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Healing effect of coconut and coconut oil

10. Strengthening of the teeth and tooth paste of coconut oil

Recipe for a toothpaste coconut oil + soda + fragrance oil (optional) + birch sugar Stevia (optional)
Recipe for a toothpaste coconut oil + soda + fragrance oil (optional) + birch sugar Stevia (optional)

Teeth -- Oil pulling - brush - caries (tooth decay) -- tooth creams - gums

by Michael Palomino (2017)

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Coconut oil for teeth

Bone + teeth: Coconut oil facilitates the absorption of calcium + magnesium and thus coconut oil strengthens bones and teeth [web11].

Teeth are strengthened [web09]

Oil pulling with coconut oil

Gingiva care: oil pulling with coconut oil [web11]

There are various indications as to how long the oil pulling in the mouth should last. Often 20 minutes are indicated [web14].

"For a period of time one keeps about a teaspoon of cold-pressed coconut oil in the mouth moving it back and forth. The process can be incorporated into any daily oral and dental care and naturally supports the strengthening of teeth and healthy gums. The oil is acting against bad breath, against tooth decay with caries and supports the process for white teeth.
To obtain the best possible result, the duration of the oil extraction should be around 20 minutes. During this time, the oil can be completely distributed in the mouth and also gets into spaces that are otherwise difficult to reach. Since the dissolved bacteria pass into the oil, it is particularly important that the oil is not swallowed, but is spit out at the end. Then the mouth can be rinsed with warm water and a thorough brushing can be started. Important to note here is that the oil pulling is not seen as the sole dental care. It should only be a positive supplement to daily brushing. "[Web14]
(original German: "Dabei wird ca. ein Teelöffel kaltgepresstes Kokosöl für einen bestimmten Zeitraum im Mundraum behalten und hin und her bewegt. Der Prozess kann in jede tägliche Mund- und Zahnpflege eingebaut werden und unterstützt auf natürliche Weise die Stärkung der Zähne sowie gesundes Zahnfleisch. Dabei hilft das Öl nicht nur gegen Mundgeruch, sondern bekämpft Karies und unterstützt den Prozess für weisse Zähne.
Um ein bestmöglichstes Ergebnis zu erzielen, sollte die Dauer des Ölziehens bei rund 20 Minuten liegen. In dieser Zeit kann sich das Öl voll und ganz im Mundraum verteilen und gelangt auch in Zwischenräume, die sonst nur schwer zu erreichen sind. Da die gelösten Bakterien in das Öl übergehen, ist es besonders wichtig, dass Öl nicht zu schlucken, sondern wieder auszuspucken. Anschliessend kann der Mund mit warmen Wasser ausgespült und mit dem gründlichen Zähneputzen begonnen werden. Wichtig zu beachten ist hierbei, dass das Ölziehen nicht als alleinige Zahnpflege zu sehen ist. Es soll lediglich eine positive Ergänzung zum täglichen Zähneputzen darstellen." [web14]
Oil pulling not only reduces the number of microorganisms in the oral cavity but also reduces diseases throughout the body [web12]:
"Not only does it heal illnesses in the mouth and teeth, but it also causes the disappearance of various, sometimes serious diseases: from headaches to diabetes to heart disease and cancer." [Web12]

(original German: "Es heilt nicht nur Erkrankungen im Mund und an den Zähnen. Durch das Ölziehen verschwinden auch verschiedenste, zum Teil schwere Krankheiten: von Kopfschmerzen über Diabetes bis hin zu Herzerkrankungen und Krebs." [web12])
With oil pulling are disappearing
-- gingivitis [web13]

Brush your teeth with coconut oil

Clean normally and then rinse with coconut oil

First brush the teeth normally, and then rinse with coconut oil [web09 - reader Jutta]. Quote:
"And concerning teeth, after normal cleaning I rinse my mouth with coconut oil, it definitely makes the teeth whiter." [web09 - Reader's voice Jutta]

(original German: "Und zum Thema Zähne, ich spüle nachm putzen meinen Mund mit Kokosöl, es macht definitiv die Zähne weisser." [web09 - Leserstimme Jutta])

Brush with coconut oil in the morning - brush with normal toothpaste in the evening

Rinse the mouth - brush the teeth with coconut oil - DO NOT rinse your mouth - and then brush with normal toothpaste in the evening [web09 - reader voice Susawei]. Quote:
"It's [the coconut oil] also very suitable for brushing your teeth.
I rinse my mouth first, then I use coconut oil instead of toothpaste, and then the mouth is not rinsed again. In the evening I use toothpaste, because of the abrasives that are contained in there." [web09 - reader voice Susawei]
(original German: "Zum Zähneputzen ist es auch sehr gut geeignet.
Ich spüle zuerst meinen Mund aus , dann benutze ich statt Zahnpasta Kokosöl, und spüle meinen Mund anschliessend nicht aus. Abends benutze ich aber Zahnpasta, wegen der Schleifmittel die dort drin enthalten sind." [web09 - Leserstimme Susawei]

Oil pulling with coconut oil in the morning - rinse with coconut oil in the evening after brushing your teeth

"At night, unhealthy germs gather in our oral cavity and should be removed as soon as possible by pulling the oil in the morning. In the evening, the best time is after brushing teeth. Then comes a thorough rinsing with clear water preventing that contaminated rests of the oil will remain in the mouth." [Web10]

(original German: "In der Nacht sammeln sich ungesunde Keime in unserer Mundhöhle und diese sollten, so schnell als möglich, durch das Ölziehen morgens ausgeleitet werden. Am Abend ist der beste Zeitpunkt nach dem Zähneputzen. Ein gründliches Nachspülen mit klarem Wasser verhindert, dass belastete Ölrückstände im Mund verbleiben." [web10])

Coconut oil against caries (tooth decay)

Regular oil pulling with coconut oil reduces caries (tooth decay) [web10]. Quote:
"Various studies, such as the 2012 Athlone Institute of Technology study, show that oil pulling with coconut oil has an anti-caries effect." [Web10]

(original German: "Verschiedene Studien, wie zum Beispiel die Studie des Athlone Institute of Technology aus dem Jahr 2012, zeigen, dass das Ölziehen mit Kokosöl einen Effekt gegen die Kariesbildung zeigt." [web10])

Tooth creams with coconut oil

Coconut oil toothpaste 1: baking soda + coconut oil + essential oil
-- mix coconut oil + soda and brush your teeth normally [web11]
-- 4 parts of soda (baking soda) + 2 1/2 parts of coconut oil + a few drops of an essential oil - mix it - brush your teeth - this is cleansing and caring the gums [web04].

Coconut oil toothpaste 2: coconut oil + soda + birch sugar (anticariogenic)

Video: Toothpaste made by yourself from natural ingredients - without fluoride and no more dental problems! (9min.30sek.)
(original German: Zahnpasta selber machen aus natürlichen Zutaten - ohne Fluorid keine Zahnprobleme mehr! (9min.30sek.)

Video: Zahnpasta selber machen aus natürlichen Zutaten - ohne Fluorid keine Zahnprobleme mehr! (9min.30sek.)

The video says: 2 teaspoons of melted coconut oil + approx. 1 sachet of soda + approx. 1TSP of birch sugar (xylitol), wait until everything has melted and then use it as a toothpaste (4min.45sec.). Everyday use goes like this: The coconut oil toothpaste becomes hard, and whenever you want to brush your teeth, shovel a spoonful into your mouth, let it melt in your mouth and then brush your teeth (4min.54sec.). The toothpaste can be varied with a peppermint oil or similar scented oil with a pleasant taste (6min.48sec.). [web05]

Comment by Wild & Roh: Stronger teeth and no more stains
"I am coming straight from the dentist and he says my enamel gets harder I do not have any more spots My teeth are lighter and my periodontal disease comes to a halt plus my healthy diet is doing a great job on my little darlings So everything was done right in October 14 when I changed everything. "[web05]
(original German: "Komme gerade vom Zahnarzt und der sagt mein Zahnschmelz wird härter ich habe keine Flecken mehr meine Zähne sind heller und meine Parodontose kommt zum Stillstand plus meine gesunde Ernährung tut meinen Beisserchen enorm gut. Also alles richtig gemacht. habe im Oktober 14 alles umgestellt." [web05])

Comment by Mr. Caribbean: This toothpaste can also be used as a facial peel
"The toothpaste is really great😊👌 I immediately had smooth and whiter teeth. I used it directly as a facial peeling and my skin is as soft as never before! "
In the case of coconut oil, the effect against tooth decay has been demonstrated, but with fluoride NEVER [web05].

Comment by Hanka W .: If too liquid, mix it with white clay
"A measure so it will not be too liquid, you can mix it with white clay (kaolin)." [web05]

Comment by Cimins Blog: Coconut oil + soda + birch sugar: teeth become "little pearls"
"I've had such a weird feeling the whole time I'm brushing my teeth, and I always remember that I wanted to try it with your recipe, it was done today!!! Taste is strange - I did not mix peppermint because of my son - but the teeth feel clean like little pearls now 😁. " [WEB05]

You can also omit the birch sugar, but the toothpaste is then a little bit weaker
Question of Dogkas Konstantinos: "Do you need to take birch sugar or can you leave it out?"
Answer by Raw Future: "You can skip it, but it's better with birch sugar because it has has an anti-caries effect" [web05].

Comment by Senga Sengana: In the long run soda attacks the tooth enamel  - birch sugar (xylitol) is enough!
"Caution: Natron not only tastes disgustingly, but it also attacks the tooth enamel over time. You can use it from time to time as a bleaching additive, but that is not necessary, since xylitol alone has a wonderful bleaching effect and also respecting to other effectgs makes the joining of soda completely redundant without having its negative and harmful properties. " [web05]

"Researchers from the Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) in Ireland have discovered that coconut oil effectively and without harmful side effects inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria that can cause tooth decay and oral infections.

The team added enzymes to coconut oil and some other oils to simulate how these oils are normally processed during digestion.

They then applied the "digested" form of each of the oils confronting them with several strains of bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans, a common acid-producing bacterium commonly found in the mouth, and including Candida albicans, a highly problematic yeast strain that can cause oral thrush infections.

The results showed that only the coconut oil had clear antibacterial and yeast-fighting properties when exposed to different bacterial strains.

Indeed, coconut oil was able to combat all types of bacterial strains without causing any negative side effects or promoting the development of antibiotic-resistant "super-pathogens" as antibiotic drugs are doing.

"Integrating enzyme-modified coconut oil into dental hygiene products would be an attractive alternative to chemical additives (such as fluoride), especially as it works at relatively low concentrations," Dr. Damien Brady, leading AIT researcher." [web05]
When coconut oil is applied to the teeth, the coconut oil also goes into the whole organism strengthening the immune system [web05]. Quote:
"Dr. Brady also noted that the human digestive system naturally has antimicrobial activity, at least when given the right foods and nutrients.

Consuming more coconut oil can effectively increase immunity and thwart the occurrence of harmful pathogens in the mouth and the whole body." [web05]
Fluoride damages collagen and provokes brown teeth

Quotation: "Fluoride damages the collagen, the network that connects the skeletal system with the muscles, leading to joint stiffness, ligament damage and bone pain, brown teeth - the fluorosis." [web05]

[Criminal pharma is harming world wide population with fluoride making them sicker].

Comfrey against tooth holes

Comfrey against holes: Comfrey is a tincture: harvest the roots of comfrey and place them in alcohol in a warm place for 2 weeks (5min.52sec.). This comfrey tincture can be applied to the teeth, brushing etc. (6min.4sec.). Comfrey tincture is also used for wound healing, for injuries in general, for bone fractures (6min.10sec.) [web05].

Pulling of coconut oil in the mouth is used to disinfect the oral cavity: pull through the teeth for 20 minutes
[web05 - comment by Menamar]

Coconut oil nourishing and healing the gums

Coconut oil in food strengthens the gums:

"Irritation, infections and damage to the gums are alleviated, and cell regeneration is also supported." [web10]
(original German: "Reizungen, Infektionen und Schäden am Zahnfleisch werden gelindert, und die Zellregeneration wird zudem noch unterstützt." [web10])

"Various studies, such as the 2012 Athlone Institute of Technology study, show that oil pulling with coconut oil has an anti-caries effect and counteracts the onset of gingivitis [gum's inflammation]." [Web10]
(original German: "Verschiedene Studien, wie zum Beispiel die Studie des Athlone Institute of Technology aus dem Jahr 2012, zeigen, dass das Ölziehen mit Kokosöl einen Effekt gegen die Kariesbildung zeigt, und dem Entstehen von Zahnfleischentzündungen entgegen wirkt." [web10])

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[web01] Coconut oil in the headlines and why natives are healthy eating many coconuts (original Deutsch: Kokosöl in den Schlagzeilen und warum Naturstämme, die viele Kokosnüsse essen, so gesund sind)
Quellen: PublicDomain/zentrum-der-gesundheit.de am 29.06.2017

[web02] Dementia prevention: more success with coconut oil, Big Pharma is failing on (original German: Demenz-Prävention: Kokosöl verzeichnet weitere Erfolge, Big Pharma versagt weiter)
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2017/06/demenz-praevention-kokosoel-verzeichnet-weitere-erfolge-big-pharma-versagt-weite/ (1.6.2017)
Quellen: PublicDomain/info.kopp-verlag.de am 01.06.2017

[web03] How coconut oil is helping to thiroid gland dysfunction - good against hair loss, inflammations and more (video) (original German: Wie Kokosöl bei Schilddrüsenunterfunktion hilft – gut gegen Haarausfall, Entzündungen und mehr (Video)
Quellen: PublicDomain/eatmovefeel.de am 08.01.2017

[web04] Coconut oil - a real wonder remedy against old skin and more (original German: Kokosöl – ein wahres Wundermittel gegen Hautalterung und mehr)
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2017/02/kokosoel-ein-wahres-wundermittel-gegen-hautalterung-und-mehr/ (6.2.2017)
Quellen: PublicDomain/info.kopp-verlag.de am 06.02.2017

[web05] Coconut oil can prevent caries better than toxic fluoride (original German: Kokosöl kann Karies besser vorbeugen als giftiges Fluorid (Video)
Quellen: PublicDomain/naturalnews.com/epochtimes.de am 11.03.2016

[web06] Eye opener: "Stop eyesight now" with coconut oil (original German: Mit Kokosöl „Sehkraftverlust jetzt stoppen!“)
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2016/05/augenoeffner-mit-kokosoel-sehkraftverlust-jetzt-stoppen/ (29.5.2016)
Quellen: PublicDomain/epochtimes.de am 25.05.2016

[web07] Coconut oil: healthy healing force of natives (original German: Kokosöl: Gesunde Heilkraft der Naturvölker)
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2016/06/kokosoel-gesunde-heilkraft-der-naturvoelker/ (11.5.2016)
Quellen: PublicDomaim/zentrum-der-gesundheit.de am 11.05.2016

[web08] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Science_in_the_Public_Interest
[web09] Coconut oil - the allraounder (original German: Kokosöl - der Alleskönner: https://www.the-inspiring-life.com/2017/01/kokosoel-der-alleskoenner.html)
[web10] Coconut oil - gift of nature (original German: Kokosöl - Ein Geschenk der Natur): https://www.kokosoel.info/

[web11] https://bewusst-vegan-froh.de/kokosoel-ist-genial-das-sagt-jeder-aber-diese-nebenwirkung-hat-dir-bis-jetzt-jeder-verheimlicht/
[web12] Healing and curing with coconut oil (original German: Heilen und pflegen mit Kokosöl):
[web13] Wonderful characteristics of biological cold-pressed coconut oil (original German: Die wunderbaren Heileigenschaften von biologischem, kaltgepresstem Kokosöl): https://www.meine-lebensquelle.de/biologisches-kokosöl/biologisches-kokosöl-heileigenschaften/
[web14] Coconut oil - the white gold (original German: Kokosöl - das weisse Gold): https://formslim.com/kokosoel-das-weisse-gold/

Photo sources
[1] Recipe for personal toothpaste of coconut oil and soda:

Coconut oil for teeth -- Oil pulling with coconut oil -- Brush your teeth with coconut oil -- Coconut oil against caries (tooth decay) -- Tooth creams with coconut oil -- Coconut oil nourishing and healing the gums
