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Healing effect of coconut and coconut oil

5. Defamation of coconut oil by criminal Pharma

Coconut oil from the Amazon, the glass with etiquette, and coconut oil (coconut oil) on the spoon, bought in a bio-pharmacy "Kaita" in Lima
Coconut oil from the Amazon, the glass with etiquette, and coconut oil (coconut oil) on the spoon, bought in a bio-pharmacy "Kaita" in Lima [1]
Logo of the "US" Charity Organization "Science in the Public Interest" CSPI  Logo of the criminal "American" Soybean Association ASA  GM (genetically modified) soy plantation with pesticides, and the rain forest is destroyed for thisThe criminals against coconut oil:

Logo of the "US" Charity Organization "Science in the Public Interest" CSPI [3]

Logo of the criminal "American" Soybean Association ASA [4]

GM (genetically modified) soy plantation with pesticides, and the rain forest is destroyed for this [8]

1950s: Arrogant "researchers" from the "USA" suddenly claiming that saturated fats would be harmful -- The false claims are not questioned, but are believed by the bosses of the edible oil factories without counter-sample (!) -- The propaganda of the "Center for Science in the Public Interest" CSPI August 1986 -- The defamation by the "American Soybean Association" (ASA) 1986ca. -- Early 1987: The "American Soybean Association" (ASA) demands the labeling of the CSPI -- Mid-1987: propaganda "editorial article" of ASA in the New York Times against tropical oils -- The hate speech in the ASA magazine "Media Alert" -- The 1988 CSPI propaganda brochure -- The catastrophic result of the campaign against coconut oil: "US" population is getting even sicker -- from 2010 apr.: The Coconut Research Center -- 2016: Many still believe in the horrible fairy tales of the soybean society

by Michael Palomino (2017)

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Book advise:

Book: Bruce Fife, pioneer of the Coconut Research Center: "The Coconut Oil Miracle" - at Amazon


Research with coconut oil

Leading in research and education of the world with coconut oil is the Coconut Research Center with its President Bruce Fife [web06].

1950s: Arrogant "researchers" from the "USA" suddenly claiming that saturated fats would be harmful

"For a while, the fear provoking propaganda against saturated fats had reached its goal: the world was rejecting coconut oil, and hardly anyone took it for cooking or any other purpose, but the false information gradually faded and now it's eagerly used again - not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. [...] Organic, cold-pressed virgin coconut oil [...] is safe and works better than most skin creams and lotions available on the market. " [web04]


False propaganda 1: In the late 1950s, in the criminal "USA" in Minnesota (Midwest on the Canada border), a "researcher" simply claimed that hardened vegetable fats would be the cause of the rise in heart diseases.
False propaganda 2: The edible oil industry simply claimed that not hard fats would be the problem but saturated fatty acids.
False propaganda 3: At the same time, another "researcher" from Philadelphia claimed that eating unsaturated fatty acids would lower cholesterol [web07].

So: It was simply "assumed" by "medicine" that high cholesterol would cause heart disease. And at the same time the "Americans" drove around with their gigantic "sleds" [web09].
"USA" of the 1950s, the cars were "sleds", consumed about 25 liters of gasoline per 100km, and people always wanted to run less
"USA" of the 1950s, the cars were "sleds", consumed about 25 liters of gasoline per 100km, and people always wanted to run less [2]
The arrogance was so great that "scientists" (in such "sleds") blamed vegetable fats for heart disease! The WTC was not built yet ... [web09]

The false claims are not questioned, but are believed by the bosses of the edible oil factories without counter-sample (!)
The propaganda of 3 false claims of "researchers" had an effect on the bosses of the edible oil factories. They believed the lies without testing and continually replaced "saturated fats" by "polyunsaturated fats," although the unsaturated fats are very volatile and are forming harmful degradation products, above all they are forming the dangerous trans fats. But no one did research [web07].

And then the "consumer protection organization" CSPI also parroted the propaganda:

The propaganda of the "Center for Science in the Public Interest" CSPI August 1986: CSPI ("Center for Science in the Public Interest" [web08]) with it's seat in Washington D.C. started it's propaganda with a "press release" against edible oils which contained saturated fats claiming that saturated fats would clog arteries and the affected oils would be: palm oil, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil, and the same brainless CSPI required the labeling for products containing coconut oil or palm oil for being labeled "saturated fat" [web07].

Logo of the "US" propaganda organization "Center for Science in the Public Interest" CSPI
Logo of the "US" propaganda organization "Center for Science in the Public Interest" CSPI [3]

And then the soybean society also made another propaganda:

The defamation by the "American Soybean Association" (ASA) 1986ca.
-- "American" Soybean Association ASA was making it's propaganda against coconut oil and other tropic oils with letters to soybean growers or with rush advertisements with a "guide to fight tropical fats" [web07]
-- the "American" Soybean Association ASA hired a "nutrition scientist" for monitoring supermarkets in Washington to denounce products containing coconut oil and other tropical oils [web07]

Logo of the criminal "US" Soybean Association ASA
Logo of the criminal "US" Soybean Association ASA [4]

The "experts" of the "universities" copied the incitement of the "consumer organizations" CSPI and of the Soybean Association ASA [web07].

Early 1987: The "American Soybean Association" (ASA) demands the labeling of the CSPI
The "American" Soybean Association ASA called on the "US Food and Drug Administration" FDA to introduce the CSPI labeling requirement "containing tropical fats" [web07].

Satanist NWO newspaper New York Times
Satanist NWO newspaper New York Times [5]

Mid-1987: propaganda "editorial article" of ASA in the New York Times against tropical oils

The Soybean Association ASA could present an editorial article in the newspaper New York Times stating "The Truth About Vegetable Oil". With this only the propaganda of the "consumer protection organization" CSPI was copied:
-- coconut oil and other tropical oils would clog arteries and would be only cheap oils from Malaysia and Indonesia
-- tropical oils would not comply with the "US" nutritional guidelines, but there was no investigating at all [web07].

The hate speech in the ASA magazine "Media Alert"
In it's ASA magazine the Soybean Association ASA claims that two national bodies claimed that palm oil, palm kernel oil and coconut oil should be avoided:

-- the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute[6]
-- the National Research Council [web07] the National Research Council [7]

The CSPI of "Consumer Protection" organized even more propaganda against coconut oil:

The 1988 CSPI propaganda brochure: The propaganda organization CSPI published published a booklet against saturated fats being called "Saturated Fat Attack" claiming that tropical oils would be "undesirable tropical oils" with the aim of triggering a consumer boycott against products containing such tropical oils. The booklet described a wrong biochemistry of fats and oils, and brought many wrong compositions about products related to fats and oils. The already known, positive effects of coconut oil were suppressed, and coconut oil was always defamed in order to "redirect" the whole world to new industrial oils such as rapeseed oil or soybean oil [web07].

[Moreover, growing soybeans requires more and more land and destroys the precious rain forest].

GM (genetically modified) soy plantation with pesticides, and the rain forest is destroyed for this  soybeans with bean husk
GM (genetically modified) soy plantation with pesticides, and the rain forest is destroyed for this [8] - soybeans with bean husk [9]

The catastrophic result of the campaign against coconut oil: "US" population is getting even sicker
The population of the "USA" was following the campaigns without questioning, avoiding coconut oil and other tropical fats, people were consuming national, mostly industrially processed vegetable oils (soy, sunflower, oilseed rape) and they bought only products without coconut oil in it. However, the unsaturated fatty acids are unstable and are forming toxic trans fats. [Combined with fast food, the "US" population became totally ill now].

Fat "American" women
Fat "American" women [10]

from 2010 apr.: The Coconut Research Center
The Coconut Research Center was finally defeating the criminal pharmaceuticals with their soybean lobby - and coconut oil is getting more and more rehabilitated worldwide [web06].

Coconut Research Center, Logo - https://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/
Coconut Research Center, Logo - https://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/ [11]

Bruce Fife, pioneer of the Coconut Research Center [12] - he wrote the book "The Coconut Oil Miracle"
Bruce Fife, pioneer of the Coconut Research Center [12] - he wrote the book "The Coconut Oil Miracle"

1 glass of coconut oil with a little bit of coconut oil on a teaspoon
1 glass of coconut oil with a little bit of coconut oil on a teaspoon

2016: Many still believe in the horrible fairy tales of the soybean society
Many people, doctors and nutritionists continue to spread the fantasy that the fatty acids of coconut oil would be harmful. They only copy the soybean society's criminal campaign and the anti-coconut oil campaigns [web07].

[And at the same time, soybean cultivations are increasingly destroying the rain forest. Coconut palms, on the other hand, are only possible in the coastal regions].

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[web01] Kokosöl in den Schlagzeilen und warum Naturstämme, die viele Kokosnüsse essen, so gesund sind
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2017/06/kokosoel-in-den-schlagzeilen-und-warum-naturstaemme-die-viele-kokosnuesse-essen-so-gesund-sind/ (29.6.2017)
Quellen: PublicDomain/zentrum-der-gesundheit.de am 29.06.2017

[web02] Demenz-Prävention: Kokosöl verzeichnet weitere Erfolge, Big Pharma versagt weiter:
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2017/06/demenz-praevention-kokosoel-verzeichnet-weitere-erfolge-big-pharma-versagt-weite/ (1.6.2017)
Quellen: PublicDomain/info.kopp-verlag.de am 01.06.2017

[web03] Wie Kokosöl bei Schilddrüsenunterfunktion hilft – gut gegen Haarausfall, Entzündungen und mehr (Video)
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2017/01/wie-kokosoel-bei-schilddruesenunterfunktion-hilft-gut-gegen-haarausfall-entzuendungen-und-mehr-video/ (8.1.2017)
Quellen: PublicDomain/eatmovefeel.de am 08.01.2017

[web04] Kokosöl – ein wahres Wundermittel gegen Hautalterung und mehr
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2017/02/kokosoel-ein-wahres-wundermittel-gegen-hautalterung-und-mehr/ (6.2.2017)
Quellen: PublicDomain/info.kopp-verlag.de am 06.02.2017

[web05] Kokosöl kann Karies besser vorbeugen als giftiges Fluorid (Video)
Quellen: PublicDomain/naturalnews.com/epochtimes.de am 11.03.2016

[web06] Augenöffner: Mit Kokosöl „Sehkraftverlust jetzt stoppen!“
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2016/05/augenoeffner-mit-kokosoel-sehkraftverlust-jetzt-stoppen/ (29.5.2016)
Quellen: PublicDomain/epochtimes.de am 25.05.2016

[web07] Kokosöl: Gesunde Heilkraft der Naturvölker
https://www.pravda-tv.com/2016/06/kokosoel-gesunde-heilkraft-der-naturvoelker/ (11.5.2016)
Quellen: PublicDomaim/zentrum-der-gesundheit.de am 11.05.2016

[web08] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Science_in_the_Public_Interest
[web09] Conclusion by Michael Palomino

[1] Kokosöl im Glas und auf dem Teelöffel: Foto von Michael Palomino 2017
[2] "Schlitten"-Autos in den "USA" der 1950er Jahre: Pinterest
-- Dual Ghia 1956: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/403142604137104455/
-- Johnson City 1958 in Tennessee, Strasse mit "Schlitten" in Doppelreihe-Einbahnstrasse:
-- Cadillac: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/307652218287232940/
-- Ford Thunderbird (Donnervogel): https://www.pinterest.com/pin/439945457319987714/

[3] Logo der "US"-Hetzorganisation CSPI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Science_in_the_Public_Interest
[4] Logo der kriminellen ASA ("US"-Sojabohnengesellschaft):
[5] New York Times: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AdxHy0xjICYP7jCkOqohKCxoKyVZLBC_dbD280YshphQRy_dTXIgA1o/
[6] National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/
[7] National Research Council "USA", Logo: https://history.aip.org/phn/21511003.html
[8] Gensoja-Plantage mit Pestiziden, und der Regenwald wird dafür vernichtet: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/353954851939011899/
[9] Sojabohnen aus der Bohnenhülse: https://soygrowers.com/
[10] Fette "Amerikanerinnen": https://www.pinterest.com/pin/483011128771992400/

[11] Coconut Research Center, Logo - https://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/
[12] Bruce Fife, der Pionier des Kokosnuss-Forschungszentrums: Video: Dr. Bruce Fife - Benefits of Coconut Oil
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAi2SD6wO9Q (4sek.)
