'23 '').
"USA" is dictatorship undermining the Constitution with executive orders [39] - Police state with concentration camps with barbed wire and loudspeakers [40] -
Stewart Rhodes, historian of Constitutional Watchdog [41]
Kennedy's Executive Order of February 16, 1962 [42]
Jan.11, 2010: The division of the "USA" into 10 large prison areas with a Council of Governors
-- Jesse Ventura: The last decree on this subject was signed on January 11, 2010 (9'33 ''), under Obama. It's about the Governors Council (9'37 ''). There were 9 governors from states and one from Puerto Rico (9'44 ''). In an emergency case, the "USA" should be divided into 10 large areas (9'50 ''). The remaining governors and legislators of the federal states should lose their power (9'54 ''). So if the president wanted to send military men into the cities and hunt down and arrest the dissidents in the states, then the Council of Crownies would stamp everything for him (10'4 ''). That is the reason why they [the 10 governors] were chosen (10'6 '').
Obama's Executive Order on January 11, 2010 [43] - January 11, 2010: Obama defines a Governors Council in his Executive Order [44] -
The new map of the "USA" with the Governors Council (Council of Governors): The "USA" become 10 prison districts [45]
-- Stewart Rhodes: The big problem is that the military power would then no longer correspond with the law (10'13 '').
Taylor (Texas): The concentration camp ("residential center" with double fence, barbed wire and floodlights etc. = "residential center")
Alex Jones describes something:
-- Alex Jones: This is only one part of the prison (10'19 ''). There are auxiliary troops and there are other prisons nearby (10'22 '').
The guard comes.
-- Jesse Ventura: The presentation doesn't go long, the guard comes (10'25 '').
-- Jesse Ventura to the police: I showed him a ranch, is that a problem? (10'33 '')
Taylor (Texas): Police control at the concentration camp fence [46] - Taylor (Texas): The Don Hutto concentration camp ("residential center") [47] -
Taylor (Texas): The Don Hutto concentration camp ("residential center") with double fence, barbed wire inclined INWARDS and with floodlights [48]
-- Jesse Ventura: I'm used to being bullied (10'36 ''). Anyway, we just drove to the next type of prison (10'40 ''). They call it a residential center (10'44 ''). But that really looks damned like a prison (10'47 ''): double fences, floodlights, barbed wire to prevent an escape (10'54 ''), and there are railroad tracks at the main entrance (10'58 ''). It's just like in Nazi Germany (11'1 '').
Taylor (Texas): The Don Hutto concentration camp ("residential center") with railroad tracks next to it [49]Halliburton (Helliburton)
-- Alex Jones: Halliburton and others got contracts (11'6 ''), not only to rule over immigrants or farmers, but also political dissidents (11'12 ''). They have set up these centers across the country (11'15 "), and they call them "Residential centers" (11'17").
-- Jesse Ventura: "Residential Centers" with a fence around? (11'18 '')
-- Alex Jones: Because they claim that they are designed for whole families (11'21 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: But this is really a cruel place to raise children (11'24 '').
There's a warning sign:
-- Jesse Ventura: Take a look at this part, here it becomes even clearer: Every means is used to help those affected or refugees.
Any instrumental may be used in aid in affecting or in attempting escape (11'31 '').
So, when they use the word "escape", it tells me: The people here are being held "against their will" (11'37 '').
-- Jesse Ventura asks the speaker: That really looks more like a prison to me (11'49 '').
-- Speaker: Well, that's for their own safety (11'51 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: Who's after them? (11'53 '')
-- Speaker: "I am sorry?" (11'54 '')
Taylor (Texas), KZ Don Hutto mit 2 Sprechern [74] - Taylor (Texas): KZ Don Hutto "Wohnheim" ("residential center"), Logo [53] -
Next shield
-- Speaker: Has the government planned a war against its own people? (12'3 '')
Stacked coffins
-- Alex Jones: So there are gigantic preparations for epidemics and mass death (12'7 '').
-- Speaker: Jesse Ventura is in the process of clearing up the huge conspiracy over the prison camps. The government has 100 prison camps across the country (12'23 ''). You can lock all people up there - except of course the elite (12'26 ''). Jesse Ventura will now visit the administrators of a prison camp in Texas (12'32 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: Well, let's see if they talk to us (12'40 '').
Daniel Kucan and William Luis: Homeland Security operates the concentration camps in the "USA" on the basis of the law resolution H.R.645 of January 22, 2009
-- Speaker: At the same time, Daniel Kucan is in California and is looking for hidden facilities that have been made invisible (12'50 ''). His guide is William Louis, an activist who has located 800 prison locations (12'57 ''). William speaks via webcam (13'0 '').
Concentration camp researcher William Louis, portrait [54] - Map of the "USA" with over 800 concentration camps [55]
He reveals a bill from the "US" Congress (13'3 ''). The number is: H.R.645, the precondition for building these camps (13'8 ''). They are supposed to be operated by the Secretary of Homeland Security (13'13 '').
Text of the legislative resolution of January 22, 2009 - Link: http://greatdreams.com/political/HR-645.htm
"USA": The legislative resolution H.R.645 on the construction of concentration camps, January 22, 2002 [56] - The resolution H.R.645 mandates the homeland security authority "Homeland Security" to build concentration camps in the "USA" [57]
William Louis: Military bases can easily be converted into prison camps
-- William Louis: Any military base can be converted into a prison camp (13'20 ''). The first thing that is needed are the safety measures. The first is a fence all around, but the crown of the fence is not directed outwards to keep intruders away, but is directed inwards to keep camp inmates from escaping (13'26 ''). There are also watchtowers (13'31 ''). There are also airfields or railway lines (13'36 ''). And then there are still smoking chimneys (13'38 ''). So that is all similar to the concentration camps for the Japanese in the 1940s (13'41 ''). So my question is: who is going to be taken as prisoner? (13'46 '') I have the feeling that it could be the normal population ("people like you and me") (13'50 '').
Concentration camp researcher William Louis, portrait 02 [58] - "USA" with concentration camps: the crown of the fence is inclined inwards, so to barrack people [59] - "USA" with concentration camp warning sign: Trespassing - loitering forbidden, 1000 dollars fine and / or 6 months in prison possible [60]
"USA" with prison camps for Japanese 1941-1945 [61]
Taylor (Texas): Concentration camp "Residencial Center" is locked
Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones enter the front yard area of the Don Hutto concentration camp in Taylor (Texas) (13'56 ''). The doors are locked (13'59 '').
- Jesse Ventura: What will we speak about here? (13'56 '') Can we enter here? Locked? (13'59 '') That's really locked. We can't get in here (14'2 ''). Jesse Ventura rings: Hello? (14'4 '')
California: Prison camp near Los Angeles: William Louis instructs Daniel Kucan
At the same time, Daniel Kucan is in California.
-- Jesse Ventura: While we were trying to get in, William Louis directed Daniel to a concentration camp near Los Angeles (14'11 '').
-- William Louis to Daniel Kucan: Now you drive a little straight ahead, then right up and then you are in a dead end and see the camp (14'30 '').
-- Daniel Kucan: I don't see security guards, but it's all with barbed wire (14'37 ''), inclined INWARDS. So, here people are supposed to be prevented from escaping from the camp (14'40 '').
Daniel Kucan at an intersection, Los Angeles region - [63] - Los Angeles region with the Van Norman Reservoir: entrance gate and the crown of the fence is inclined inwards [64a] - Los Angeles region: The concentration camp in the Van Norman Reservoir, main building Zoom [64b ]
-- William Louis: These camps are always well guarded (14'42 '').
-- Daniel Kucan: Ah now, they show up. Yes, let's go to the next base (14'47 ''). Yes, I'm already away from here (14'49 '').
The camp seems empty. But in the inner area you can see people on patrol, on foot and with cars (14'49 ''). [They are guarding ghosts].
Video Part 3: Concentration camps are said to be "Residential Centers" - the coffin store with piles of coffins in Madison (Georgia) - the law resolution H.R.645 (2002) - Plandemic project of Homeland Security (2007) - the unsuspecting and corrupt Congressmen in Washington DC signing the bill H.R.645 without knowing the content
Video: Jesse Ventura 2010 part 3: concentration camps of the "USA" are called "residential centers" etc. (14'50'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/TrbA2OUtCjlx/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - installed at June 28, 2021
Video: Jesse Ventura POLICE STATE FEMA CAMPS part 3 of 3 CENSORED FROM TV (14'50'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_WO6UMFYsQ - YouTube channel: Nezello - installed at Jan.6, 2011
Concentration camp Don Hutto: Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones are still waiting in front of the locked entrance (17 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: It took a while (17 ''). [They knock] (20 ''). But in the end someone came out (22 ''). It was the speaker (24 '').
-- Jesse Ventura is asking: What is this place? (25``)
-- Speaker: "This is a residential center." (27 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: Residential Center? (30'')
-- Speaker: "Yes Sir." (31 '')
Taylor (Texas): The spokeswoman for the Don Hutto concentration camp [66] - Taylor (Texas): Don Hutto concentration camp with a double fence at a distance of about 1m [67] - Taylor (Texas): Don Hutto concentration camp with double fence with barbed wire [68]
-- Jesse Ventura: It looks like a prison (33 ''). I mean, I've never seen a residential center with two sets of fences going around. So that looks more like a prison to me (40 '').
-- Speaker: Anyone can see this as they want. Let's see what I can do for you (45 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: Yes, you can answer my questions (47 ''). Then why does it look like a prison? I never got to a dorm where the entrance doors are locked (54 ''), where you cannot enter nor asking a reception (57 '').
-- Speaker: Well, the reason for this is to protect the privacy of the residents ("to protect privacy or the residents inside") (1'1 '').
Taylor (Texas): Don Hutto concentration camp with double fence, barbed wire and cameras [69] - Taylor (Texas): Don Hutto concentration camp, the entrance remains locked [70]-- Jesse Ventura: Why do they need such protection? (1'4 '')
-- Speaker: Well, I'll tell you that, I'm very happy to answer all your questions (1'12 ''), maybe with a drink with ice (1'15 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: With ices? Who of the folks are ices? (1'26 '').
Port of Los Angeles: a new prison camp, this time on an island
-- Jesse Ventura: In the port of Los Angeles, William Louis was leading him [Daniel Kucan] to another camp (1'30 ''). This is an island (1'32 ''), isolated, like Alcatraz (1'35 ''), with more barbed wire, which is once again inclined inwards (1'39 '').
Port of Los Angeles, the access road [71] - Port of Los Angeles, containers [71b] - Port of Los Angeles, the prisoner island with the concentration camp [72]
Taylor (Texas): Don Hutto concentration camp
In Texas at Don Hutto cc in front of the entrance another one [in a red shirt] was adding himself.
-- Jesse Ventura: Well, in my life I've never seen a residentila center with locked doors and a doubled fences (1'51 ''). So that looks a lot like a prison to me (1'54'').
Taylor (Texas): The entrance to the Don Hutto concentration camp remains locked [73] - Taylor (Texas), Don Hutto concentration camp with 2 speakers [74]
-- Speaker: Well, that's for their own safety (1'55 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: Who's after them? (1'58 '')
-- Speaker: "I am sorry?" (11'59 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: Who's after them so that the double fences and that kind of security are needed? (2'4 '') What do you have in there? (2'5 '')
-- Speaker: [says nothing more].
Los Angeles Harbor
-- Jesse Ventura: Daniel will see the evidence (2'10 ''). But before he could even approach, the police came and the cops weren't so happy to see Daniel (2'17'').
The port of Los Angeles illuminated in the evening [75] - Port of Los Angeles in the evening, police control [76] - Port of Los Angeles in the evening, police control says: It's not good [77]
-- Daniel Kucan asks the police: What's over there? (2'20 '')
-- Policeman: "We can't give information." (2'32 '')
-- Policewoman 1: "You know, some people don't like this." (2'24 '')
-- Policewoman 2: "We're trying to find out who are you, what are you doing here ..." (2'26 ''), "why are you here?" (2'28 '')
-- Policeman: "It's not good." (2'29 '')
[The question arises why Kucan made a tour to the port of Los Angeles late in the evening and not the next morning].
- Jesse Ventura: Everything we heard made it obvious (2'32 ''): there was a conspiracy to establish a police state (2'35 ''). And there is a conspiracy to let concentration camps run (2'38 ''). There is the Congress bill with the number H.R.645 (2'38 ''). And that's all secured with documents (2'40 ''). Now I thought I've seen enough of it (2'43 ''). But Alex Jones wanted to show me another place (2'47 '').
Coffin storage at Madison (Georgia)
Madison (Georgia): Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones are walking [78] - Madison (Georgia): A water tank indicating the location "Madison" [79] -
Madison (Georgia): Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones crossing a railway line [80] - Masion (Georgia): airfield, aerial photo [81]
-- Jesse Ventura: Madison (Georgia), "on a site of inner state 20" (2'55 ''), once again close to railway tracks ("near train tracks") (2'57 ''), and "close to an airport" (2'59 ''). Perfect location to smuggle people like you and me in the dark (3'6 ''). But this place was not fenced to prevent people from escaping (3'10 '').
Piles of coffins with 100,000s of giant coffins for 4 dead bodies each - on a "private property"
-- Jesse Ventura: What the hell is that? (3'13 '')
-- Alex Jones: These are 100,000 plastic coffins (3'23 '').
Madison (Georgia): Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones in the forest [82] - Madison (Georgia): coffins, coffin storage, piles of coffins 01 [83, 84]
-- Jesse Ventura: On every pile 20 to 25 coffins are put [real: 16] (3'31 ''). How many stacks are there? That's several hundreds (3'34 '').
-- Alex Jones: Well, in every plastic coffin go 4 bodies (3'37 ''). So these are gigantic coffins ("giant body bags") (3'39 '').
Madison (Georgia): coffins, coffin storage, piles of coffins 3,4,5 [85,86,87]
Madison (Georgia): coffins, coffin storage, piles of coffins 6 [88] - Madison (Georgia): coffin storage and 1 pile of lids [89] -
Madison (Georgia): this coffin storage is said to be a private property [90]
The whole thing is private property (3'40 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: 10,000s of coffins. Officially they are called "plastic grave liners" (3'46 ''). The coffins are 7 feet long, 3 feet deep, with lids (3'51 ''). The company that produces them said they are simply stored for people who need something like that (3'56 ''). Well, who the hell has a need for so many coffins? (4'0 ''). Is someone planning a massacre? (4'3 '') So they want to get rid of people, or of people who think differently, and somehow there has to be money involved, right? (4'12 '') How are the arguments for this? (4'14 '')
Madison (Georgia): coffins, coffin storage, piles of coffins 7 [91] - Piles of coffins 8, view from above [92] - Madison (Georgia): coffins, coffin storage, piles of coffins 9 [93]
Madison (Georgia): coffins, coffin storage, piles of coffins 10, Zoom [94] - Madison (Georgia): coffin storage, pile of taps 02 [95] -
Madison (Georgia): coffin for 4 dead bodies, zoom [96]
Madison (Georgia): coffins, coffin storage, piles of coffins are forming a corridor 11,12,13, zoom [97,98,99]
And there is a hidden lorry:
Madison (Georgia), coffin storage with a lorry "Vantage" [100a] - Madison (Georgia), coffin storage with a lorry "Vantage", shield [100b] -
Madison (Georgia): coffins, coffin storage, piles of coffins 14 [101]
The coffins are from the Hercules company
-- Jesse Ventura: These boxes are made by the Hercules company. Hercules has a large order from the Ministry of Defense ("a major defense contract") with connections to Hell ("Halliburton") (4'24 '').
The FED gave the order to Halliburton to build the concentration camps
-- Jesse Ventura: The FEDS gave $ 385,000 to a Halliburton subsidiary to build the prison camps (4'32 ''). It seems everything I investigate always goes towards Halliburton (4'39 '').
-- Alex Jones: Exactly. A governor has also admitted that (4'42 '').
Text: Homeland Security Contracts KBR to Build Detention Centers in the US. (4'42 '')
The "Homeland Security" gives the order to KBR for the construction of concentration camps in the "USA" [103] - Helliburton, Logo [104[You have to know: Helliburton was one of the criminal "security companies" in the Iraq war of the cr. NATO. Helliburton is directly controlled by the satanic Bush family who is responsible for the two Iraq wars contaminating Iraq with uranium ammunition and radioactivity].-- Alex Jones: Contracts were signed between Homeland Security and the camp centers (4'44 '').
the "detention
detain American
ministration were "(4'46 '')
-- Alex Jones: That wasn't on the mainstream news yet. It's Halliburton. When researching, Halliburton is always found as the main culprit (4'49 '').
Perpetrator FEMA
-- Jesse Ventura: But that doesn't end there. The prison camps and concentration camps are run by FEMA (4'55 ''). Exactly the federal authority that should help in times of crisis is prepared for the mass extermination of the population (5'1 '').
The FEMA map of the "USA": 10 major regions
-- Jesse Ventura: FEMA has already divided the "USA" into 10 major regions, and these boundaries coincide almost perfectly with the boundaries and sectors of the Council of Governors (5'11 '').
Map of the "USA": The 10 prison districts of FEMA [106] - Map of the "USA": The 10 districts according to the Executive Order of Obama from 2010 with the Council of Governors (Governors Council) [107]
What should the 100,000s of coffins be for?
-- Jesse Ventura: And: these coffins are waiting to be used when martial law is proclaimed (5'16 '').
-- Alex Jones: And: you have to consider: It's simply in Georgia in the countryside (5'19 ''). And also the CDC (Center of Disease Control) is based here (5'22 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: Alex Jones has now found the last piece of the puzzle that shows what happens if the plan with concentration camps is carried out (5'30 '').
The pandemic plan (plandemic) to destroy the population from 2007
-- Alex Jones: So these are documents about a secret government, these documents have to be passed on (5'32 ''). So they admit that they have supplies to carry out a biological pandemic (5'37 ''). This [an artificially provoked or declared pandemic] is the perfect pretext to declare martial law and then to play with the fear of a pandemic that has been evoked (5'47 '').
Strategic game "Pandemic" with spacesuits [109] - Strategic game "Pandemic" with filled garbage bags [110]
The pandemic scenario: The Ministry of Homeland Security is planning the project since April 2007!)
-- Jesse Ventura: They start the pandemic and then take that as a pretext to deport the parts of the population who oppose their plan for absolute power (5'56 ''). The FEDs will organize an outbreak of a disease across the country (6'1 ''). The dead will pile up (6'3 ''). The military will take over the cities (6'4 ''). And the gates of the concentration camps will then be opened (6'8 '').
Text: Pandemic Influenza. Best Practices and Model Protocols (6'10 ''). April 2007 (6'12 '')
Front page of the plandemic scenario of the homeland security agency "Homeland Security" from April 2007 1,2 [111,112]
-- Alex Jones: We have government documents that the CDC is planning a pandemic with 100,000s to 3 million deaths (6'16 ''). This gigantic preparatory work continues for epidemics - so really a mass death (6'22 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: mass death. Well that's a way of how you can arrange that (6'26 ''). So there are now so many flues on the road that spread like the speed of light (6'30 ''), how quickly they are fatal (6'32 ''), all the outbreaks and vaccinations, and how easy it is for the elites to implement the plan (6'39 '').
Madison (Georgia): coffins, coffin stores, piles of coffins 16 with Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones [113]
The coffin storage in Georgia
-- Jesse Ventura: How do you get the evidence to the public? (6'44 '') - Only hours after leaving the area, workers came and quickly took all the coffin stacks somewhere else (6'51 '').
[And they don't pursue the trucks with the coffins where the coffins are now?]
Jesse Ventura in the White House - and the law resolution H.R.645
Jesse Ventura in the White House: interrogation of criminal congressmen who signed the law to build concentration camps
Jesse Ventura is driving his Ford Mustang.
-- Jesse Ventura: It was now time to meet those who had made all of this possible (6'56 '').
Jesse Ventura on the road in a Ford Mustang [116] - The legislative resolution of the "US" Congress H.R.645 of January 22, 2002 on the construction of concentration camps in the "USA" [117]
Washington DC, the Capitol [118,119]
-- Speaker: Jesse Ventura goes to the Capitol and speaks to the congressmen who are afraid to talk about the FEMA prison camps (7'7 '').
Jesse Ventura is walking around in the Capitol. Here is door from the Congress deputy "Jim Gerlach" from Pennsylvania (7'6 '').
-- Jim Gerlach's secretary: "He actually just left, uh ... to go back to the district." (7'10 '')
-- Speaker: Then there was a congressman who had broken every law and had the prison camps built himself, but who is now playing down these camps ("plays down") (7'15 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: Why is there this bill? (7'18 '')
-- Deputy of Congress [Steve Cohen]: What exactly is in this bill? (7'20 '')
-- Speaker: Jesse Ventura is waiting until the governor is back in Washington (8'22 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: Now I've seen enough evidence (8'26 ''). I want to know why congressmen need concentration camps for normal citizens (8'31 ''). This was even recorded in a congressional resolution with the number H.R.645 (8'37 ''). I went to Washington to meet a congressman who was one of the sponsors for this congressional resolution ("who co-sponsored the bill") (8'42 ''). And what happened then gives us a very good impression of how our nation is going down the drain and developing into a police state (8'49 '').
Washington DC, Jim Gerlach's office, door sign [120] - Washington DC: Jim Gerlach has disappeared [121] - Washington DC: Jim Gerlach has left [122]Jim Gerlach (Pennsylvania)
-- Jesse Ventura: His staff welcomed me until they found out what I wanted to talk about (9'7 ''). It should be about the FEMA camps. Then the communication was over (9'10 '').
-- Employee of criminal congressman Jim Gerlach: "He literally just stepped out of the office as you walked in." (9'13 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: This happened TWICE on two different days ("on two separate occasions") (9'16 '').
-- Employee of criminal congressman Jim Gerlach: "He actually just left, uh ... to go back to the district." (9'19 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: Oh yea, I can feel it. (9'23 ''). He said that morning that he was very pleased to talk to me, and then we go in and he said, exactly after that he has to go to the vote (9'30 ''). Well then (9'32 '').
Congressman Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
-- Jesse Ventura: Congressman Steve Cohen had agreed to speak about this Congress decision (9'37 ''). Remember: He is one of the sponsors (9'40 '').
Washington DC, Steve Cohen's office (Tennessee), door plate [124] - Steve Cohen, Tennessee Congressman in Washington DC 2010 [125] -
Jesse Ventura has questions for Steve Cohen about the concentration camps in the "USA", e.g. the Don Hutto concentration camp in Taylor (Texas)
Jesse Ventura and Steve Cohen are sitting in the office. Jesse Ventura asks:
-- Jesse Ventura: Let's talk about these FEMA camps. That worries me a lot. Why were they built all over the country? (9'49 '')
-- Steve Cohen: Well that wouldn't be because they don't exist ("they don't exist") (9'52 ''). This is just a maneuver by some people who are afraid that maybe Martians or other creatures will infiltrate our society one day (10'2 ''). They think that there are such camps (10'4 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: There is no information about such survivors in this legal resolution (10'8 ''). This is so legally decided ("it's put in a bill") (10'12 ''). And you claim that there are no FEMA camps in "America"? (10'15 '')
-- Steve Cohen: No, they don't exist (10'16 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: What was there in that place I saw in Texas? (10'18 '')
-- Steve Cohen: I don't know which one (10'20 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: This was called "residence" ("it was called residence") and it had two 22 foot high fences around it (10'25 ''). When I knocked on the door, the door was locked (10'27 ''). When people came to the door, they never wanted to answer ("no comment"), no matter what question I asked (10'32 ''). What worried me most about this place was on my back: There was a kindergarten with large play equipment: slides and swings for children (10'40 ''). And I asked: Do you keep children in this place too? (10'43 '') - No comment. - Have you ever kept children in this place? (10'45 '') - No comment (10'47 '').
Taylor (Texas): The Don Hutto concentration camp with a playground behind a double fence with barbed wire [127]
-- Steve Cohen: I've never been there. So I have no idea (10'50 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: You really confirm that there is not one single FEMA camp in the "USA"? (10'56 '')
-- Steve Cohen: "There are not". (10'57 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: Why is that in the bill? (10'58 '')
-- Steve Cohen: What exactly is in that bill? (11'00 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: There the construction of FEMA camps is described (11'2 ''). That is this particular law that we are talking about now (11'5 '').
-- Steve Cohen: I would like to see this bill (11'8 '').
The bill of the "US" Congress H.R.645 of January 22, 2002 on the construction of concentration camps in the "USA" [117]
Hey, he iss a co-sponsor of this legislative resolution
-- Jesse Ventura: Isn't this man a co-sponsor of this bill? (11'14 '')
Jesse Ventura to Steve Cohen:
-- Jesse Ventura: "What's the bill number?" (11'17 '') "To build FEMA camps built in the "United States" (11'21 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: "How can a bill state that there are 6 FEMA camps being built in the "United States" and then being told: there are none?" (11'28 '')
Steve Cohen receives a note from an employee, reads it and returns it (11'28 '').-- Steve Cohen: Well, I think I'll think about it a bit, and if you look at it correctly, I think these are places, so when a disaster like Katrina happens, so these camps are not some kind of concentration camp (11 '41' ') "or anything to round up citizens" (11'43' ').
The legislative decision
-- Jesse Ventura: Doesn't he really think what it really is? (11'45 '') The legislative resolution that he co-financed (11'48 '') itself formulates that the Secretary of Homeland Security should lead the whole operation (11'52 '').
the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and (4) to meet other appropriate needs, as deternined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
-- Jesse Ventura: "They can come and go as they please." (11'55'')
-- Steve Cohen: "Exactly." (11'55'')
-- Jesse Ventura: "It won't be locked?" (11'57'')
-- Steve Cohen: "No, no, no."(11'58'').
-- Jesse Ventura: "They can go in and out? (11'59'') Because the place I saw in Texas was locked (12'0''). "You can't go in and out of it." (12'2''). "No comment was given." (12'4'').
-- Steve Cohen: "It was probably not in use either." (12'6'')
-- Jesse Ventura: "We have films of children playing on the swings and slides and stuff (12'11''), and this one technically falls under Homeland Security." (12'13'')
-- Steve Cohen: "Well, I don't know, I haven't been there (12'16''). The children there are probably very happy." (12'18'')
-- Jesse Ventura: "Where have we heard that before?" (12'21'')
[Photo of the ramp of concentration camps in the Third Reich with children with Jewish stars].
-- Steve Cohen: These are maybe children of the staff who look after the camp (12'28 ''). But not children who were deported there, you know, from such green monsters or machines (12'32 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: I saw some government employees, they weren't green monsters, and neither were any machines from a space station (12'37 ''). But I feel enough fear here [in this Capitol] (12'40 '').
How does it work in the Capitol?
-- Jesse Ventura: Now you see how it works in Washington (12'44 ''). Congressmen finance congressional resolutions because they carry out an order with them (12'48 ''), or because they get money for their district (12'51 '').
Jim Gerlach (Pennsylvania) is again absent, but should think about what he has signed
-- Jesse Ventura: Let's go back to Jim Gerlach's office. His chief of staff admitted some things (13'0 '').
-- Chief of Staff: I saw some things on the internet, where he answered some questions to the people in the district (13'2 ''), and where he was allowed to help finance it (13'4 ''). With regard to the information that is coming in now, "he may want to reconsider that of course." (13'9 '')
-- Jesse Ventura: Think again when he put his "name on a bill, he probably he didn't even read." (13'15 '' )
Jesse Ventura is walking in a corridor in the Capitol.
Summary: Congressmen in Washington DC don't know what they're signing - and a secret government can prepare a police state like that
-- Jesse Ventura: If enough people spread this thing publicly, then next time it could be so far that we recruited our leaders well BEFORE they sign anything (13'26 '').
Police terror can develop without end, with concentration camps, with coffin stores (13'39 '').
-- Jesse Ventura: You said that couldn't happen here (13'43 ''). But it is already happening (13'45 ''). And we have already allowed the elected people to break all kinds of laws, always on the pretext of protecting the population like me and you (13'52 ''). Did you think we had 50 states? No: We have now learned that there are 10 sectors that are governed by 10 people who have never been elected by you (14'1 '').
Map of the "USA": The 10 prison districts of FEMA [106] - Map of the "USA": The 10 districts according to the Executive Order of Obama from 2010 with the Governors Council [107]
Do you support your local police? (14'3 '') - That's nothing, not when they organized the military to take power (14'7 ''). Did you sign the petition in front of the supermarket? Who knows on what list you were put! (14'13 '')
The Fusion Center of Colorado ("USA") 2010 [22] - view from above 2010 [23] - the red facade 2010 [24]
And what about all these prison camps? Why do you think the default answer is "no comment"? (14'19 '')
Concentration camp researcher William Louis, portrait [54] - Map of the "USA" with over 800 concentration camps [55]
And it gets worse: They are doing all of this in the name of "National Security" (14'24 '').
Talk about the fear factor. I've said that before and now I'll say it again (14'29 ''): I'd rather face the dangers than lose my freedom (14'32 '').
I'm Jesse Ventura and this is Conspiracy Theory. (14'36 '')
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