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Natural antibiotics: Indian cress (nasturtium) - news 01
(Tropaeolum / Nasturtium)

Indian cress (Latin: Nasturtium) has an antibiotic effect with benzyl mustard oil - effect against  bacteria, viruses, fungi - promotes: blood circulation, immune system - Indications: Respiratory, cold, urinary tract infections, stye on the eye, skin fungus, infections, cancer, bad breath, constipation - Women: vaginal discharge, vagina (itching, fungus, inflammation) - Nasturtium + horseradish: inflammation, bronchitis, respiratory tract, pain, poisoning

Indian cress in red   Indian cress in
Indian cress in red [13] - Indian cress in yellow [14]

presented by Michael Palomino (2022 - translation with Deepl 2023)

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Indian cress (nasturtium) was called like this because it was brought from "America" which in Europe's propaganda was considered to be "India" [web06].

The healing effect of Indian cress (nasturtium) - the list

-- [natural healing with nasturtium goes with teas or pressed juice from leaves and flowers] or with nasturtium seeds, mother tincture, powder [web01], highly concentrated nasturtium [web02], or combined with horseradish [web02].
-- a cure takes several weeks [web01]
-- freshly chewed, highest healing effect is present: "The antibiotic active substances are developed by an enzyme which are being split into benzyl mustard oil during chewing and thus are made available to the organism." [web01]
-- drying the leaves and flowers makes no sense, because many vitamins and trace elements etc. will be lost [web01]
-- the effect is antibiotic, antibacterial [against bacteria, viruses, fungi] [web03], the antibacterial effect comes from the benzyl mustard oil, which inhibits the growth of bacteria; the toxins of these bacteria are neutralized + also the negative effects of yeast fungi + of fungi shoots of "Candida albicans" are inhibited + the germs staphylococci and streptococci are reduced [web01]
-- benzyl mustard oil is also effective against pus pathogens, against pathogens of urinary tract infections, against pathogens of skin fungi
-- antiviral effect [web01]

-- promotes blood circulation [tea, chewed leaves+flowers] [web02]
-- boosts the immune system [tea, chewed leaves+flowers] [web01]

-- reduces respiratory infections: cough, bronchitis [tea, chewed leaves+flowers] [web01]
-- reduces colds and urinary tract infections (nasturtium highly concentrated) [web02]
-- reduces styes [on the eye] [web01]
-- reduces skin fungus [tea, chewed leaves+flowers] [web01]
-- reduces infections, e.g. urinary tract infections [nasturtium highly concentrated] [web02]
-- reduces cancer [tea, chewed leaves+flowers] [web01]
-- reduces bad breath (chewed leaves) [web03]
-- reduces constipation (nasturtium powder) [web01]

-- reduces in women: vaginal discharge+itching + vaginal fungus + vaginitis [web01]
-- reduces in women: vaginitis (mixture of mother tincture and organic yogurt) web01]
-- reduced in women: vaginal fungus (mother tincture) [web01]

Combinations: Indian cress (nasturtium)+horseradish.
-- reduces inflammation (e.g. sinusitis, cystitis), bronchitis [web02]
-- reduces respiratory diseases: cough, bronchitis (Peru+Bolivia) [web02]
-- reduces pain, is a pain killer (analgesic) (Peru+Bolivia) [web02]
-- reduces poisoning (Peru+Bolivia) [web02]

[web01] Nasturtium (orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse): https://www.heilungsberichte.de/kapuzinerkresse-das-pflanzliche-antibiotikum/
[web02] Article: Medicinal plants: nasturtium can even replace antibiotics (orig. German:
Heilpflanzen: Kapuzinerkresse kann sogar Antibiotika ersetzen):
[web03] Video: Nasturtium has antibiotic effect - medicinal plant 2013 (orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse hat antibiotische Wirkung - Heilpflanze 2013) (3'42''):

-- regarding Indian cress (nasturtium), laboratory science has scientifically confirmed ALL healing methods [web01]

-- because of the mustard oils, nasturtium is unsuitable for infants + young children, so it's only suitable from about 5 years [web01]
-- do not take it if you have stomach problems (2'41'') [web03]
-- those with stomach or intestinal ulcers should not take Indian cress (nasturtium) [web01]

Alcohol with nasturtium
-- you must know, people eating Indian cress (nasturtium) tolerates less alcohol and be drunken comes earlier than normal[web01]
-- Nasturtium seeds taken causes faster drunkenness when consuming alcohol [web01]

[web01] Nasturtium (orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse): https://www.heilungsberichte.de/kapuzinerkresse-das-pflanzliche-antibiotikum/
[web02] Article: Medicinal plants: nasturtium can even replace antibiotics (orig. German: Heilpflanzen: Kapuzinerkresse kann sogar Antibiotika ersetzen):
[web03] Video: Nasturtium has antibiotic effect - medicinal plant 2013 (orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse hat antibiotische Wirkung - Heilpflanze 2013) (3'42''):


-- Indian cress (nasturtium) is an "antibiotic universal genius"
-- Indian cress (lat. also Tropaelum) has other popular names [web01]
-- a similar effect have: basil, wild garlic, garden rocket [web01]
-- Nasturtium contains mustard oil as does radishes have (45'') [web04].

Origin from the Andes of Peru+Bolivia
-- the Great Nasturtium (lat. Tropaelum majus) originates from South "America" like Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia [web01]
-- Indian cress originates from the Andes of Peru+Bolivia, used there for desintoxication, against cough and bronchitis etc., and it's a painkiller [web02]

Ingredients of the Greater Nasturtium
-- leaves and seeds contain mustard oil glycosides (benzyl mustard oil) [web01] or:
-- the green leaves are edible, in the leaves is the mustard oil with antibiotic activity (1'19'') [web03] or:
-- chewing the leaves, glucosinolates (flavoring substance) are converted to mustard oils by human enzymes, and these mustard oils have antibiotic activity [web02]
-- the leaves (and flowers [web02]) contain vitamins (especially vitamin C), oxalic acid, flavonoids [web01]
-- the seeds contain curcubitacins, xyloglucones [web01]
-- the flowers contain among others carotenoids [web01]
-- further there are also vitamin B, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, ascorbic acid [web01]

The mode of action
-- it disinfects, has antibiotic and antibacterial effect (2'58'') [web03]
-- nasturtium neutralizes bacteria, viruses, fungi
-- promotes blood circulation [web02]
-- Indian cress (nasturtium)+horseradish taken together heals inflammation (e.g. sinuses, cystitis), bronchitis [web02]
-- against acute colds and urinary tract infections, you probably need to use highly concentrated Indian cress (nasturtium) [web02]
-- Indications for internal use: Cough, bronchitis, skin fungus -- Indications with external use: styes, sores -- ingestion of Indian cress seeds causes faster getting drunk when drinking alcohol -- antibacterial effect comes from benzyl mustard oil -- benzyl mustard oil inhibits the growth of bacteria (gram positive and gram negative) + the toxins of these bacteria are neutralized + the also blocked are the effects of yeast fungi + fungi shoots of "Candida albicans" + the germs staphylococci and streptococci are reduced + the defense is increased, is antiviral, reduces cancer -- the powder of the Indian cress seeds has a laxative effect [web01]
-- Indian cress also helps against bad breath, because it is just disinfecting, has antibiotic and antibacterial effect, so also against bad breath, this is logic (2'58'') [web03]

-- [the natural cure goes with teas or pressed juice from leaves and flowers]
-- mostly a cure with it takes several weeks
-- indications in women: vaginal discharge+itching + vaginal mycosis + vaginitis.
-- vaginal mycosis is also treated with nasturtium mother tincture
-- vaginitis is treated with a mixture of mother tincture and organic yogurt
-- benzyl mustard oil is also effective against pus pathogens, against pathogens of urinary tract infections, against pathogens of skin fungi
-- laboratory science has scientifically confirmed ALL healing methods of nasturtium.
-- freshly chewed, there is highest healing effect. Translation: "By chewing the leaves, the antibiotic active ingredients are split by an enzyme forming benzyl mustard oil and thus is made available for the organism."
-- drying the leaves and flowers has no use because many vitamins and trace elements etc. are lost then [web01].

The use of nasturtium

Chewing Indian cress leaves (nasturtium)
-- the leaves can be plucked and chewed, then the pungency of the mustard oil unfolds, is very healthy, disinfects the mouth, throat and stomach against harmful germs (2'35'') [web03]

Healings of respiratory tract infections
-- make a tea with Indian cress leaves + flowers and inhale it, or only make a tea with just the Indian cress leaves and drink it, this has an expectorant effect, the respiratory tract is cleared, dried leaves+flowers are also possible [web01]
-- against colds take 1 to 3 cups of Indian cress tea, daily 20 to 30g of leaves+flowers is no problem for the body, take it at a maximum of 1 week [web01]

Antibiotic pressed juice from nasturtium leaves with some water - or the essence from the leaves with a little water
-- has antibacterial+disinfectant effect [web01]
-- works against bronchitis, cough and kidney inflammations -- regenerates stomach and intestinal mucous membranes -- has an expectorant effect -- gives new energy to elderly people [web01]
-- for wound treatment [web01]
-- massage into the scalp against hair loss [web01]
-- the leaves can be plucked off and chewed, then the spiciness of the mustard oil develops, is very healthy, disinfects mouth, throat and stomach against harmful germs (2'35'') [web03]

Antibiotic Indian cress tea (nasturtium tea)
-- against bruises -- against muscle tension [web01]
-- make a tea of the leaves -- let it cool down lukewarm -- dip the bandage in the tea and bind the part of the body [web01]

Nasturtium tablets
-- when taken tablets of Indian cress against an acute illness, mostly only high-doses of ingredients of nasturtium are working [web01]

Antibiotic Capuchin Cress Powder
-- preventive -- against fungal infections -- against candida infections -- against bladder inflammation (cystitis) [web01]
-- 1 teaspoon twice daily pure or mixed in water [web01]

[Other preventions are
1) sodium bicarbonate+apple cider vinegar in water 2x a year for 14 days and
2) the blood group diet]

Indian cress (nasturtium) in the kitchen

-- Nasturtium has a more intense and pungent flavor than garden cress [web01]
-- make Nasturtium tea [web01]
-- Leaves and flowers can be cut into salads, too [web02]
-- Flowers and leaves can be cut into salads, flowers can be used to make pesto (4'50'') [web05]
-- Leaves and flowers of nasturtium are cut into small pieces and added to the salad, and one can put a complete flower on the top of the dish as a decoration (55'') [web04]
-- Nasturtium as a spice chopped small goes in soups, in salads, as herb quark, herb butter, herb oil, in egg dishes, in yogurt drinks, also goes on buttered bread, replaces parsley [web01]
-- Nasturtium buds can be sprinkled with salt and left for 1 day, then they can be put in a glass with vinegar, and this is a good caper replacement [web01]

Make fake capers (from [web05]).
The buds are like capers (4'58''): -- put the seeds in 1 jar, put lots of salt over them, shut the jar and shake it, leave it in the fridge during 1 night, the following day rinse off the liquid of the jar which was pulled out of the buds, then store the buds in a vinegar 5% acid, add some peppercorns and a chili which is not cut, so it must not get too spicy so the caper flavor is not lost, then cook the vinegar (8'0'') [web05]

-- have Indian cress as a medicinal plant: Against infections, fungi, germs (8'15'') -- at the first sign of a cold, chew a flower or leaf, or eat the fake capers (8'27'') -- and now pour the vinegar decoction into the jar with the fake capers, and then infuse in the refrigerator for at least 4 weeks (9'6'') [web05]


-- because of the mustard oils, Indian cress (nasturtium) is unsuitable for infants + small children, so only suitable from about 5 years [web01]
-- do not take if you have stomach problems (2'41'') [web03]
-- anyone who has stomach or intestinal ulcers should not take nasturtium [web01]
-- you must know, the body tolerates less alcohol when Indian cress (nasturtium) is consumed before [web01].

The articles

Dec 4, 2021: Indian cress (Nasturtium): Name - nutritional value - natural medicine [web01]
Indian cress (Nasturtium) – herbal antibiotic effect & applications [web01]
(orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse – pflanzliches Antibiotikum Wirkung & Anwendung) [web01]
https://www.heilungsberichte.de/kapuzinerkresse-das-pflanzliche-antibiotikum/ [web01]
without date, in the Internet archives registeres first on Dec 4, 2021:

Promoting the defense, antiviral effect, contains flavonoids, is low in calories, has an expectorant effect, contains Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E.

Indian cress (nasturtium) is more than just an ornamental plant. In summer and in autumn, its bright red or yellow flowers catch the eye, they are a real feast for the eyes.

Indian cress (nasturtium) has been used as a medicinal plant since time immemorial, and this plant was named medicinal plant of the year in 2013.

Why nasturtium is an antibiotic universal genius from the plant world and much more, you will learn in this article.

Table of contents

    1 Names and origin of the Indian cress (nasturtium)
    2 The active ingredients of nasturtium
    3 Nutritional values of nasturtium
    4 Nasturtium in popular medicine
        4.1 Magical significance
    5 Nasturtium in naturopathy
        5.1 Nasturtium in gynecology
    6 Nasturtium in science
    7 Healing applications with nasturtium
    8 Nasturtium in the kitchen
    9 Dosage of nasturtium
    10 Contraindications (warnings)
    11 Grow nasturtium yourself
    12 Alternatives for nasturtium
    13 Recipes for remedies
        13.1 Organic yogurt with mother tincture of Indian cress
        13.2 Nasturtium essence
        13.3 Antibiotic nasturtium powder
    14 Conclusion
    15 Scientific studies on nasturtium
    16 Sources

Names and origin of the Indian cress (nasturtium)

Who gave the name "Indian cress" to this plant? It was a [Jesus fantasy] monastic order of the [Jesus fantasy] Capuchins. And there are many more folk names like monk cap and so on or Spanish Indian cress (Spanish nasturtium). The botanical name is Tropaelum. Which means "small tree hung with arms".

Indian cress (Tropaelum majus = Great Nasturtium) has its origin in the South American region. This includes Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia.

The active ingredients of the nasturtium

An important component of the cress are the mustard oil glycosides (benzyl mustard oil) contained in the leaves and seeds. The leaves contain many vitamins (primarily vitamin C), oxalic acid and flavonoids. The seeds contain: Curcubitacins and xyloglucones. The flowers possess, among others, carotenoids. Other important active ingredients are:

-- Vitamin B
-- Iron
-- Phosphorus
-- Sulfur
-- Potassium
-- Magnesium
-- Ascorbic acid

Nutritional values of Indian cress (nasturtium)

The nutritional value of nasturtium is approximately comparable to that of garden cress. There are several species of nasturtium, 100 grams of cress contain about 33 kilocalories. Thus, the cress is very low in calories. The main component of cress is water, depending on the species, 100 grams of cress contain about

-- 2 grams of carbohydrates
-- 4 grams of proteins
-- 0.5 grams of fat

The other components are water and are various plant substances, vitamins and minerals.

Nasturtium in folk medicine

In the native countries of the nasturtium, it has been used for many centuries in folk medicine as a medicinal plant.
Fields of application are: (internally) for cough, bronchitis and infestation of skin fungi.

In external use it is used to treat e.g. barley corns. In addition, this medicinal plant is also used as a wound herb (protection against infection). More about this later in the article.

Magical significance

In Peru, Indian cress (nasturtium) was used to ward off cattle plagues and in witchcraft.

For this purpose, amulets were made from the flowers, which were then worn around the neck.

Another popular use was the consumption of the seeds. It was believed that these have an aphrodisiac effect and make merry.

The reason for this assumption can be explained by the fact that after eating the seeds, much less alcohol is tolerated.

This is provoking a faster reduction of inhibitions than normally.

Nasturtium in natural medicine

The main medicinal property of the plant is its antibacterial effect.

Responsible for this is the active ingredient benzyl mustard oil. This ingredient inhibits the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In addition, it renders the toxins of these bacteria harmless. The contained benzyl mustard oil, also has a blocking effect against the growth of yeast fungi and shoot fungi of Candida albicans. This active ingredient also contributes to the fight against (the otherwise resistant) germs such as staphylococci and streptococci. Other healing properties are: promoting defense, antiviral, anti-cancer, inhibits the development of bronchial carcinoma - and the powder from the seeds has a laxative effect.

In many cases, consumption of the plant parts is not sufficient for treatment. In these cases, naturopaths and more and more also orthodox physicians are prescribing high-dose tablets containing the natural active ingredients of nasturtium

Nasturtium in gynecology

In gynecology, the active ingredients of nasturtium are used for many illnesses. However, consumption of the plant parts is usually not sufficient here either. Here, high-dose tablets are usually prescribed. In most cases, the treatment lasts several weeks.

The following illnesses are treated:

-- discharge and itching (in the days before menstruation)
-- vaginal fungus
-- vaginitis

Vaginal mycosis is sometimes treated locally with a mother tincture.

Vagina inflammation (vaginitis) can be treated with a mixture of the mother tincture and organic yogurt according to a recipe by Margret Madejsky (see below for the recipe).

[Diseases of the vagina also cure with coconut oil].

Indian cress (nasturtium) in science

Science has been able to confirm the effects of many popular medicinal applications and support them with research results. The most important finding is the remarkable antibiotic effect of nasturtium. It was found that the benzyl mustard oil it contains (in a minimum concentration) has an antibiotic effect against pus pathogens and against certain pathogens that can cause urinary tract infections. Similar results were obtained for efficacy against skin fungi. The antiviral and defense-increasing effect of nasturtium was also confirmed.

Healing applications with Indian cress (nasturtium)

Nasturtium has the highest healing effect when used fresh.

When chewed, the antibiotic active ingredients are broken down by an enzyme into benzyl mustard oil and thus made available to the organism.

When dried, many valuable ingredients such as vitamins and trace elements are lost.

Against upper respiratory tract infections

For upper respiratory tract infections, you can scald the leaves of the plant with boiling water and use for inhalation, which has an expectorant effect.

As an expectorant

You can also prepare a tea from fresh leaves and flowers, which has an expectorant effect and clears the airways. As an alternative to fresh leaves and flowers, you can use dried leaves for tea, but you should access them only when fresh leaves are not available.

For fungal infections

If you are prone to candida infections or bladder infections, antibiotic Indian cress powder (recipe below) can be taken as a prevention. Twice daily 1 teaspoon pure or mixed in water.

For bronchitis, cough and kidney inflammation

The freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of nasturtium, has an antibacterial and disinfecting effect. The juice mixed with a little water, helps with bronchitis, cough and kidney inflammation, regenerates stomach and intestinal mucous membranes, also dissolves mucus and has a strengthening effect on the elderly.

Wound treatment

Healing wounds, the juice of the leaves can also be used.

Against hair loss

As a natural remedy for hair loss, the juice of the leaves is also said to be helpful. For this purpose, massage the juice diluted in water into the scalp.

For all the mentioned applications, an essence of the leaves can also be used.

(Recipe for this below)

For bruises and muscle tension

Indian cress (nasturtium) can also be used externally, just make a tea of the leaves, let it cool down to a hand warm temperature using this infusion for bandages (poultices)

Indian cress (nasturtium) in the kitchen

Indian cress salad (nasturtium salad)

Nasturtium can be used internally for tea, but also for the preparation of dishes. Externally, infusions of leaves and flowers can be used for inhalations and for poultices.

You can use the cress in many ways for seasoning and for preparing soups or salads. The leaves and flowers can be used chopped small as an alternative to parsley, as well as they are very suitable for the preparation of herbal quark, herb butter, herb oil, savory egg dishes or yogurt dips.

Indian cress (nasturtium) can also be used as a substitute for capers. To do this, put the buds in a glass, sprinkle the buds of cress with salt, close this and leave it for 1 day. Put them in a jar and pour vinegar over them.

You can also chop the leaves and flowers and sprinkle them on buttered sandwiches, similar to garden cress. In principle, you can replace garden cress with nasturtium, but you should use it a little more sparingly than garden cress because of its more intense and pungent flavor.

Dosage of nasturtium

When you have a cold, you should drink one to three cups of tea made from the cress every day for up to a week. Daily 20 to 30 grams of leaves and flowers are not provoking side effects.


Indian cress (nasturtium) is not suitable for infants and young children due to its high content of mustard oils. You should also avoid it if you suffer from stomach or intestinal ulcers. The cress can reduce alcohol tolerance [so people is drunk earlier than normal].

Grow Indian cress (nasturtium) yourself

Nasturtium seeds

If you have a garden, you can grow the plant yourself. Since the plant is completely unpretentious and tolerates shade, it can be grown also on the terrace or balcony. Since the plant grows strongly in length and the shoots can grow up to three meters, it needs a climbing support.

For cultivation, a sunny or semi-shaded location is optimal, the soil should be nutrient-rich and slightly moist. When the soil is dry or too sandy you can improve it with compost, also planting soil from the garden market is suitable. Cress is grown from seed, sowing should be done directly into the open ground at the end of May. Since cress is a dark germinator, you should press the seeds about 2 centimeters deep into the soil. The soil should always be slightly moistened, but never too moist. If the large leaves have formed, you can already harvest the leaves.

Alternatives to nasturtium

As alternatives to nasturtium, various garden herbs are suitable, for example basil or wild garlic. Arugula is also an alternative due to its mustard oil content. Leaf lettuce can be used similarly to cress, but the flavor is less intense.

Recipes for remedies

Mother tincture in organic yogurt

[against vagina illnesses]:

-- 2 tsp. organic natural yogurt
-- 8-10 drops of mother tincture Tropaeolum (nasturtium, Indian cress)
-- 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil
-- Mix all ingredients together and gently insert into vagina using a clean 5 ml disposable syringe. Put absorbent cotton in front of it.

Useful before bedtime.

[Vagina diseases also cure with coconut oil].

Capuchin cress essence

-- [Put 1 handful of leaves in a glass], pour 250 ml of high-proof grain brandy over 1 handful of leaves, [close the glass] and place it in the sun for 10 days.
-- Then filter and bottle.

Antibiotic Indian cress powder

-- Harvest several handfuls of nasturtium leaves, making sure they are not wilted.
-- Weigh the leaves on a scale
-- Cut the leaves very finely
-- Place the chopped leaves in a grating bowl and grind with an equal amount of milk sugar to make a uniform paste.
-- Spread the pulp 2mm thin on wrapping paper and let it dry for 3 days in an airy place.
-- Grind the dried paste into a powder with a mortar.
-- Fill the powder into an amber jar.

Now it will keep for several months. However, it loses its healing power with time.


Nasturtium contains mustard oils, vitamin C and minerals. It is even used in medicine as an alternative to antibiotics. A great advantage of the herbal antibiotic effect is that, unlike chemically produced antibiotics, resistance does not occur. The ingredients strengthen the immune system and have a healing effect on inflammations.

With this number of (scientifically confirmed effects), it is not surprising that Indian cress (nasturtium) was chosen as the medicinal plant of the year 2013. In the kitchen, there are many possible applications for the leaves and flowers of the plant. For the treatment of colds, the plant is suitable for the preparation of tea and for inhalations. Infusions from the leaves can be used for poultices.

Scientific studies on Indian cress (nasturtium)

A study by Heidelberg researchers examined the effect of nasturtium and the mustard oils it contains. According to the study, fungi, bacteria and viruses are killed, but the special effect of the mustard oils was shown in a combination of nasturtium and horseradish. The mustard oils had a healing effect on urinary tract infections. The curative effect was also shown in respiratory diseases such as sinusitis and bronchitis.
(Report (German): https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/Phytomedizin-Traditionelles-Wissen-modern-genutzt.109013.0.html


The herbs in my garden (orig. German: Die Kräuter in meinen Garten - from Siegrid Hirsch & Felix Grünberger)

Herbs Encyclopedia (orig. German: Kräuter Enzyklopädie - from Nico Vermeulen)

Encyclopedia of Women's Herbs (orig. German: Lexikon der Frauenkräuter - by Margret Madejsky)

Welt online, Logo

Oct 16, 2012: "Medicinal plants: Indian cress (nasturtium) can even replace antibiotics" [web02]
(orig. German: Heilpflanzen: Kapuzinerkresse kann sogar Antibiotika ersetzen) [web02]

-- comes from the Andes of Peru+Bolivia, is used there against poisoning, cough and bronchitis etc., is also a painkiller.
-- leaves and flowers can be cut into salad
-- contains a lot of vitamin C
-- by chewing, glucosinolates (flavoring substance) are converted into mustard oils by human enzymes, and these mustard oils then have an antibiotic effect
-- neutralizes bacteria, viruses, fungi
-- promotes blood circulation
-- nasturtium+horseradish taken together heal inflammations (e.g. sinuses, cystitis), bronchitis
-- for acute colds and urinary tract infections, you probably need to use highly concentrated Indian cress (nasturtium).

The article:

<In 2013, a pharmaceutical plant was declared as medical plant of the Year: Indian cress (nasturtium). However, it is highly underrated as a remedy. Depending on the illness, it can be as effective as antibiotics.

It contains a lot of vitamin C, can inhibit the development of bacteria, viruses and fungi, and promotes blood circulation: Because of these positive properties, the great nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) has now been chosen by scientists at the University of Würzburg as the medicinal plant of 2013.

Even more important is the medical effect from the glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are found above all in cruciferous plants, they are responsible for the pungent taste and are converted by human enzymes into mustard oils, which in turn can inhibit the multiplication of many pathogens.

The study group of development history of natural medicine (orig. German: Studienkreis Entwicklungsgeschichte der Arzneipflanzenkunde) declared that the climbing and creeping plant with the bright yellow-orange flowers could possibly partially replace the intake of antibiotic pills and thus avoid resistance to the drug.

Just as effective as antibiotics, depending on the illness

Taken together with horseradish root, the plant's herb could possibly even combat sinusitis, bronchitis and cystitis as effectively as antibiotics.

Indian cress (nasturtium) is still an underrated medicine, says Mr. Johannes Gottfried Mayer of the Würzburg Study Group [in the town of Würzburg, Germany]. "It's a plant that almost everyone knows and that grows in many gardens. So people quickly think it's something banal. But that's not the case here," the scientist says.

Climbing over walls or creeping on the ground, the plant with its bright yellow-orange to red petals is found in many gardens. The German name refers to the shape of the flowers, which resembles the hoods of [Jesus fantasy] monks [or other frocks]

For poisoning, cough and bronchitis

Their original homeland are the Andes of Peru and Bolivia. In the popular medicine of the natives of South America, the plant is still used today, for example, against intoxication, or against cough and bronchitis.

Even the Incas are said to have used it as a painkiller and miracle cure. "You can eat both the flowers and the leaves in the salad," Mayer said.

However, the plant is more likely to help prevent colds and urinary tract infections. "For the acute case, the dosage is probably not sufficient."

[The last phrase was said probably only for not beeing attacked by criminal pharma].

2017: Chewing Indian cress (nasturtium) leaves with mustard oil with antibiotic and antibacterial effects [web03]
Video: Nasturtium has antibiotic effect - medicinal plant 2013 (3'42'') [web03]
(orig. German: Video: Kapuzinerkresse hat antibiotische Wirkung - Heilpflanze 2013 (3'42'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsBtuZAGnQo [web03]

Indian cress
                            (nasturtium) on balcony, only the leaves   Indian cress (nasturtium) with
Indian cress (nasturtium) on balcony, only the leaves [1] - Indian cress (nasturtium) with flowers [6]
Video: Indian cress (Nasturtium) has antibiotic effect - medicinal plant 2013 (3'42'')
(orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse hat antibiotische Wirkung - Heilpflanze 2013)
Video: Indian cress (Nasturtium) has antibiotic effect - medicinal plant 2013 (3'42'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsBtuZAGnQo - YouTube channel: Balkongarten - uploaded on August 7, 2017

-- if you sow late only in June, then no more flowers come (48'') [web03]
-- the green leaves are edible, in the leaves is the mustard oil with antibiotic effect (1'19'') [web03]
-- Indian cress (nasturtium) grows best in moist soil in partial shade, likes to grow along brooks, etc. (1'55'') [web03]
-- leaves can be plucked off and chewed, then the pungency of the mustard oil unfolds, is very healthy, disinfects mouth, throat and stomach against harmful germs (2'35'') [web03]
-- Contraindications: do not take it in case of stomach problems (2'41'') [web03]
-- also helps against bad breath, because it just disinfects, is acting as an antibiotic and antibacterial, so also against bad breath, this is logic (2'58'') [web03]
-- growing of Indian cress (nasturtium) in the garden or on the balcony is not difficult (3'15'') [web03]

Video commentary

In the garden, Indian cress (nasturtium) is a pest catcher
5 years ago
I really love nasturtiums too. I didn't know about the antibiotic effect until now - learned something again. I also like the flowers in salads. It also attracts pests in the vegetable bed and keeps them away from the other plants. [web03]

Grow Indian cress (nasturtium) yourself: Sow seeds 2cm deep from the end of May [after the last frost days at 15-20ºC].

-- in autumn you can harvest the seeds yourself and sow them the next year (1'29'') [web05]
-- on the windowsill you can let the seeds germinate on the windowsill, then set it out and then it will just flower from June (1'34'') [web05]
-- the pre-cultivated nasturtium flowers will flower much earlier than the one that are sown on the soil (1'43'') [web05]

Sun, partial shade, shade
-- it's not difficult to grow Indian cress (nasturtium) in the garden or on the balcony (3'15'') [web03]
-- this works in the garden, on the terrace or on the balcony, in the sun, partial shade or in the shade, the plant climbs up columns, walls and grates upwards with shoots up to 3m long [web01]
-- in the sun, Indian cress (nasturtium) makes more buds and flowers -- in the shade, it makes more leaves and longer tendrils [probably to reach the sun somewhere] (1'22'') [web05]
-- the Indian cress (nasturtium) even grows on the north balcony, where it then overgrows everything in August and September (2'6'') [web05]
-- the climbing nasturtium grows much better than the compact one and this plant decorates any balcony parapet or is also a window protection privacy shield (2'51'') [web05]
-- the leaves are water repellent with the "lotus effect", like reed or columbine (3'16'') [web05]

The environment
-- the flowers of Indian cress (nasturtium) are very popular for insects, e.g. bumblebees (3'36'') [web05]
-- Earwigs crawl into the flowers, and slugs eat the leaves (4'34'') [web05]
-- Aphids like nasturtiums, and gardeners put them where other plants are at risk from aphids, so the aphids only attack nasturtiums (3'50'') [web05]
-- then the ladybugs will come to eat the aphids putting an end to them (4'2'') [web05]

The earth
-- Indian cress (nasturtium) grows best in moist soil in partial shade, it likes to grow along brooks , etc. (1'55'') [web03]
-- if you sow late only in June, flowers will not come any more (48'') [web03]
-- soil must be nutrient rich+always slightly moist, plant soil from hobby center, dry and sandy soils need compost [web01]
-- the seeds are put 2cm into the soil at the end of May [after the last frost days] [web01]
-- already the first big leaves can be harvested [web01].
-- in addition, the nasturtium in the vegetable bed attracts the pests and keeps them away from the other plants [web03].

Video: Sowing Indian cress (nasturtium) [web04]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spg1ixPsR0c [web04]

Video: Growing nasturtium: sowing and growing (2'30'')
(orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse anbauen: aussähen und wachsen lassen)
Nasturtium seeds   bamboo stick with marking 2cm  
Nasturtium seeds [2] - bamboo stick with marking 2cm [3]
Bamboo stick pushes seeds into the soil   The balcony box with nasturtium
                        needs water
Bamboo stick pushes seeds into the soil [4] - The balcony box with nasturtium needs water [5]

Video: Growing nasturtium: sowing and growing (2'30'')
(orig. Title: Indian cress Balcony Garden (2'30'') [web04]

(orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse Balkon Garten) [web04]
Video: Indian cress (nasturtium) balcony garden (2'30'')
(orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse Balkon Garten)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spg1ixPsR0c - YouTube channel: Balkongarten - uploaded on May 27, 2017

-- Indian cress (nasturtium) is sown at the end of May [after the last days of frost] (35'') [web04]
-- Nasturtium contains mustard oil just like radishes (45'') [web04]
-- leaves and flowers of nasturtium are added to salad in small pieces and you can put a whole flower on top of the dish for decoration (55'') [web04]
-- garden soil is spread in a balcony tub, combined with some worm humus [with worm eggs in it] (1'11'') [web04]
-- the optimal germination temperature is 15 to 20 degrees, and the seeds must be put 2cm deep in the soil, it's a dark seedling (1'30'') [web04]
-- you can mark a thin bamboo stick with 2cm and poke the seeds with it to the mark in the depth, and then water well (1'51'') [web04]
-- Trick 1: You can put the seeds in water for 1 hour to let them pre-sprout, then the seeds will germinate faster (2'5'') [web04]
-- Trick 2: You can use chamomile tea for pre-sprouting, then the nasturtium should become even more resistant (2'12'') [web04]
-- webpage www.balkongarten-blog.de
-- and now you can only wait until it sprouts (2'22'') [web04]

Another video: Indian cress (Nasturtium): locations - lice and ladybugs - making fake capers [web05]
My miracle plant for balcony, garden, kitchen and the immune system | the allotment garden of Mr. Horst [web05]
(orig. German: Meine Wunderpflanze für Balkon, Garten, Küche und das Immunsystem | Horst sein Schrebergarten) [web05]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA9tioKdt1M  [web05]

Video: My miracle plant for balcony, garden, kitchen and the immune system | the allotment garden of Mr. Horst (9'29'')
(orig. German: Meine Wunderpflanze für Balkon, Garten, Küche und das Immunsystem | Horst sein Schrebergarten)
Video: My miracle plant for balcony, garden, kitchen and the immune system | the allotment garden of Mr. Horst (9'29'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA9tioKdt1M - YouTube channel: rbb - uploaded on Aug 8, 2021

Video minutes:

Horst with Indian cress (nasturtium)   Indian cress (nasturtium), flower with bee   Nasturtium leaf is water-repellent with
                    lotus effect
Horst with Indian cress (nasturtium) [7] - Indian cress (nasturtium), flower with bee [8] - Nasturtium leaf is water-repellent with lotus effect [9]

-- in the sun it makes more buds and flowers -- in the shade it makes more leaves and longer tendrils (1'22'') -- in the fall you can harvest the seeds yourself and sow them the next year (1'29'') -- on the windowsill you can let the seeds germinate on the windowsill, then set them out and then they bloom so from June (1'34'') -- the pre-cultivated nasturtium blooms much earlier than the one growing directly in the soil (1'43'') -- the nasturtium grows even on the north balcony, where it then overgrows everything in August and September (2'6'') -- the climbing nasturtium grows much better than the compact one and this tendril decorates every balcony parapet or is also a privacy screen (2'51'') -- the leaves are water-repellent with the "lotus effect", like reed or columbine (3'16'') -- the flowers of the nasturtium are very popular for the insects, e.g., with bumblebees (3'36'') [web05]

-- Aphids like Indian cress (nasturtiums), and gardeners put them where other plants are at risk from aphids, so aphids only attack nasturtiums (3'50'') -- Ladybugs then finish off the aphids and that's the end of the aphids (4'2'') -- Earwigs crawl into the flowers, and slugs eat the leaves (4'34'') -- Flowers and leaves can be cut into salads, and you can make pesto from the flowers (4'50'') [web05]

Make fake capers
The buds are like capers (4'58''): -- you put the seeds in 1 jar, sprinkle a lot of salt over it, close the jar+shake it, leave it in the fridge for 1 night, rinse the liquid which is pulled out by the salt, then store them in a vinegar 5% acid, with peppercorns and a chili not cut, so it must not get too spicy so that the caper taste is not lost, then simmer the vinegar (8'0'') - medicinal plant: Against infections, fungi, germs (8'15'') -- at the first sign of a cold, you can chew a flower or a leaf, or eat the fake capers (8'27'') -- and now pour the vinegar decoction into the jar with the fake capers and then infuse in the refrigerator for at least 4 weeks (9'6'') [web05]

Nasturtium seeds   Nasturtium seeds after 1
                    night in salt with the liquid drawn out   Vinegar decoction with peppercorns
Nasturtium seeds [10] - Nasturtium seeds after 1 night in salt with the liquid drawn out [11] - Vinegar decoction with peppercorns [12]

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[web01] Indian cress (Nasturtium) (orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse): https://www.heilungsberichte.de/kapuzinerkresse-das-pflanzliche-antibiotikum/
[web02] Article: Medicinal plants: nasturtium can even replace antibiotics (orig. German: Heilpflanzen: Kapuzinerkresse kann sogar Antibiotika ersetzen):
[web03] Video: Nasturtium has antibiotic effect - medicinal plant 2013 (orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse hat antibiotische Wirkung - Heilpflanze 2013) (3'42''): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsBtuZAGnQo
[web04] Video: Nasturtium balcony garden (orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse Balkon Garten) (2'30''): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spg1ixPsR0c
[web05] Video: My miracle plant for balcony, garden, kitchen and the immune system | Horst his allotment (orig. German: Meine Wunderpflanze für Balkon, Garten, Küche und das Immunsystem | Horst sein Schrebergarten): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA9tioKdt1M
[web06] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropaeolum

Photo sources
[1] Nasturtium on balcony, only the leaves: video: Nasturtium has antibiotic effect - medicinal plant 2013 (orig. German: apuzinerkresse hat antibiotische Wirkung - Heilpflanze 2013) (3'42''): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsBtuZAGnQo

[2,3,4,5] Video: Grow nasturtium: sow and grow (orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse anbauen: aussähen und wachsen lassen) (2'30''):
[2] Nasturtium seeds - [3] Bamboo stick with marker 2cm - [4] Bamboo stick pokes seeds into the soil - [5] Water balcony box with nasturtium well

[6] Indian cress (nasturtium) with flowers: video: Nasturtium has antibiotic effect - medicinal plant 2013 (orig. German: Kapuzinerkresse hat antibiotische Wirkung - Heilpflanze 2013) (3'42''): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsBtuZAGnQo

[7,8,9,10,11,12] Video: My miracle plant for balcony, garden, kitchen and the immune system | Horst his allotment (orig. German: Meine Wunderpflanze für Balkon, Garten, Küche und das Immunsystem | Horst sein Schrebergarten) (9'29''): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA9tioKdt1M
[7] Horst with nasturtium - [8] Nasturtium flower with bee - [9] Nasturtium leaf water repellent with lotus effect
[10] Nasturtium seeds - [11] Nasturtium seeds after 1 night in salt with the liquid extracted - [12] Vinegar broth with peppercorns

[13] Nasturtium yellow: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/kapuzinerkresse-bl%C3%BCte-felsen-orange-1643964/
[14] Nasturtium red: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/zaun-garten-blume-kapuzinerkresse-2743320/

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