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Coronavirus19 5jx2: VIRUS CANNOT BE VACCINATED because it is always mutating 01
Dr. Bhakdi said it in the beginning of 2021 already and now at the end of 2021 it comes out true: first the Satanist politicians said the vaccination would be "safe", and now one should vaccinate all 3 or 4 months... this is all only a BIG FAKE!
presented by Michael Palomino
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Refusal of information about natural medicine is DENIAL OF ASSISTANCE!
May 17, 2020: Mossad government of Merkel made an agrreement with Bill Gates and is directly steered by him - "declaration of intent" of Feb. 2017 - Link
17.5.2020: Mossad government of Merkel made an agrreement with Bill Gates and is directly steered by him - "declaration of intent" of Jan.22, 2014 - Link
Medical affairs, Dec.23, 2021: A virus can not be vaccinated because it is always mutating
Vaccination damage Switzerland Corona vaccination (Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung) [23/12/2021 09:37 A.M.]
The vaccine manufacturer attempt to adapt the injection to the current virus.
Until they achieve this, one can presume that there will be "a new mutation" of the virus.
This will be a never-ending money source for the pharmaceutical.
If the matter would be about health, the authorities would have stopped with their injections since a long time already.
Regardless of this, I had the same thought, also with the conclusion to stop the vaccination madness:
Medical affairs, Dec.23, 2021: A VIRUS canNOT BE VACCINATED because it is always mutating!
Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [23/12/2021 05:22 P.M.]
Hello everyone,
You have to know clearly:
A virus cannot be vaccinated at all because because it is always mutating!
When this is told everywhere that one cannot vaccinate against a virus, then the Corona madness will be finished at once.
The doctors only collaborated because of the high wages and they "forgot" to tell the truth.
Influenza vaccinations in old age homes is traditionally for killing people for having beds free for the next. You can ask any caregiver.
Greetings to all, remain strong and spread this truth, write them on the walls:
One can not vaccinate a virus because it is always mutating!
-- So what is good against a virus? All what helps against flu! So: vit.c, garlic, ginger, radish, pesto, lemon, grapefruit, olives, capers, peppermint, eucalyptus, ricola etc.
-- Heavy cases of Corona are healed with an asthma spray and paracetamol, or with natural medicine with sodium bicarbonate + apple cider vinegar in water taken sober.
-- Vaccination against viruses is for nothing - this is only waste of money and waste of time.
Michael Palomino - History, Sociology, Natural Medicine - www.med-etc.com (5 diplomas in natural medicine and more)
And even a "journalist" at Mossad television SF of Switzerland has captured the problem: the boosters are endless if you want to vaccinate a virus:
The Mossad TV of Switzerland says at Dec.23, 2021: Many people have the Corona vaccination but not all hopes are fulfilled
(orig. German: Corona-Impfungen haben viele, aber nicht alle Hoffnungen erfüllt)
"Because the virus mutates and always new variants are coming out so also the booster should not be the last vaccination dose that you have to be injected."
(orig. German: «Weil das Virus mutiert und immer wieder neue Varianten hervorbringt, dürfte auch die Auffrischungsimpfung nicht die letzte Impfdosis sein, die man sich spritzen lassen muss.»)
So there is only ONE conclusion: Finish with the vaccinations against a virus because THIS MAKES NO SENSE with a virus which is ALWAYS MUTATING!
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