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Healing effect of coconut and coconut oil

2. Open a coconut

Peel a coconut: put it into the ice compartment in the fridge (12 hours) and hammer it - peel a coconut: with a cooker and a hammer - open a coconut: on a lonely island with stones

Dann wird die Kokosnuss mit einem Hammer aufgeschlagen 01  Die heisse Kokosnuss wird nun mit einem Hammer sachte aufgeschlagen, so dass Risse entstehen  Wir sehen originale Kokosnüsse auf Hawaii, Nahaufnahme  Man nimmt einen grossen Stein, um ihn auf die Kokosnuss zu werfen    Dabei wird die Kokosnuss auch auf die andere Spitze gestellt - die Aussenschale der Kokosnuss bekommt lange Risse  Die Kokosnuss selber hat noch "Haare" dran  Die Kokosnuss wird am Bruchpunkt gegen eine Steinkante geschlagen 

by Michael Palomino (2017)

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Here are some examples how one can open a coconut:

Peel a coconut: put it into the ice compartment in the fridge (12 hours) and hammer it
by WOW Recipes: Video: Easiest way to Remove Coconut Flesh From Shell With in 30 Seconds | Best Kitchen Tips | Wow Recipes (1min.43sec.)


The coconut is placed in an icebox of a refrigerator for 12 hours  then the coconut is stroked with a hammer  01  then the coconut is stroked with a hammer  02
The coconut is placed in an icebox of a refrigerator for 12 hours - then the coconut is stroked with a hammer 01 + 02

When the shell is split enough, you can peel the coconut with your fingers 01  When the shell is split enough, you can peel the coconut with your fingers 02  pure coconut meat (copra)
When the shell is split enough, you can peel the coconut with your fingers 01 + 02 - And so you have the pure coconut meat (copra) in front of you - without the brown skin, all in one piece, with the coconut water in it.

Peel a coconut: with a cooker and a hammer
by Mayconn Garcia: Video: Quick and easy way to remove the coconut meat from the shell (4min.34sec.)


A coconut has got three eyes  one of the three holes can be opened  so you can drain the coconut water
A coconut has got three eyes - one of the three holes can be opened - so you can drain the coconut water

The coconut is burned the hair 01  The coconut is burned the hair 02  The coconut is burned the hair 03
The coconut is burned the hair 01,02,03

Die Kokosnuss ist nun heiss und schwarz  Die heisse Kokosnuss wird nun mit einem Hammer sachte aufgeschlagen, so dass Risse entstehen Die Schale der Kokosnuss spaltet sich
Now the coconut is hot and black - the hot coconut is now smashed open with a hammer, causing cracks - the shell of the coconut is splitting

Then the shell can be removed by hand  The shell is already halfway off  Here is the peeled coconut, the pulp (copra) is still covered with the fine brown skin
Then the shell can be removed by hand - The shell is already halfway off - Here is the peeled coconut, the pulp (copra) is still covered with the fine brown skin

Open a coconut: on a lonely island with stones
Video: How To Open Coconuts Without Any Tools (4min.25sec.)


We see original coconuts in Hawaii - close-up  We see original coconuts in Hawaii - close-up  The coconut is placed in an upright position on the ground with stones around
We see original coconuts in Hawaii - close-up - The coconut is placed in an upright position on the ground with stones around

You take a big stone to throw it on the coconut  The big stone lands on the top of the coconut, this is repeated several times  The coconut is placed on the other tip - the outer shell of the coconut gets long cracks
You take a big stone to throw it on the coconut - The big stone lands on the top of the coconut, this is repeated several times - The coconut is placed on the other tip - the outer shell of the coconut gets long cracks

The coconut's outer shell gets long cracks, close-up  The outer shell of the coconut can now be opened or torn apart  The outer shell of the coconut is open, with many fibers
The coconut's outer shell gets long cracks, close-up - The outer shell of the coconut can now be opened or torn apart - The outer shell of the coconut is open, with many fibers

The coconut itself still has "hair" on it  you can reuse the coconut fibers - the coconut without hair  this is the coconut which is offered in stores
The coconut itself still has "hair" on it - you can reuse the coconut fibers - the coconut without hair - this is the coconut which is offered in stores

Each coconut has a "face" with 2 eyes and one "mouth"  Each coconut has a break line and in the middle is the break point  The coconut is stroked at it's break point against a stone edge
Each coconut has a "face" with 2 eyes and one "mouth" - Each coconut has a break line and in the middle is the break point - The coconut is stroked at it's break point against a stone edge

  With this action one part of the coconut water comes out 01  With this action one part of the coconut water comes out 02  The coconut splits with a dead straight line
With this action one part of the coconut water comes out 01 + 02 - The coconut splits with a dead straight line

Now one can gently open the coconut  So one gets 2 equal halves of the coconut, one filled with coconut water, the other without 
Now one can gently open the coconut - So one gets 2 equal halves of the coconut, one filled with coconut water, the other without

Green coconuts

There are also green coconuts  A green coconut is placed on the ground between stones with the top up  a big stone falls on the green coconut, and all the coconut water spurts out the first time already
There are also green coconuts - A green coconut is placed on the ground between stones with the top up - a big stone falls on the green coconut, and all the coconut water spurts out the first time already

The open, green coconut has a lot of pulp, which is soft, just like food
The open, green coconut has a lot of pulp, which is soft, just like food

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[web01] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokospalme
